Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

It can be
Were anti-war protestors harassing?
How about Civil Rights?

If you are not making people uncomfortable, you are not effective
Did any anti-war or civil rights protesters harass you at your home or a restaurant?
Be careful what you wish for, it is easy to wish this one someone else, but when the shoe is on the other foot you will be whining like a 3 year old.
Yeah, this is something new all right...

None of the Justices face an election

More reason why they should face protest
That went over your head. The President nominates a candidate to the Supreme Court. That's what is meant by elections have consequences. Damn, you're stupid.
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What a hoot. Perhaps Kavanaugh will throw another pouty tantrum for our light entertainment.
What a hoot. Perhaps Kavanaugh will throw another pouty tantrum for our light entertainment.
He's gonna have a party at his house and invite the Proud Boys the day after the election this November. You're invited to "protest".
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Not past 15 weeks they don't
That's fine, I'll let you have that petty point. I too am not for unlimited rights to abortion, at least you are acknowledging that the vast majority of Americans are in favor of a woman having a right to choose up to 15 weeks. Glad we got that sorted.
Also not the hate campaigns you folks launch. That's not protest. Or is it okay for us to hound Soyomayor at home and in restaurants? Yes?
In what way are you asking if it's okay? Legally? Sure. You should have the right to protest peacefully outside her home or whatever restaurant she's frequenting. Whether or not people think you're an assclown however, depends on what you're protesting her for. As I said and as you acknowledged, most Americans are in favor of a woman's right to choose (up to 15 weeks) and so aren't going to give a shit if Kavanaugh is inconvenienced at dinner. Fuck him.
Americans going into a public building - "insurrection"
They didn't just go into a public building and trying to pretend as if they did weakens your argument. They violently rioted because they opposed the outcome of an election that they lost. They chanted "stop the steal" as they did so, because they imagined themselves to be the arbiters of law.
Americans hounding justices in their homes and while they eat - democracy
Yes, when citizens are able to protest, peacefully, the actions of their government, that is the best of Democracy.
We can see what a joke you are.
When you compare peaceful protests of government to vengeful riots over a repudiation from your fellow Americans, because keep in mind, its not as if law makers were deciding on some particular law that citizens may or may not agree with, their job that day was perfunctory. They were just there to certify a decision determined by voters, not law makers. They in fact protesting Democracy itself. No, Sue, you're the joke.
You are driving people away with these tactics that only ghouls enjoy

Believe that
I don't, but then I don't live in the fantasy world most of you clowns prefer to retreat to when you're looking a safe space.
That's fine, I'll let you have that petty point. I too am not for unlimited rights to abortion, at least you are acknowledging that the vast majority of Americans are in favor of a woman having a right to choose up to 15 weeks. Glad we got that sorted.

In what way are you asking if it's okay? Legally? Sure. You should have the right to protest peacefully outside her home or whatever restaurant she's frequenting. Whether or not people think you're an assclown however, depends on what you're protesting her for. As I said and as you acknowledged, most Americans are in favor of a woman's right to choose (up to 15 weeks) and so aren't going to give a shit if Kavanaugh is inconvenienced at dinner. Fuck him.

They didn't just go into a public building and trying to pretend as if they did weakens your argument. They violently rioted because they opposed the outcome of an election that they lost. They chanted "stop the steal" as they did so, because they imagined themselves to be the arbiters of law.

Yes, when citizens are able to protest, peacefully, the actions of their government, that is the best of Democracy.

When you compare peaceful protests of government to vengeful riots over a repudiation from your fellow Americans, because keep in mind, its not as if law makers were deciding on some particular law that citizens may or may not agree with, their job that day was perfunctory. They were just there to certify a decision determined by voters, not law makers. They in fact protesting Democracy itself. No, Sue, you're the joke.

I don't, but then I don't live in the fantasy world most of you clowns prefer to retreat to when you're looking a safe space.

So you are endorsing us protesting outside the home of the new Justice Brown-Jackson right? And when she goes out to dinner. Just making sure we are consistent
That's fine, I'll let you have that petty point. I too am not for unlimited rights to abortion, at least you are acknowledging that the vast majority of Americans are in favor of a woman having a right to choose up to 15 weeks. Glad we got that sorted.

In what way are you asking if it's okay? Legally? Sure. You should have the right to protest peacefully outside her home or whatever restaurant she's frequenting. Whether or not people think you're an assclown however, depends on what you're protesting her for. As I said and as you acknowledged, most Americans are in favor of a woman's right to choose (up to 15 weeks) and so aren't going to give a shit if Kavanaugh is inconvenienced at dinner. Fuck him.

They didn't just go into a public building and trying to pretend as if they did weakens your argument. They violently rioted because they opposed the outcome of an election that they lost. They chanted "stop the steal" as they did so, because they imagined themselves to be the arbiters of law.

Yes, when citizens are able to protest, peacefully, the actions of their government, that is the best of Democracy.

When you compare peaceful protests of government to vengeful riots over a repudiation from your fellow Americans, because keep in mind, its not as if law makers were deciding on some particular law that citizens may or may not agree with, their job that day was perfunctory. They were just there to certify a decision determined by voters, not law makers. They in fact protesting Democracy itself. No, Sue, you're the joke.

I don't, but then I don't live in the fantasy world most of you clowns prefer to retreat to when you're looking a safe space.

So the "best of democracy" would be us hounding Soyomayor in her home and out of restaurants and then making fake reservations at those restaurants, punishing hourly workers.


So we are clear

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