Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Good for them. If there is no right to privacy in a woman's vagina, than a vagina has no right to privacy when in a restaurant.
What is it with your people? How is sending an issue to the states, where it belongs, a violation of anyone’s privacy?
Bullshit. Again you make the same mistake. What part of "I actually read the fucking linked article, do you not get"? Continuing to make bullshit assertions not to be found in the article is not going to be productive to discussion. This thread, with the linked OP thread post article does not support your line of thinking or assertions, making you look very poor at the points you are trying to assert.
Have you thought of finding another article, with authoritative reporting, that what you say could possibly be true, and starting another thread without the flaws of not being backed up with supporting facts, as this one was started? Or would you rather beat your head against the same wall with the same results, some more?

You leftists can't do anything without backfiring these days. What % of Americans find this tactic savory do you think?
As if a bunch of cackling cultists pretending to clutch their pearls is "backfiring". You feckless liars think you can invent your own reality by simply uttering it.
Yeah. Defining what a woman is, is very nuanced.
It is. Are you speaking biologically or are we talking about social gender roles? Even biologically I think any honest individual would have to admit there's room for nuance.
Oh, Nice. A new twitter post with an opinion not supported by the OP's thread post or linked article.

A twitter post, made by the organization doing the protesting outside of Morton's
It is. Are you speaking biologically or are we talking about social gender roles? Even biologically I think any honest individual would have to admit there's room for nuance.

Biologically speaking, is this a woman?

It is. Are you speaking biologically or are we talking about social gender roles? Even biologically I think any honest individual would have to admit there's room for nuance.
When it comes to defining a woman, there’s no nuance.

This is why things are so screwed up now. Too many people can no longer recognize or accept basic truths and facts. We have more than 100 different genders and biological gender is now fluid. A man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. One can be a man man one day and a woman the next. Then the next day you can be both simultaneously, or you can be neither a male or a female. You can even be a “them” and a “they:”. We now have to accept the idiotic idea that men can menstruate and get pregnant.

And to some it’s a mystery why we are so effed up today.

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