Brexit busted.

The last of the opinion polls were far too close to offer any real suggestion as to who will win, and polls are notoriously inaccurate anyway.
The Labour party is pushing for 'remain', but many of their natural voters are reporting they voted to leave.

The campaigns have both been more about scare tactics than much else, so very little of real substance has come out.

It's a "watch this space" thing we will have the result of in less than 24 hours ... then comes the tin foil hat jobs.

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

Thank you for helping to confirm the correctness of a Brexit vote !!

So, we agree. The UK is faced with either keeping its national identity, or, having it swamped into non-existence by foreign powers.

Do we want our freedom ? Or, must we knuckle under to foreign power-mongers, who'll happily rob us of it ? It ultimately comes down to that.

What would British soldiers have said during WWII, to an argument that had us becoming subservient to a (- then -) European Reich, its leader, A Hitler ... ?? Would they have agreed with your sentiments today ?

They fought, and many died, for our freedom ! Would you like to tell us that their deaths were ultimately wasted, that we MUST bend to a European colossus, just because it IS one ?

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

No it is because the "dark people" that come here are the ones that their own people don't want. and we are only a small island and can only sustain a small population.

By the way a referendum is simple majority rule done through the ballot box. Not like your presidential elections were over 50% OF THE POPULATION ARE BARRED FROM VOTING

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

HOW when we will control our borders, and will turn back the EU migrants

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

Because the EU has forced laws on the UK that stop us from closing the doors

It tried and the EU said no, and then fined us a lot of money for even thinking about it

No it cant when the EU will remove that identity and make us all Europrats

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

Thank you for helping to confirm the correctness of a Brexit vote !!

So, we agree. The UK is faced with either keeping its national identity, or, having it swamped into non-existence by foreign powers.

Do we want our freedom ? Or, must we knuckle under to foreign power-mongers, who'll happily rob us of it ? It ultimately comes down to that.

What would British soldiers have said during WWII, to an argument that had us becoming subservient to a (- then -) European Reich, its leader, A Hitler ... ?? Would they have agreed with your sentiments today ?

They fought, and many died, for our freedom ! Would you like to tell us that their deaths were ultimately wasted, that we MUST bend to a European colossus, just because it IS one ?
My Taid fought in the war. He was a big supporter of the EU because he thought we should work together to prevent another war. Your argument is disgraceful.
When do we get to know the voting results?
I hope the brittish have taken this opportunity to free themselves...!! :)

The debate about voting about EU has been going on in Sweden as well. But the leading politicians refuses to let us vote...
When do we get to know the voting results?
I hope the brittish have taken this opportunity to free themselves...!! :)

The debate about voting about EU has been going on in Sweden as well. But the leading politicians refuses to let us vote...
The first results are expected for about 23.30 UTC.
... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

Thank you for helping to confirm the correctness of a Brexit vote !!

So, we agree. The UK is faced with either keeping its national identity, or, having it swamped into non-existence by foreign powers.

Do we want our freedom ? Or, must we knuckle under to foreign power-mongers, who'll happily rob us of it ? It ultimately comes down to that.

What would British soldiers have said during WWII, to an argument that had us becoming subservient to a (- then -) European Reich, its leader, A Hitler ... ?? Would they have agreed with your sentiments today ?

They fought, and many died, for our freedom ! Would you like to tell us that their deaths were ultimately wasted, that we MUST bend to a European colossus, just because it IS one ?
My Taid fought in the war. He was a big supporter of the EU because he thought we should work together to prevent another war. Your argument is disgraceful.

I like your sense of humour !

So, let me get this straight. Your 'Taid' fought in WWII, and he was anti-war (.. which was why he helped to fight one ! ..). And having fought .. he did so, so that a foreign power (one had taken over Europe ...) could be comprehensively defeated, and the UK could know freedom from a Europe-wide power !

Now, you say he was a big supporter of the EU .. a Europe-wide power !! .. and seeing it defeat the UK's freedom from it (!!?) ....

Perhaps - correct me if I'm wrong, naturally - he was only against Hitler because Hitler achieved his aims militarily ? If he'd used another method, would he have approved of Hitler ?

Either he wanted the UK to be free of European domination, or, he didn't. WHICH ??

Did he even know himself ???
People who think they personally are on a good track will want to remain. Those who think their life is not on a good track will want to leave. This is a vote that will be decided by personal economic confidence, not the merits of the EU.
People who think they personally are on a good track will want to remain. Those who think their life is not on a good track will want to leave. This is a vote that will be decided by personal economic confidence, not the merits of the EU.
Both. And idiocy.
Just this minute there was a guy on TV telling he votes to stay because he likes food from other countries - as if the Brexit would draw an iron curtain around the UK.
... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

Thank you for helping to confirm the correctness of a Brexit vote !!

So, we agree. The UK is faced with either keeping its national identity, or, having it swamped into non-existence by foreign powers.

Do we want our freedom ? Or, must we knuckle under to foreign power-mongers, who'll happily rob us of it ? It ultimately comes down to that.

What would British soldiers have said during WWII, to an argument that had us becoming subservient to a (- then -) European Reich, its leader, A Hitler ... ?? Would they have agreed with your sentiments today ?

They fought, and many died, for our freedom ! Would you like to tell us that their deaths were ultimately wasted, that we MUST bend to a European colossus, just because it IS one ?
My Taid fought in the war. He was a big supporter of the EU because he thought we should work together to prevent another war. Your argument is disgraceful.

Just one out of millions and no doubt found the Union of Great Britain not to his liking at the same time.

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