Brennan And Clapper Now in Durham's Sights

"The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now is, is that the FISA court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings. And their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors, four of them, to steal personal information, electronic information about Americans, and to use it against the Republican Party.

There are going to be indictments. There’s going to be grand juries. John Brennan isn’t going to need one lawyer. He’s going to need five. . .

. . . The Obama administration, for more than four years before the 2016 election, allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens, illegally. The FISA court has already found that."
Jesus man, doesn’t this crap get old? First Hillary was getting locked up, then Comey, then McCabe, then Pete and Lisa, then Hunter and Joe... it’s gotta be exhausting spewing all this hot air. No?
Not as exhausting as spinning, denying, and lying repeatedly for 4 years to cover for proven criminal Democrats.

To attempt to deny Hillary's repeatedly proven crimes and the Obama administration's refusal to investigate / hold her accountable, you have to be a legitimate retard or Russian Troll at this point.

To attempt to deny the fact that the US IG recommended Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for indictment demonstrates you have no self-respect and don't care that people are laughing at your zero-credibility ass.

To claim Brennan did NOT get caught illegally spying on the US Senate (along with Americans, reporters, the media, USSC Justices, and even Trump) and committing perjury is to moronically believe that the Internet doesn't exist, that media and government reports can not be pulled up within seconds.....

The indoctrinate belief that repeating blatant lies and bullshit enough times will eventually get everyone to believe it has to be exhausting, humiliating, and a complete waste of your - and more importantly, OUR - time.
I’m going to stop at the lie in your second paragraph. Trumps state department just investigated the email thing, Chuck Grassley released the report. I don’t see Hillary behind bars. Your theory is now debunked. Give it up spinmaster I’m not buying what you’re selling.
It's like a Twilight Zone version of the boy who cried Wolf over and fucking over, and the Town's People are "Zombie Trumpsters" who come running every time.......

"CIA employees improperly searched computers used by Senate investigators involved in a multi-year probe of the agency’s use of harsh interrogation measures on terrorism suspects, according to the findings of an internal agency inquiry that prompted CIA Director John Brennan to apologize to lawmakers this week."

Yes, it is truly amazing how far snowflakes are willing to destroy their own credibility to protect criminal traitorous Democrats....

They were looking into what you just called traitorous democrats, were viewing. So you should be happy they were protecting the Bush Administrations Torture, um, I mean Harsh Interrogation Program. Why don't they release the classified interviews with old John? Too many skeletons?
Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....

That's what you keep telling us about impeaching trump....

amazing how alike you are to those folks

Indeed, you and all progressive, statists, are very much alike. Thanks for pointing that out.

You are the one that is a charter member of the "any day now" crowd, not me.

All I do is sit back and laughing at both groups hating on each other while identical to each other.
Jesus man, doesn’t this crap get old? First Hillary was getting locked up, then Comey, then McCabe, then Pete and Lisa, then Hunter and Joe... it’s gotta be exhausting spewing all this hot air. No?
Not as exhausting as spinning, denying, and lying repeatedly for 4 years to cover for proven criminal Democrats.

To attempt to deny Hillary's repeatedly proven crimes and the Obama administration's refusal to investigate / hold her accountable, you have to be a legitimate retard or Russian Troll at this point.

To attempt to deny the fact that the US IG recommended Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for indictment demonstrates you have no self-respect and don't care that people are laughing at your zero-credibility ass.

To claim Brennan did NOT get caught illegally spying on the US Senate (along with Americans, reporters, the media, USSC Justices, and even Trump) and committing perjury is to moronically believe that the Internet doesn't exist, that media and government reports can not be pulled up within seconds.....

The indoctrinate belief that repeating blatant lies and bullshit enough times will eventually get everyone to believe it has to be exhausting, humiliating, and a complete waste of your - and more importantly, OUR - time.
I’m going to stop at the lie in your second paragraph. Trumps state department just investigated the email thing, Chuck Grassley released the report. I don’t see Hillary behind bars. Your theory is now debunked. Give it up spinmaster I’m not buying what you’re selling.
There is no theory to debunk.

You have been provided the actual laws that Hillary violated.

You can read for yourself, but you obviously can't THINK for yourself. You have ceded that ability to your Democratic party masters.

Answer 1 question honestly - which I don't think you can or are willing to do:

What would happen if Donald Trump deleted thousands of subpoenaed official govt documents?





You think Democrats and snowflakes like yourself would come to the same conclusion about him as they / you did Hillary?

If you said 'Yes' you are a world class liar...if you said 'NO' you would finally he telling the truth.
"His probe reportedly will soon focus on the roles of key Obama administration intelligence officials like John Brennan and James Clapper. And it converges with other simultaneous investigations, including Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s probe of alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses"

"The president and his allies are already touting the progress being made by Durham, and are hoping Horowitz’s report will provide new fodder to counter impeachment talk.

“Democrats are afraid that the reports will validate what the president has been saying for years—his enemies in Congress are so desperate to undo the results of the 2016 election that they will manufacture conspiracies and sell them to the American people,”

Expansive Durham probe could give Trump ammo amid impeachment fight

Both Brennan and Clapper have been caught committing felony Perjury before Congress and illegally spying on the American people but were protected from indictment by their fellow co-conspirators...

I bet they're shakin'in their boots.

I mean, after all the other people he has charged with wrongdoing in this case......

Oh, wait....
It is a fact that Hillary was ''read-out' of TS/SCI programs when she left the State Dept.

It is a fact - according to actual law a link was provided for that this means she could not legally possess TS/SCI information after that point.

It is a fact the FBI found TS/SCI data on her personal server.

Why is it that snowflakes are either too stupid or too dishonest to connect the dots / admit this is undeniable evidence that Hillary broke laws?
"His probe reportedly will soon focus on the roles of key Obama administration intelligence officials like John Brennan and James Clapper. And it converges with other simultaneous investigations, including Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s probe of alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses"

"The president and his allies are already touting the progress being made by Durham, and are hoping Horowitz’s report will provide new fodder to counter impeachment talk.

“Democrats are afraid that the reports will validate what the president has been saying for years—his enemies in Congress are so desperate to undo the results of the 2016 election that they will manufacture conspiracies and sell them to the American people,”

Expansive Durham probe could give Trump ammo amid impeachment fight

Both Brennan and Clapper have been caught committing felony Perjury before Congress and illegally spying on the American people but were protected from indictment by their fellow co-conspirators...

I bet they're shakin'in their boots.

I mean, after all the other people he has charged with wrongdoing in this case......

Oh, wait....
4 have been recommended for indictment for crimes directly related to this case....that's 4 more than have been indicted as part of the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0'...with the FISA Report, the US IG report on Comey Perjury, and other investigations to come...
I posted a link to the story reporting the FACT that former FBI Director Brennan was caught Perjuring himself about illegally spying on the US Senate. As part of the deal that prevented him from being indicted, Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit what he did, and apologize....

Is the CIA spying on the US Senate without a warrant legal?

Illegally spying on Congress is a crime, right?

If Brennan did not spy commit a crime, if he did not spy on the Senate, why did he appear before Congress and apologize?
-- How are you snowflakes spinning this again? WHY / WHAT do YOU, again, claim he apogized for?

(How do you keep track if so many lies in defense of criminal Democrats/Obama agency Directors?)

Jesus man, doesn’t this crap get old? First Hillary was getting locked up, then Comey, then McCabe, then Pete and Lisa, then Hunter and Joe... it’s gotta be exhausting spewing all this hot air. No?
Not as exhausting as spinning, denying, and lying repeatedly for 4 years to cover for proven criminal Democrats.

To attempt to deny Hillary's repeatedly proven crimes and the Obama administration's refusal to investigate / hold her accountable, you have to be a legitimate retard or Russian Troll at this point.

To attempt to deny the fact that the US IG recommended Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for indictment demonstrates you have no self-respect and don't care that people are laughing at your zero-credibility ass.

To claim Brennan did NOT get caught illegally spying on the US Senate (along with Americans, reporters, the media, USSC Justices, and even Trump) and committing perjury is to moronically believe that the Internet doesn't exist, that media and government reports can not be pulled up within seconds.....

The indoctrinate belief that repeating blatant lies and bullshit enough times will eventually get everyone to believe it has to be exhausting, humiliating, and a complete waste of your - and more importantly, OUR - time.
I’m going to stop at the lie in your second paragraph. Trumps state department just investigated the email thing, Chuck Grassley released the report. I don’t see Hillary behind bars. Your theory is now debunked. Give it up spinmaster I’m not buying what you’re selling.
There is no theory to debunk.

You have been provided the actual laws that Hillary violated.

You can read for yourself, but you obviously can't THINK for yourself. You have ceded that ability to your Democratic party masters.

Answer 1 question honestly - which I don't think you can or are willing to do:

What would happen if Donald Trump deleted thousands of subpoenaed official govt documents?





You think Democrats and snowflakes like yourself would come to the same conclusion about him as they / you did Hillary?

If you said 'Yes' you are a world class liar...if you said 'NO' you would finally he telling the truth.
Yup, 'laugh' is the only response snowflakes can give to undeniable fact.
"His probe reportedly will soon focus on the roles of key Obama administration intelligence officials like John Brennan and James Clapper. And it converges with other simultaneous investigations, including Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s probe of alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses"

"The president and his allies are already touting the progress being made by Durham, and are hoping Horowitz’s report will provide new fodder to counter impeachment talk.

“Democrats are afraid that the reports will validate what the president has been saying for years—his enemies in Congress are so desperate to undo the results of the 2016 election that they will manufacture conspiracies and sell them to the American people,”

Expansive Durham probe could give Trump ammo amid impeachment fight

Both Brennan and Clapper have been caught committing felony Perjury before Congress and illegally spying on the American people but were protected from indictment by their fellow co-conspirators...

Until I see a spy get arrested I’m not getting my hopes up.. BARR, and Lindsey Graham get off your fucking ass
Jesus man, doesn’t this crap get old? First Hillary was getting locked up, then Comey, then McCabe, then Pete and Lisa, then Hunter and Joe... it’s gotta be exhausting spewing all this hot air. No?
Not as exhausting as spinning, denying, and lying repeatedly for 4 years to cover for proven criminal Democrats.

To attempt to deny Hillary's repeatedly proven crimes and the Obama administration's refusal to investigate / hold her accountable, you have to be a legitimate retard or Russian Troll at this point.

To attempt to deny the fact that the US IG recommended Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for indictment demonstrates you have no self-respect and don't care that people are laughing at your zero-credibility ass.

To claim Brennan did NOT get caught illegally spying on the US Senate (along with Americans, reporters, the media, USSC Justices, and even Trump) and committing perjury is to moronically believe that the Internet doesn't exist, that media and government reports can not be pulled up within seconds.....

The indoctrinate belief that repeating blatant lies and bullshit enough times will eventually get everyone to believe it has to be exhausting, humiliating, and a complete waste of your - and more importantly, OUR - time.
I’m going to stop at the lie in your second paragraph. Trumps state department just investigated the email thing, Chuck Grassley released the report. I don’t see Hillary behind bars. Your theory is now debunked. Give it up spinmaster I’m not buying what you’re selling.
There is no theory to debunk.

You have been provided the actual laws that Hillary violated.

You can read for yourself, but you obviously can't THINK for yourself. You have ceded that ability to your Democratic party masters.

Answer 1 question honestly - which I don't think you can or are willing to do:

What would happen if Donald Trump deleted thousands of subpoenaed official govt documents?





You think Democrats and snowflakes like yourself would come to the same conclusion about him as they / you did Hillary?

If you said 'Yes' you are a world class liar...if you said 'NO' you would finally he telling the truth.
If Hillary so obviously broke laws in a serious way then why isn’t she in jail? Trumps state Department investigated and didn’t do shit. No more needs to be said. You’re done.
If Hillary so obviously broke laws in a serious way then why isn’t she in jail? Trumps state Department investigated and didn’t do shit. No more needs to be said. You’re done.
How long are you and other snowflakes going to continue to play the 'Stupid Game'
and ask the same questions over and over again when you already know the answers?

Where do you want to start?

You want to start with the fact that the Clintons have always been Washington Power Player Political Elites who have been protected their entire political careers?

You want to talk about how Sandy ;The Burglar' Burger, ex-Clinton Lawyer, was caught with classified documents about Bill Clinton stuffed down his pants trying to steal them from a govt facility?

You want to talk about the existing double standards and how she is one of the Elite who have elevated themselves above the law?

You want to talk about how Obama owned the law, how his criminal administration Agency Directors / Cabinet protected their own?

- US AG Holder: Felony Perjury - Fast & Furious - protected from indictment but Censured by bi-partisan Congress, making Holder 1st Presidential Cabinet member in US history to be Censured

- Deputy US AG Rosenstein: awaiting results of FISA Court Abuse report; offered to wear a wire twice to help take down the President

- NSA Director Clapper: Caught committing Perjury twice, protected from indictment

- CIA Director Brennan: Caught committing Perjury, illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, & Supreme Court Justices

- FBI Director Comey: Admitted to leaking classified; caught illegally spying on his boss. Loretta Lynch, awaiting results of FISA Court Abuse report & investigation of his Perjury

- FBI Deputy Director McCabe: Recommended for indictment

- FBI Agent Strzok: Recommended for indictment

You want to talk about IRS Director John Koskinen being caught for perjury when testifying under oath about how Obama weaponized the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election bid?

You want to talk about how Donna Brazille, DNC Chairwoman, admitted the DNC stacked the deck against Bernie in their 2016 primary, helped her cheat in debates, and GAVE Hillary the nomination she could not win?

You want to talk about her campaign finance violations, her and her team getting caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters - Americans - at Trump rallies?

You want to talk about the FBI publicly announcing they had recovered thousands of SUBPOENAED official govt documents that had not been submitted for archival (Crime) that Hillary attempted to delete (Obstruction), after Hillary attempted to use Bleach-Bit on the server (Obstruction) to hide thousands of official documents not turned in for archival - each document being 1 violation each of the FOIA & FRA...and Obstruction?

You want to talk about the FBI's top Counsel testifying he argued Hillary shpuld have been indicted?

You want to talk about how former FBI Agt Paige testified how Obama's DOJ informed her and McCabe that they had no desire to conduct a criminal investigation of Hillary?

You want to talk about how Comey testified under oath about Hillary had lied, had classified, sent/received classified, had multiple devices - not just 1, had illegally destroyed devices & kept SIM Card, etc...?

You want to talk about the 38 individuals who committed 91 violations (broke the law) with another 450+ crimes identified regarding Hillary's illegal, unauthorized Unencrypted server?

You want to explain how Hillary was 'read-out' of TS/SCI programs when she left the State Department, could not legally have, see, read, or talk about those programs and any info involved in them; however, the FBI found files, info, e-mails containing this information?! ... by very definition / verbiage of the law these are crimes.

No, you DON'T want to talk about any of it, how it is undeniable. You said it yourself when trying to AVOID talking about it ' 'No more needs to be said'. More like, 'I refuse to REALLY talk about it'...because if you do, if you apply common sense and reality to the discussion you are forced to admit she is a criminal POS who was / has been protected her whole life. You have to admit Obama ran the most criminal administration in US history and protected his criminal Cabinet members from prosecution.
Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....

That's what you keep telling us about impeaching trump....

amazing how alike you are to those folks

Indeed, you and all progressive, statists, are very much alike. Thanks for pointing that out.
Amazing how the progs have suddenly become water bearers for the CIA, NSA, and the rest of the spook state.
Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....

That's what you keep telling us about impeaching trump....

amazing how alike you are to those folks

Indeed, you and all progressive, statists, are very much alike. Thanks for pointing that out.
Amazing how the progs have suddenly become water bearers for the CIA, NSA, and the rest of the spook state.

Progs are statists.
If Hillary so obviously broke laws in a serious way then why isn’t she in jail? Trumps state Department investigated and didn’t do shit. No more needs to be said. You’re done.
How long are you and other snowflakes going to continue to play the 'Stupid Game'
and ask the same questions over and over again when you already know the answers?

Where do you want to start?

You want to start with the fact that the Clintons have always been Washington Power Player Political Elites who have been protected their entire political careers?

You want to talk about how Sandy ;The Burglar' Burger, ex-Clinton Lawyer, was caught with classified documents about Bill Clinton stuffed down his pants trying to steal them from a govt facility?

You want to talk about the existing double standards and how she is one of the Elite who have elevated themselves above the law?

You want to talk about how Obama owned the law, how his criminal administration Agency Directors / Cabinet protected their own?

- US AG Holder: Felony Perjury - Fast & Furious - protected from indictment but Censured by bi-partisan Congress, making Holder 1st Presidential Cabinet member in US history to be Censured

- Deputy US AG Rosenstein: awaiting results of FISA Court Abuse report; offered to wear a wire twice to help take down the President

- NSA Director Clapper: Caught committing Perjury twice, protected from indictment

- CIA Director Brennan: Caught committing Perjury, illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, & Supreme Court Justices

- FBI Director Comey: Admitted to leaking classified; caught illegally spying on his boss. Loretta Lynch, awaiting results of FISA Court Abuse report & investigation of his Perjury

- FBI Deputy Director McCabe: Recommended for indictment

- FBI Agent Strzok: Recommended for indictment

You want to talk about IRS Director John Koskinen being caught for perjury when testifying under oath about how Obama weaponized the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election bid?

You want to talk about how Donna Brazille, DNC Chairwoman, admitted the DNC stacked the deck against Bernie in their 2016 primary, helped her cheat in debates, and GAVE Hillary the nomination she could not win?

You want to talk about her campaign finance violations, her and her team getting caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters - Americans - at Trump rallies?

You want to talk about the FBI publicly announcing they had recovered thousands of SUBPOENAED official govt documents that had not been submitted for archival (Crime) that Hillary attempted to delete (Obstruction), after Hillary attempted to use Bleach-Bit on the server (Obstruction) to hide thousands of official documents not turned in for archival - each document being 1 violation each of the FOIA & FRA...and Obstruction?

You want to talk about the FBI's top Counsel testifying he argued Hillary shpuld have been indicted?

You want to talk about how former FBI Agt Paige testified how Obama's DOJ informed her and McCabe that they had no desire to conduct a criminal investigation of Hillary?

You want to talk about how Comey testified under oath about Hillary had lied, had classified, sent/received classified, had multiple devices - not just 1, had illegally destroyed devices & kept SIM Card, etc...?

You want to talk about the 38 individuals who committed 91 violations (broke the law) with another 450+ crimes identified regarding Hillary's illegal, unauthorized Unencrypted server?

You want to explain how Hillary was 'read-out' of TS/SCI programs when she left the State Department, could not legally have, see, read, or talk about those programs and any info involved in them; however, the FBI found files, info, e-mails containing this information?! ... by very definition / verbiage of the law these are crimes.

No, you DON'T want to talk about any of it, how it is undeniable. You said it yourself when trying to AVOID talking about it ' 'No more needs to be said'. More like, 'I refuse to REALLY talk about it'...because if you do, if you apply common sense and reality to the discussion you are forced to admit she is a criminal POS who was / has been protected her whole life. You have to admit Obama ran the most criminal administration in US history and protected his criminal Cabinet members from prosecution.
If you are going to keep avoiding giving a direct answer to my questions the. I’m going to keep asking. I don’t care how many words and sideshow points you try to make to flood the zone. You can’t give a direct answer because it disproves all the crap you are throwing out. Sorry... maybe it’s time to find another fight
If you are going to keep avoiding giving a direct answer to my questions the. I’m going to keep asking.
I am sorry you have such a problem with reading comprehension - I even used small words, anticipating your actually being stupid. Attempting to communicate at a level beneath what I already have is not a talent I possess. Please try to find a snowflake with higher than a 3rd grade level education to explain what I wrote....and congrats on the complete avoidance of everything I posted. Facing reality is a bitch, but you side-stepped it in true cowardly snowflake fashion.

If you are going to keep avoiding giving a direct answer to my questions....

I'm not easyt65 but I'll answer your question with the same question. Why hasn't Hillary been charged? There is no dispute that she transmitted classified materials through her private server, well over 100 times. Each transmission is a felony. So why hasn't she been charged? Hillary destroyed evidence that was under a congressional subpoena. What was the consequence for that? Nothing.

If Mike Pompeo had done such a thing you and I both would be calling for his prosecution. But since it's Hillary, you don't seem interested in seeing justice done. Why is that?

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