Bribery is a loser

I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.

I do not know anymore if they can just leave it to the voter...
They have to. We are far to divided in this country. We need the people to speak up

Trump will lose the Popular Vote while winning the Electoral College again, and that is the sad reality.

Warren is going to lose badly if nominated and Biden is tainted, and Sanders was so 2016, so who else do you have?

Mayor Pete?

Even though I like the guy he has no chance on the big stage and the rest of the field are too weak or came in late.

Impeachment is all they have...
Biden is the best bet. Maybe somebody new comes along. But Biden is fine. He would bring stability, he just needs to not play trumps games

Problem is Biden will debate Trump, so Trump will play his games and Biden will fall into the trap.

It is not guaranteed that Biden will even get the nomination and right now Warren and Mayor Pete are gaining or passing on Biden.

Michael Smerconish had a caller today and talked about Biden work to get that corrupt person fired and pointed out Biden should comment on it and state by doing what he did it brought more pressure on the company his son was working for and a possible investigation.

If he ( Biden ) did this then maybe he can salvage his chances.

In the end if Biden loses the nomination and Trump beat Conviction and Removal then expect four more years of Trump and him being the monster we all fear...
Warren and Pete are great idea people but neither will win a national election. They are gaining in Iowa but I don’t think that matters much, Biden still leads nationally.
The campaign is going to be nasty, Biden has work to do. To be honest Pete is probably the best equipped to battle but unfortunately our country is not mature enough to elect a gay president. Sad but true.
I do not know anymore if they can just leave it to the voter...
They have to. We are far to divided in this country. We need the people to speak up

Trump will lose the Popular Vote while winning the Electoral College again, and that is the sad reality.

Warren is going to lose badly if nominated and Biden is tainted, and Sanders was so 2016, so who else do you have?

Mayor Pete?

Even though I like the guy he has no chance on the big stage and the rest of the field are too weak or came in late.

Impeachment is all they have...
Biden is the best bet. Maybe somebody new comes along. But Biden is fine. He would bring stability, he just needs to not play trumps games

Problem is Biden will debate Trump, so Trump will play his games and Biden will fall into the trap.

It is not guaranteed that Biden will even get the nomination and right now Warren and Mayor Pete are gaining or passing on Biden.

Michael Smerconish had a caller today and talked about Biden work to get that corrupt person fired and pointed out Biden should comment on it and state by doing what he did it brought more pressure on the company his son was working for and a possible investigation.

If he ( Biden ) did this then maybe he can salvage his chances.

In the end if Biden loses the nomination and Trump beat Conviction and Removal then expect four more years of Trump and him being the monster we all fear...
Warren and Pete are great idea people but neither will win a national election. They are gaining in Iowa but I don’t think that matters much, Biden still leads nationally.
The campaign is going to be nasty, Biden has work to do. To be honest Pete is probably the best equipped to battle but unfortunately our country is not mature enough to elect a gay president. Sad but true.

Funny thing is Mayor Pete would be the second Gay President...

James Buchanan was known even in his day to be light in the loafers...

How is it that in 2019 we are more close minded?

It just amazes me...

As for impeachment I just feel this is their ( Democrats ) only chance to remove Trump and they are hoping Trump ego hangs his political career which I believe it could...

The tweeter rants today are amazing from our glorious President... ( yes, the glorious was a joke )
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
Very adult of you. I see it this way-these are word games. People did not understand collusion, so the dems switched it to conspiracy-did not work. Now they took quid pro quo, people do not understand Latin, so now we have bribery-we'll see if THAT works. The last charge I see is running up the government's phone bill!

Your inability to discern the nuances of the english language does not mean anything "changed". There is no statute regarding a general act of collusion. There is however for the specific act of conspiracy. Simply because a criminal conspiracy could not be shown in no way means there were no acts of collusion.
No inability-I like my assessment better! Dems are dopes!

I'm sure you do. That ignorance is like a warm blanket.
Your ignorance is like your dick in your hand. No collusion, no obstruction, no bribery-except for Schiff's
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
Yeah, the minute they start trying to move the goalposts, you know they're getting nervous.

They pretty much HAVE to impeach at this point, don't they? I'd think if they back out they're damn near throwing in the towel for 2020 by handing Trump an out.

I can't imagine Pelosi would have let it get this far without being pretty sure they had some meat here. Maybe Schiff & Co. let her astray a bit?
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
Today was pretty melodramatic at times. The ambassador did fine, but she didn't have much to say about the crimes. Just Trump's bad behavior which was revolting but not criminal.
I agree... just think this change to bribery is going to confuse things. It smells. Sounds like they are trying to hard to mood it into an impeachable crime, but is not an accurate label. Abuse of office make sense, I would have stuck with that.

Bribery is a specific act of abuse of office.
Bribery is a pay for play which happens all the time. It takes the focus off the corruption which is where it should have stayed. The messaging needs to stay simple, this is going to complicate it.
Bribery is not pay for play. Bribery is bribery.
Pay for play is Trump donors being rewarded with positions in the administration like Sondland and DeVos.

Corrupt intent is simple.
The legal definition of bribery is as follows... the corrupt intent is not there so the lines are fuzzy


Bribery refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty. ... Solicitation of a bribealso constitutes a crime and is completed regardless of whether the solicitation results in the receipt of a valuable gift.
View attachment 289969
Cornell University › law › wex › bri...
Bribery | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Corrupt intent is required.

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

U.S. Code § 201.Bribery of public officials and witnesses
(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
No first hand No first-hand witness.

...and still no Russian connection
They have to. We are far to divided in this country. We need the people to speak up

Trump will lose the Popular Vote while winning the Electoral College again, and that is the sad reality.

Warren is going to lose badly if nominated and Biden is tainted, and Sanders was so 2016, so who else do you have?

Mayor Pete?

Even though I like the guy he has no chance on the big stage and the rest of the field are too weak or came in late.

Impeachment is all they have...
Biden is the best bet. Maybe somebody new comes along. But Biden is fine. He would bring stability, he just needs to not play trumps games

Problem is Biden will debate Trump, so Trump will play his games and Biden will fall into the trap.

It is not guaranteed that Biden will even get the nomination and right now Warren and Mayor Pete are gaining or passing on Biden.

Michael Smerconish had a caller today and talked about Biden work to get that corrupt person fired and pointed out Biden should comment on it and state by doing what he did it brought more pressure on the company his son was working for and a possible investigation.

If he ( Biden ) did this then maybe he can salvage his chances.

In the end if Biden loses the nomination and Trump beat Conviction and Removal then expect four more years of Trump and him being the monster we all fear...
Warren and Pete are great idea people but neither will win a national election. They are gaining in Iowa but I don’t think that matters much, Biden still leads nationally.
The campaign is going to be nasty, Biden has work to do. To be honest Pete is probably the best equipped to battle but unfortunately our country is not mature enough to elect a gay president. Sad but true.

Funny thing is Mayor Pete would be the second Gay President...

James Buchanan was known even in his day to be light in the loafers...

How is it that in 2019 we are more close minded?

It just amazes me...

As for impeachment I just feel this is their ( Democrats ) only chance to remove Trump and they are hoping Trump ego hangs his political career which I believe it could...

The tweeter rants today are amazing from our glorious President... ( yes, the glorious was a joke )
Did he really say "that woman (the ambassador) should be thankful for whatever she's got left?"
One of the pols said that--I tried to find it on his tweets but couldn't find it. Did I mishear her?
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
Yeah, the minute they start trying to move the goalposts, you know they're getting nervous.

They pretty much HAVE to impeach at this point, don't they? I'd think if they back out they're damn near throwing in the towel for 2020 by handing Trump an out.

I can't imagine Pelosi would have let it get this far without being pretty sure they had some meat here. Maybe Schiff & Co. let her astray a bit?
she has to know that the senate won’t convict and if they get the trail they are going to drag it out on their terms right in the heart of the campaign... how do you see that playing out?
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
Yeah, the minute they start trying to move the goalposts, you know they're getting nervous.

They pretty much HAVE to impeach at this point, don't they? I'd think if they back out they're damn near throwing in the towel for 2020 by handing Trump an out.

I can't imagine Pelosi would have let it get this far without being pretty sure they had some meat here. Maybe Schiff & Co. let her astray a bit?
Does it HAVE to be bribery? They can't use abuse of power?
I think she ought to put together her Articles of Impeachment and if the Senate doesn't like 'em, fine. She tried.
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
Yeah, the minute they start trying to move the goalposts, you know they're getting nervous.

They pretty much HAVE to impeach at this point, don't they? I'd think if they back out they're damn near throwing in the towel for 2020 by handing Trump an out.

I can't imagine Pelosi would have let it get this far without being pretty sure they had some meat here. Maybe Schiff & Co. let her astray a bit?
Does it HAVE to be bribery? They can't use abuse of power?
I think she ought to put together her Articles of Impeachment and if the Senate doesn't like 'em, fine. She tried.
as soon as the senate takes over it all becomes about Hunter Biden and his corrupt father. How do you think that factors into the campaign?
You skipped right over avoiding conflicts of interest even in appearance and the state dept's concerns and recommendation to investigate. Your blatant double standards Biden vs Trump tells me you are not interested in serious discussion.
A fair complaint can be made for the appearance of impropriety. That’s very different than calling Biden a criminal with no evidence of wrong doing

and thats why trump wanted a full investigation,,,

Nah, he just wanted a public announcement.

you cant read minds,,,

True. But in this case I don't have to, Trumpybear said it himself.

However, I do have opinions on how "Captain Kangaroo" would have used the public announcement of said investigations had his plot attained it's goal.

But his plan failed.
...and still nothing firsthand
Biden: "Segregation Now, Segregation Forever!"

Trump: "The 1960s called and wants their Social Policy Back."

End of DEBATE.
one of them was you not knowing about kent saying an investigation should be done,,,

its almost like you didnt even watcch or try to find out what was said ,,,
The guy I was replying to said somebody during that hearing recommended a Biden investigation. I didn’t hear anybody say that. And I also didn’t claim to know everything as I was asking for a link. I heard much of the testimony yesterday but not all of it. Did you hear anybody besides partisan congressmen recommend a Biden investigation?

is that all you got? You agreeing with all my other points?

why do you keep selecting your facts and ignoring the rest???
I present all the relevant facts. Since you aren’t making counter arguments I have to assume your just trolling.

relevant to you maybe,, but far from all the facts,,,

and I have been countering you all day,,not my fault you chose to ignore it,,
The only thing you pointed out was my comment about Kent’s statement about the investigation but you took the discussion out of context as I pointed out. Is there anything else you think I got wrong?

I have been pointing out stuff all day,,,along with the last few weeks and you know it

and again you have a selective view/memory and ignore so much that proves you wrong
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.

I do not know anymore if they can just leave it to the voter...
They have to. We are far to divided in this country. We need the people to speak up

Trump will lose the Popular Vote while winning the Electoral College again, and that is the sad reality.

Warren is going to lose badly if nominated and Biden is tainted, and Sanders was so 2016, so who else do you have?

Mayor Pete?

Even though I like the guy he has no chance on the big stage and the rest of the field are too weak or came in late.

Impeachment is all they have...
Biden is the best bet. Maybe somebody new comes along. But Biden is fine. He would bring stability, he just needs to not play trumps games


are you out of your fuckin mind???

there is nothing stable about joe biden,,,,
Yovanavitch could have done lots of shit. Right now we are concerned about what she has to say about Trump.

If you assfucks want to investigate & prosecute her, then do it & quit your incessant whining.
The fucking whore has zero credibility
A fair complaint can be made for the appearance of impropriety. That’s very different than calling Biden a criminal with no evidence of wrong doing

and thats why trump wanted a full investigation,,,

Nah, he just wanted a public announcement.

you cant read minds,,,

True. But in this case I don't have to, Trumpybear said it himself.

However, I do have opinions on how "Captain Kangaroo" would have used the public announcement of said investigations had his plot attained it's goal.

But his plan failed.
...and still nothing firsthand
That’s yesterday’s news... you need to move to the next talking point. “Yeah Trump did that, so what?!” Growl
Progressives have to convince the public that this is a impeachable offense, then they have to convince the Senate.

No one’s minds are being changed on one side or the other… That is a fact
The guy I was replying to said somebody during that hearing recommended a Biden investigation. I didn’t hear anybody say that. And I also didn’t claim to know everything as I was asking for a link. I heard much of the testimony yesterday but not all of it. Did you hear anybody besides partisan congressmen recommend a Biden investigation?

is that all you got? You agreeing with all my other points?

why do you keep selecting your facts and ignoring the rest???
I present all the relevant facts. Since you aren’t making counter arguments I have to assume your just trolling.

relevant to you maybe,, but far from all the facts,,,

and I have been countering you all day,,not my fault you chose to ignore it,,
The only thing you pointed out was my comment about Kent’s statement about the investigation but you took the discussion out of context as I pointed out. Is there anything else you think I got wrong?

I have been pointing out stuff all day,,,along with the last few weeks and you know it

and again you have a selective view/memory and ignore so much that proves you wrong
Point to one

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