Brexit busted.

If "Remain" wins it will be testament that a majority of Britons are sad Hitler didn't win because they'll have chosen to be ruled from Germany. Think of all the lives that could have been saved....well, white non-Jewish, non Romany lives. And all the mental defectives that would have been rooted out in infancy. But, wait, then how could a "Remain" vote have...............
Female politician "killed" before "referendum": Brexit 2016 remake of Sweden eurozone 2003
"British Labour MP JO Cox didn't resist injuries" = remake of "Anna Lindh murdered in Sweden before the 2003 referendum".
"Murdered" in headlines: all fake blood setting the stage for the BIG BANG.

Talk of setting the stage:
Fake murder of a woman politician before a EU referendum: agenda is NOTto influence the result.
Illuminati don't need that, because the other side is always ALSO led by illuminazi agents whose main role is to validate the rigged results.
Examples other than leaders of the Brexit 2016 and anti-eurozone in Sweden 2003 range from pro-independence in Scotland to anti-gay marriage in Ireland.

So why did the illuminati stage the murders of Lindh in Sweden 2003 and Cox in England 2016?
Answer: psychology, part of creating explanations to solve the contradiction between reality (rallies, stickers) and what will be announced as results.
In other words: have the human cattle accept the simulated reality.

Contrast it with plane crashes, terror attacks and shark attacks.
A general agenda of these series of fake blood is also to set the psychological stage, but in this case not for human cattle to accept rigged results but to accept global slavery.
In other words:
- episodes of these series will cause a few to voluntarily cancel plans for their holidays or weekends.
- yet the direct goal is not to strip human cattle from air travel, tourism and the beach but rather to make it easier for human cattle to accept to be stripped.
Reminder: global slavery, a world where there's no room for human cattle to relax, will be proclaimed following the imminent BIG BANG, that starts with the same actor in two acts within two days:
- Osama Bin Laden resurrects in Jerusalem crucified to the missing Boeing 777 caught on CCTV camera
- Obama Bi(nla)den's presidency arrested on live TV.

See the context for Anna Lindh here: fake Putin stages the fake death of Nemtsov
Illuminati faking deaths: Oppositor Boris Nemtsov killed by Putin for dummies: parallel script to Spock, Anna Lindh; reverse script to Anna Politkovskaya

Fake airliner crashes: "end of show" series.
Vaporized airliners of "all dead" type of fake crashes, from 9/11 to the ongoing "end of show" series.
General agenda now: set the stage for human cattle stripped from air travel.
Each episode and its specific agendas:
Hoaxes of End Times - for an audience reduced to cattle: Fake airliner crashes: end of show series.

Apr 2014:
Rigged Scotland's referendum: illuminati jokes with the actor playing #1 and #2 in UK's Britain's biggest lottery winners
Jokes by the Illuminati - mock the human cattle: Rigged Scotland independence referendum mocked by lottery jackpot collector
calm down, if britain had been to go away, it would not have been held at all. So, that voting is only for making a show for whose who are pro brexit. To kick them out of the game.
No matter which way the vote goes it will be long remembered that Our Kenyan President used our tax money to fly His "private" 747 to Britain to threaten them if they didn't vote His way.

Great diplomacy, no?

There is an incredible theory that a Brexit won't actually happen even if the public votes for it

Media outlets in Britain clearly make up their minds:

Note that the outcome of the referendum is not binding for the parliament. But Cameron promised to adhere to the outcome.
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Moments ago from BBC News:

"There is no exit poll - so the millions who cast a ballot will have to wait until results start coming in to find out how the country voted.:

"Flash floods in the South of England disrupted voting and led to some polling stations being relocated."

There is an incredible theory that a Brexit won't actually happen even if the public votes for it

Media outlets in Britain clearly make up their minds:

Note that the outcome of the referendum is not binding for the parliament. But Cameron promised to adhere to the outcome.
All of those papers are owned by people who do not pay British taxes.
Even for German conditions this "coverage" is ridiculous. But there is free press and they can express their opinions. However, bad decisions are not only made in Brussels but in national parliaments too.

This illustrates the fundamental failure that are democracies, and why the American Constitutional Republic is far superior and desirable, where such a significant issue wouldn’t be decided by referendum and simple ‘majority rule.’

In this case the UK might make the mistake of leaving the EU because ignorant bigots and racists want to keep the ‘dark people’ out.

... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

Thank you for helping to confirm the correctness of a Brexit vote !!

So, we agree. The UK is faced with either keeping its national identity, or, having it swamped into non-existence by foreign powers.

Do we want our freedom ? Or, must we knuckle under to foreign power-mongers, who'll happily rob us of it ? It ultimately comes down to that.

What would British soldiers have said during WWII, to an argument that had us becoming subservient to a (- then -) European Reich, its leader, A Hitler ... ?? Would they have agreed with your sentiments today ?

They fought, and many died, for our freedom ! Would you like to tell us that their deaths were ultimately wasted, that we MUST bend to a European colossus, just because it IS one ?

If Britain can't keep its own identity within the EU, it's not going to keep it outside either. The number of immigrants in the UK is high, not because of the EU, but because of the British government. Many of whom are from outside of the EU in the first place.

You keep thinking leaving the EU suddenly makes the UK government turn into the fairy godmother.
If "Remain" wins it will be testament that a majority of Britons are sad Hitler didn't win because they'll have chosen to be ruled from Germany. Think of all the lives that could have been saved....well, white non-Jewish, non Romany lives. And all the mental defectives that would have been rooted out in infancy. But, wait, then how could a "Remain" vote have...............

Wow, this is a new low in Brexit thinking.
Looks like the Leaves are winning right now and expected to win. I suspect the theater shooting may have swayed some of the fence sitters toward the brexit.
Strange that between the two critical positions, staying or leaving, the difference is so small.
Too bad for England, Europe and unity.
... Ah. The same old Leftie argument, I see ... an interest in, and wish to, equate concerns about levels of immigration with racism and bigotry. [Gordon Brown tried that, in 2010, and where did it lead him ?]

I have three (.. rather tired, by now ? ..) points to make.

One - a country has a right to exercise controls over its own borders. Only a successful Brexit vote will achieve that for the UK.

Two - it's a matter of sheer practicality. The UK does not have either an infinitely-sized landmass capable of taking in everyone, neither does it have infinite resources to see to all their needs. Sooner or later (? sooner), the UK will find itself unable to cope with persistently large numbers of immigrants .. and certainly not with uncontrollable numbers coming in !

Three - Every country has a right to its own identity and its own path to take, to decide its own future. Again ... only a Brexit vote will serve to satisfy this, it seems to me.

One - why are so many non-EU citizens getting into the UK?

Two - Britain could have been dealing with all this immigration before, but didn't.

Three - Britain can still make its own identity being in the EU. Nothing will change in these respects being out of the EU.

One & two .. I agree with the points you make (or intended to infer).

On three ... nonsense. The EU is moving towards a Federalistic SuperState. One day, none of its members will retain their identities as countries .. neither will we, if we remain.

Today, we've a chance for freedom. We should take it.

Yes, the EU is making a move towards a federalist superstate. It will do so with or without the UK. It will still end up diluting the UK no matter what. Think Canada and the impact the US has on Canada.

Thank you for helping to confirm the correctness of a Brexit vote !!

So, we agree. The UK is faced with either keeping its national identity, or, having it swamped into non-existence by foreign powers.

Do we want our freedom ? Or, must we knuckle under to foreign power-mongers, who'll happily rob us of it ? It ultimately comes down to that.

What would British soldiers have said during WWII, to an argument that had us becoming subservient to a (- then -) European Reich, its leader, A Hitler ... ?? Would they have agreed with your sentiments today ?

They fought, and many died, for our freedom ! Would you like to tell us that their deaths were ultimately wasted, that we MUST bend to a European colossus, just because it IS one ?

If Britain can't keep its own identity within the EU, it's not going to keep it outside either. The number of immigrants in the UK is high, not because of the EU, but because of the British government. Many of whom are from outside of the EU in the first place.

You keep thinking leaving the EU suddenly makes the UK government turn into the fairy godmother.

Watch this space and you will see millions of migrants going the other way when they find they wont get any money
Strange that between the two critical positions, staying or leaving, the difference is so small.
Too bad for England, Europe and unity.

Maybe Europe should have done their research and saw what the people wanted. You watch the £ bounce back over the next week or so when Europe offers the olive branch

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