Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

So the "best of democracy" would be us hounding Soyomayor in her home and out of restaurants and then making fake reservations at those restaurants, punishing hourly workers.


So we are clear
So long as you're not trying break into her home, or stand out side her home, threatening her with guns, then yes. She's a Supreme Court Justice, she more than most should have to hear from the people who's lives she makes determinations about. That's part of the responsibility that comes with being a public official. If you're afraid of the judgment of the public then you're in the wrong job.
The Conservative Justices just want to declare victory and move on

But they have opened up the Hornets Nest and now must deal with the consequences
Okay, well Schumer made threats to Kavanaugh talking he will pay. So we need an investigation into his involvement with the guy that tried to kill Kavanaugh and protesters following his every move. Even death threats, you agree? I mean he has to live with the consequences right?

Harassment of Supreme Court justices appalls pro-choice WaPo columnist: 'Beyond the pale'​

Pro-choice Washington Post deputy editorial page editor Ruth Marcus condemned the harassment of conservative Supreme Court justices in a recent piece, claiming that specifically picketing at Justices’ homes is "beyond the pale."

Marcus’ column followed the recent reports that Justice Brett Kavanaugh was chased out of Morton’s steakhouse in D.C. by protesters on Wednesday night.

Again, it does not say they threatened him. You can draw the ire of people across this country in a thousand different ways, no matter who you are or what you do, if the expression of your opinion bumps painfully into theirs for whatever reason. To say, they are wrong to have those feelings, is to disavow human nature, so protest is allowed, as long as no violence is carried out or threatened. There was nothing in the article to suggest any violence took place. Would I like it, if in Justice Kavanaugh's place? No. But would I recognize the right to protest as guaranteed by the same Constitutional Law of the land he upholds, protects and rules on daily? Yes, and so would you.
The protesters were demanding the restaurant owner to kick him out the front door. What do you think would've happened if the owner did? With the reputation you loons have, they probably would've killed him. Heck one ready has tried to do it.
The protesters were demanding the restaurant owner to kick him out the front door. What do you think would've happened if the owner did? With the reputation you loons have, they probably would've killed him. Heck one ready has tried to do it.
Bullshit. Again you make the same mistake. What part of "I actually read the fucking linked article, do you not get"? Continuing to make bullshit assertions not to be found in the article is not going to be productive to discussion. This thread, with the linked OP thread post article does not support your line of thinking or assertions, making you look very poor at the points you are trying to assert.
Have you thought of finding another article, with authoritative reporting, that what you say could possibly be true, and starting another thread without the flaws of not being backed up with supporting facts, as this one was started? Or would you rather beat your head against the same wall with the same results, some more?
I think you big brave leftist loons should go to a Proud Boys home and "protest".
The summer of love proved liberal protesters are violent and your leaders supported them by not asking them to stop. Everyone of them should get a Jan 6 hearings.
Democrat leaders cheered them on. Deplorable.
Wow. Big whoop. According to your article, he never saw or heard the protestors, but left before dessert. How horrible! Of course, I rarely eat deserts when going out to dinner, as often stuffed by the time I finish salad or soup and main course. This is hysterical nonsense.
So you excuse this crap. Cool.

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