Brexit busted.

This is amazing, I truly didn't think the Brits had it in them.
It's good to see that there are at least some westerners in the world that still believe in their nations sovereignty and control of their own borders.

There is an incredible theory that a Brexit won't actually happen even if the public votes for it

Media outlets in Britain clearly make up their minds:

Note that the outcome of the referendum is not binding for the parliament. But Cameron promised to adhere to the outcome.
All of those papers are owned by people who do not pay British taxes.

What have we learned?

Roughly 5 years ago I came to the conclusion that the UK would leave the EU. I didn't know when, but I assumed they would for reasons that have not been brought up anywhere in this thread, or any other thread I have been apart of.

So when this referendum came up, I assumed at the very start that they would leave.

However the only news I get on uniquely British affairs, is from the BBC, and SkyNews. Well both of these sources made it seem like Brexit was finished, was done, was a non-starter. The debate was over, and Brexit was busted, like the title of this thread suggests.

Now I never thought the UK would stay in the EU, again for reasons not listed anywhere on this forum that I know of. But I just accepted the mass media's narrative, and assumed THIS vote was to stay.

And what have we learned...?

At 1 AM this morning (6 AM local UK), I was watching SkyNews, when the polls showed 50.1% to 49.9%, and they had one of these "experts" for the Remain Campaign, saying

"Well the votes that are reported, are all the rural areas. The big city populations are pro-remain, and when those votes come in....."

That's when I knew they were talking out of their butt.

Every time you deal with a left-leaning people, they all talk only to other people that all thing the same way they do. Then they simply assume that obviously everyone must think the way they do.

And the media, no matter how hard they try to be neutral, will always have some bias. Always. There is no such thing as 100% non-partisan reporting, because the individual has a world view of their own, and it will always influence what they report.... it might be a small influence, and it might be a MSNBC massive influence, but there is always some amount of influence.

So what did we learn? Don't assume you know what the public thinks. You don't. Especially in a democracy, the mood and opinions change with the wind. And don't trust the media to be the ultimate arbiter of truth. They aren't.
Honestly, I never expected this referendum to take place at all! It was announced and announced...
I also did not expect the referendum to be allowed to state: OUT.
Great news.

National sovereignty over rule by a very small elite. Is it any wonder they voted against the EU?

Now...if only the American people could vote down our central state government and make the states sovereign again.
I think it is not the system of an Union that is the cause for concern but the total failure of this system. EU lawmaking is based on caprice and it does not consider the regional differences.

There is an incredible theory that a Brexit won't actually happen even if the public votes for it

Media outlets in Britain clearly make up their minds:

Note that the outcome of the referendum is not binding for the parliament. But Cameron promised to adhere to the outcome.
All of those papers are owned by people who do not pay British taxes.

What have we learned?

Roughly 5 years ago I came to the conclusion that the UK would leave the EU. I didn't know when, but I assumed they would for reasons that have not been brought up anywhere in this thread, or any other thread I have been apart of.

So when this referendum came up, I assumed at the very start that they would leave.

However the only news I get on uniquely British affairs, is from the BBC, and SkyNews. Well both of these sources made it seem like Brexit was finished, was done, was a non-starter. The debate was over, and Brexit was busted, like the title of this thread suggests.

Now I never thought the UK would stay in the EU, again for reasons not listed anywhere on this forum that I know of. But I just accepted the mass media's narrative, and assumed THIS vote was to stay.

And what have we learned...?

At 1 AM this morning (6 AM local UK), I was watching SkyNews, when the polls showed 50.1% to 49.9%, and they had one of these "experts" for the Remain Campaign, saying

"Well the votes that are reported, are all the rural areas. The big city populations are pro-remain, and when those votes come in....."

That's when I knew they were talking out of their butt.

Every time you deal with a left-leaning people, they all talk only to other people that all thing the same way they do. Then they simply assume that obviously everyone must think the way they do.

And the media, no matter how hard they try to be neutral, will always have some bias. Always. There is no such thing as 100% non-partisan reporting, because the individual has a world view of their own, and it will always influence what they report.... it might be a small influence, and it might be a MSNBC massive influence, but there is always some amount of influence.

So what did we learn? Don't assume you know what the public thinks. You don't. Especially in a democracy, the mood and opinions change with the wind. And don't trust the media to be the ultimate arbiter of truth. They aren't.
Honestly, I never expected this referendum to take place at all! It was announced and announced...
I also did not expect the referendum to be allowed to state: OUT.
Great news.

National sovereignty over rule by a very small elite. Is it any wonder they voted against the EU?

Now...if only the American people could vote down our central state government and make the states sovereign again.
I think it is not the system of an Union that is the cause for concern but the total failure of this system. EU lawmaking is based on caprice and it does not consider the regional differences.
A system controlled by a very small criminal elite, always fails.
All of those papers are owned by people who do not pay British taxes.

What have we learned?

Roughly 5 years ago I came to the conclusion that the UK would leave the EU. I didn't know when, but I assumed they would for reasons that have not been brought up anywhere in this thread, or any other thread I have been apart of.

So when this referendum came up, I assumed at the very start that they would leave.

However the only news I get on uniquely British affairs, is from the BBC, and SkyNews. Well both of these sources made it seem like Brexit was finished, was done, was a non-starter. The debate was over, and Brexit was busted, like the title of this thread suggests.

Now I never thought the UK would stay in the EU, again for reasons not listed anywhere on this forum that I know of. But I just accepted the mass media's narrative, and assumed THIS vote was to stay.

And what have we learned...?

At 1 AM this morning (6 AM local UK), I was watching SkyNews, when the polls showed 50.1% to 49.9%, and they had one of these "experts" for the Remain Campaign, saying

"Well the votes that are reported, are all the rural areas. The big city populations are pro-remain, and when those votes come in....."

That's when I knew they were talking out of their butt.

Every time you deal with a left-leaning people, they all talk only to other people that all thing the same way they do. Then they simply assume that obviously everyone must think the way they do.

And the media, no matter how hard they try to be neutral, will always have some bias. Always. There is no such thing as 100% non-partisan reporting, because the individual has a world view of their own, and it will always influence what they report.... it might be a small influence, and it might be a MSNBC massive influence, but there is always some amount of influence.

So what did we learn? Don't assume you know what the public thinks. You don't. Especially in a democracy, the mood and opinions change with the wind. And don't trust the media to be the ultimate arbiter of truth. They aren't.
Honestly, I never expected this referendum to take place at all! It was announced and announced...
I also did not expect the referendum to be allowed to state: OUT.
Great news.

National sovereignty over rule by a very small elite. Is it any wonder they voted against the EU?

Now...if only the American people could vote down our central state government and make the states sovereign again.
I think it is not the system of an Union that is the cause for concern but the total failure of this system. EU lawmaking is based on caprice and it does not consider the regional differences.
A system controlled by a very small criminal elite, always fails.
Oh, it has worked for centuries. There wasn´t any progress, though.
What have we learned?

Roughly 5 years ago I came to the conclusion that the UK would leave the EU. I didn't know when, but I assumed they would for reasons that have not been brought up anywhere in this thread, or any other thread I have been apart of.

So when this referendum came up, I assumed at the very start that they would leave.

However the only news I get on uniquely British affairs, is from the BBC, and SkyNews. Well both of these sources made it seem like Brexit was finished, was done, was a non-starter. The debate was over, and Brexit was busted, like the title of this thread suggests.

Now I never thought the UK would stay in the EU, again for reasons not listed anywhere on this forum that I know of. But I just accepted the mass media's narrative, and assumed THIS vote was to stay.

And what have we learned...?

At 1 AM this morning (6 AM local UK), I was watching SkyNews, when the polls showed 50.1% to 49.9%, and they had one of these "experts" for the Remain Campaign, saying

"Well the votes that are reported, are all the rural areas. The big city populations are pro-remain, and when those votes come in....."

That's when I knew they were talking out of their butt.

Every time you deal with a left-leaning people, they all talk only to other people that all thing the same way they do. Then they simply assume that obviously everyone must think the way they do.

And the media, no matter how hard they try to be neutral, will always have some bias. Always. There is no such thing as 100% non-partisan reporting, because the individual has a world view of their own, and it will always influence what they report.... it might be a small influence, and it might be a MSNBC massive influence, but there is always some amount of influence.

So what did we learn? Don't assume you know what the public thinks. You don't. Especially in a democracy, the mood and opinions change with the wind. And don't trust the media to be the ultimate arbiter of truth. They aren't.
Honestly, I never expected this referendum to take place at all! It was announced and announced...
I also did not expect the referendum to be allowed to state: OUT.
Great news.

National sovereignty over rule by a very small elite. Is it any wonder they voted against the EU?

Now...if only the American people could vote down our central state government and make the states sovereign again.
I think it is not the system of an Union that is the cause for concern but the total failure of this system. EU lawmaking is based on caprice and it does not consider the regional differences.
A system controlled by a very small criminal elite, always fails.
Oh, it has worked for centuries. There wasn´t any progress, though.
It has?

I think not. Central government is responsible for more death, suffering, and destruction than any other force. If we could just get rid of centralized government entirely, the world would be much better place.
Honestly, I never expected this referendum to take place at all! It was announced and announced...
I also did not expect the referendum to be allowed to state: OUT.
Great news.

National sovereignty over rule by a very small elite. Is it any wonder they voted against the EU?

Now...if only the American people could vote down our central state government and make the states sovereign again.
I think it is not the system of an Union that is the cause for concern but the total failure of this system. EU lawmaking is based on caprice and it does not consider the regional differences.
A system controlled by a very small criminal elite, always fails.
Oh, it has worked for centuries. There wasn´t any progress, though.
It has?

I think not. Central government is responsible for more death, suffering, and destruction than any other force. If we could just get rid of centralized government entirely, the world would be much better place.
That was not what I meant.
No centralized government? What do you want?
Honestly, I never expected this referendum to take place at all! It was announced and announced...
I also did not expect the referendum to be allowed to state: OUT.
Great news.

National sovereignty over rule by a very small elite. Is it any wonder they voted against the EU?

Now...if only the American people could vote down our central state government and make the states sovereign again.
I think it is not the system of an Union that is the cause for concern but the total failure of this system. EU lawmaking is based on caprice and it does not consider the regional differences.
A system controlled by a very small criminal elite, always fails.
Oh, it has worked for centuries. There wasn´t any progress, though.
It has?

I think not. Central government is responsible for more death, suffering, and destruction than any other force. If we could just get rid of centralized government entirely, the world would be much better place.
what does that mean for us? dissolve the United States to get rid of our central govt, and each State becomes a country?
Great news.

National sovereignty over rule by a very small elite. Is it any wonder they voted against the EU?

Now...if only the American people could vote down our central state government and make the states sovereign again.
I think it is not the system of an Union that is the cause for concern but the total failure of this system. EU lawmaking is based on caprice and it does not consider the regional differences.
A system controlled by a very small criminal elite, always fails.
Oh, it has worked for centuries. There wasn´t any progress, though.
It has?

I think not. Central government is responsible for more death, suffering, and destruction than any other force. If we could just get rid of centralized government entirely, the world would be much better place.
what does that mean for us? dissolve the United States to get rid of our central govt, and each State becomes a country?

Not at all.
Hmmm, guess we had better stop laughing at the Americans who support Trump. Idiots do have a voice.

There is a long way to go on this one.

Once the negotiations start it will be very difficult for any British government to present the deal to the British public.

There will be a second referendum which will vote in.

What a waste of time.
He´s back, recovered and belligerent.
Yeah, there could be another referendum. We know in "EU Democracy" they keep repeating referendums until the wanted result has come.
He´s back, recovered and belligerent.
Yeah, there could be another referendum. We know in "EU Democracy" they keep repeating referendums until the wanted result has come.
It is rather amusing (really more like disgusting, but I am being kind) that many on the left lined up with the establishment with Brexit, just as they line up with the establishment candidate for POTUS in the USA.

LOL...and they consider themselves anti-establishment. The Left is nothing if not hypocritical.
He´s back, recovered and belligerent.
Yeah, there could be another referendum. We know in "EU Democracy" they keep repeating referendums until the wanted result has come.
Well we have had one vote where people were not told,or were too thick , the consequences.Perhaps a vote on the deal would be more useful.
The idiots cheering on the prospect of a white britain are going to be disappointed.
He´s back, recovered and belligerent.
Yeah, there could be another referendum. We know in "EU Democracy" they keep repeating referendums until the wanted result has come.
It is rather amusing (really more like disgusting, but I am being kind) that many on the left lined up with the establishment with Brexit, just as they line up with the establishment candidate for POTUS in the USA.

LOL...and they consider themselves anti-establishment. The Left is nothing if not hypocritical.
You are a fuckwit. Tell me who the establishment is ?
He´s back, recovered and belligerent.
Yeah, there could be another referendum. We know in "EU Democracy" they keep repeating referendums until the wanted result has come.
It is rather amusing (really more like disgusting, but I am being kind) that many on the left lined up with the establishment with Brexit, just as they line up with the establishment candidate for POTUS in the USA.

LOL...and they consider themselves anti-establishment. The Left is nothing if not hypocritical.
You are a fuckwit. Tell me who the establishment is ?
Not nice Limey...

Look it up.
He´s back, recovered and belligerent.
Yeah, there could be another referendum. We know in "EU Democracy" they keep repeating referendums until the wanted result has come.
Well we have had one vote where people were not told,or were too thick , the consequences.Perhaps a vote on the deal would be more useful.
The idiots cheering on the prospect of a white britain are going to be disappointed.
The people expressed their opinion. It was close but the decision is made. You need to accept this or elsewhere don´t have a sense for democracy.
Further it is not about a white Britain but about a British Britain, which is naturally white. There is no problem with white skincolor. There is a problem with white people being oppressed in their own country. The Brits should not expect too much from a Brexit, though. In the end it is the national politics that allowed all this to happen. Don´t make it a racist thing - nobody complains of some migrants - in a reasonable framework.

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