Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

For the 10 fucking millionth time. BECAUSE IT FORCES ME TO DENY REALITY.

Would you want to be forced to consider a 70 year old man to be 12?

Would you want to be forced to consider to consider someone with white freckled skin and red hair to be african american?

Frankly, if a 70 year old thinks he's a 12 year old, that has no impact on my life, so why are you making a big thing about it?

If a 70 year old can be treated by the law as a 12 year old like t rannies are having them treated as the opposite sex, then that 70 year old considered 12 by the law can have sex with "other" underaged children and not be considered a criminal.
For the 10 fucking millionth time. BECAUSE IT FORCES ME TO DENY REALITY.

Would you want to be forced to consider a 70 year old man to be 12?

Would you want to be forced to consider to consider someone with white freckled skin and red hair to be african american?

Frankly, if a 70 year old thinks he's a 12 year old, that has no impact on my life, so why are you making a big thing about it?

If a 70 year old can be treated by the law as a 12 year old like t rannies are having them treated as the opposite sex, then that 70 year old considered 12 by the law can have sex with "other" underaged children and not be considered a criminal.

Wow, guy, you are really stretching to make a point that I don't even think YOU know what your point was anymore.

Okay- one more time- how does some dude thinking he's a chick effect your life in any way, shape or form. Let's see if you can answer the question without changing the subject.

Should be interesting.
Frankly, if a 70 year old thinks he's a 12 year old, that has no impact on my life, so why are you making a big thing about it?

If a 70 year old can be treated by the law as a 12 year old like t rannies are having them treated as the opposite sex, then that 70 year old considered 12 by the law can have sex with "other" underaged children and not be considered a criminal.

Wow, guy, you are really stretching to make a point that I don't even think YOU know what your point was anymore.

Okay- one more time- how does some dude thinking he's a chick effect your life in any way, shape or form. Let's see if you can answer the question without changing the subject.

Should be interesting.

Read my prior fucking posts.

Way to ignore my point BTW. IF you allow some people to deny relaity and have it recognized by the law, then you open the door for others to get to deny reality too.

Age is a lot less certain than sex/gender. You only even know how old you are because someone else told you. You have to take their word for it. YOu don't remember be ing born, the only reason you know the day you were born on was because you were told by someone else. UNLIKE sex. You can always look down in between your legs and see if you are male or female.

This is what happens when you open the door the legal recognition and FORCED denial of reality. People get sent to jail if they don't play along with the tranny's delusion. And it's not limited to hate crimes, which I fully condemn. In certain countries you would be jailed for not letting a tranny use the women's bathroom. Here in the US can be sued for not letting a tranny use the woman's bathroom.

Imagine if someone were able to sue and win against chuck e cheese for not letting a 70 year old man who thought he was 12 enter without being a member of another group? They have a policy on not letting individuals who are adults enter who are not a member of a group having an event there for a very logical reason. To keep potential pedophiles out. Imagine if they could get sued if they didn't plaly along with his delusion?
They are not mentally ill. The brain was simply wired wrong, and the changing of sex is simply to bring the body in line with the brain.

I don't believe that. There is a lot of serious mental illness around, and it's a sad thing if people have to humor creepy sex psychotics or get sued. Lots of people have psychotic delusions that don't match reality. A very popular psychotic belief is that delusionals believe they are Jesus Christ. But I don't think that means I have to pray to them.

I don't have to believe a man is a woman, either. These are crazies who are focused on forcing strangers to think about the crazy's genitalia all the time. That is disgusting and creepy and they'll just have to sue me, if they can. I don't cooperate with psychotic delusions. They can do that somewhere else on their own time, not around me.

There is so much of this now, continual forcing of the public's attention onto perverted sex by people with a need for attention and something seriously wrong with their heads. I don't see how it can keep getting worse and worse like this indefinitely without decent people rebelling.

I have to kind of agree with this. I consider myself pretty progressive on gender and sexual orientation issues, but frankly, gender-reassignment surgery goes against the very concept of good medicine.

There was a guy a while back who thought he was a tiger.


He had tattoos, dental work, even put in fake whiskers.

Didn't make him a tiger, and a vaginoplasty doesn't make you a chick.

That said, on the list of "things to get worked up over", it would probably rank at #498 for me.

Just wanted to say, that was a truly great post. Great picture, too. [:) Really sums it up.
IF you allow some people to deny relaity and have it recognized by the law, then you open the door for others to get to deny reality too.


Imagine if someone were able to sue and win against chuck e cheese for not letting a 70 year old man who thought he was 12 enter without being a member of another group? They have a policy on not letting individuals who are adults enter who are not a member of a group having an event there for a very logical reason. To keep potential pedophiles out. Imagine if they could get sued if they didn't plaly along with his delusion?

Yeah...........good post. Thoughtful.

I guess commercial establishments can throw people out if they are misbehaving, and take the consequences. I was at a local lunch place yesterday and a bum in a wheelchair came in, very bent over. His idea was that he would sit near the bar and watch TV and drink coffee. He was.....very friendly. The owner's idea was that he would throw him out at once. The bum did get the bum's rush, and he was wow, quite colorful in his language, and I got a free lunch. Because the owner was afraid of the consequences; I'm a regular. Same deal with the bridal shop, maybe. The restaurant owner didn't want his place known as the kind of place bums sit around all day staring at the TV like it's a community center, he knew I'd stop coming there, and so would everyone who could pay. The bridal shop didn't want male creeps who think they are women coming there and ruining their business! They would quickly get a reputation and have to close.

These problems with society's deviants are complicated and stores will have to solve them as best they can. But I'm more worried about restrooms. I seriously do not want psychotic males all tricked out like female prostitutes coming into a woman's room I'm in!!!!!! I would call the police, be sure.

No males belong in a woman's room, not rapists, not robbers, not psychotics!! Darn, if we have lost even this basic sense to social life, what do we have left?
Read my prior fucking posts.

Way to ignore my point BTW. IF you allow some people to deny relaity and have it recognized by the law, then you open the door for others to get to deny reality too.

Age is a lot less certain than sex/gender. You only even know how old you are because someone else told you. You have to take their word for it. YOu don't remember be ing born, the only reason you know the day you were born on was because you were told by someone else. UNLIKE sex. You can always look down in between your legs and see if you are male or female.

This is what happens when you open the door the legal recognition and FORCED denial of reality. People get sent to jail if they don't play along with the tranny's delusion. And it's not limited to hate crimes, which I fully condemn. In certain countries you would be jailed for not letting a tranny use the women's bathroom. Here in the US can be sued for not letting a tranny use the woman's bathroom.

Imagine if someone were able to sue and win against chuck e cheese for not letting a 70 year old man who thought he was 12 enter without being a member of another group? They have a policy on not letting individuals who are adults enter who are not a member of a group having an event there for a very logical reason. To keep potential pedophiles out. Imagine if they could get sued if they didn't plaly along with his delusion?

Guy, the "Slippery Slope" argument is a fallacy.

It's the argument you homophobes and haters always use. "Well, if you allow this, then you also have to allow this...."

No, not really.
[ame=]Queen - 'Bohemian Rhapsody' - YouTube[/ame]

I'm blonde...and trying to get this.....

Please don't think I mean it.....I promise :

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Frankly, if a 70 year old thinks he's a 12 year old, that has no impact on my life, so why are you making a big thing about it?

If a 70 year old can be treated by the law as a 12 year old like t rannies are having them treated as the opposite sex, then that 70 year old considered 12 by the law can have sex with "other" underaged children and not be considered a criminal.

Wow, guy, you are really stretching to make a point that I don't even think YOU know what your point was anymore.

Okay- one more time- how does some dude thinking he's a chick effect your life in any way, shape or form. Let's see if you can answer the question without changing the subject.

Should be interesting.

Frankly, the delusion that makes a man think he is a woman is easier to understand than your pretense that this doesn't affect anyone else.

Let me give you a hypothetical situation. You are waiting for your 154cm 45 kilo teenage daughter outside a restroom when a 220cm 120 kilo construction worker walks in and tries to use it. You, naturally, stop him, and then he tells you it is all right because he is legally a woman, and even shows you ID to prove it.

Do you let him in, or do you tell him to wait for her to come out?
If a 70 year old can be treated by the law as a 12 year old like t rannies are having them treated as the opposite sex, then that 70 year old considered 12 by the law can have sex with "other" underaged children and not be considered a criminal.

Wow, guy, you are really stretching to make a point that I don't even think YOU know what your point was anymore.

Okay- one more time- how does some dude thinking he's a chick effect your life in any way, shape or form. Let's see if you can answer the question without changing the subject.

Should be interesting.

Frankly, the delusion that makes a man think he is a woman is easier to understand than your pretense that this doesn't affect anyone else.

Let me give you a hypothetical situation. You are waiting for your 154cm 45 kilo teenage daughter outside a restroom when a 220cm 120 kilo construction worker walks in and tries to use it. You, naturally, stop him, and then he tells you it is all right because he is legally a woman, and even shows you ID to prove it.

Do you let him in, or do you tell him to wait for her to come out?

Sounds like if some people get their way, he will just have to suck it up and let the construction worker go in there with the daughter. Or risk criminal charges for interfering with the construction worker's right to use the ladies' room.

Frankly, the delusion that makes a man think he is a woman is easier to understand than your pretense that this doesn't affect anyone else.

Let me give you a hypothetical situation. You are waiting for your 154cm 45 kilo teenage daughter outside a restroom when a 220cm 120 kilo construction worker walks in and tries to use it. You, naturally, stop him, and then he tells you it is all right because he is legally a woman, and even shows you ID to prove it.

Do you let him in, or do you tell him to wait for her to come out?

You know, more and more places are having unisex bathrooms and the world is not coming to an end.
You know, more and more places are having unisex bathrooms and the world is not coming to an end.

Fine, if the unisex bathroom LOCKS and is a one-person setup.

Unisex bathrooms are definitely not all right with me if it's a six-foot psycho male in a dress coming in after me!!!!!!!

I would most definitely call 911 on that little situation.
People: if some male who is not well screwed-down wants to wear women's underwear in front of his bedroom mirror, that is not my business.

But we should not let crazy people coerce us into letting them harm us and endanger us. When their behavior affects us, that has gone way too far. Males trying to pretend they are female is not my issue if they do it privately. If they try to force it on me, however, I expect to fight back. Males try to force a WHOLE LOT of atrocities on women, and this is Just. Yet. One. More. Abuse.
The local movie theater has a unisex bathroom and a ladies room and a men's room too. That way women that want to avoid psychopaths use the ladies room where men are not allowed no matter how short their skirts are.
We were asked how you could tell that thing was a male. I provide a photo link a d ask the question and then the libs ran away.
The local movie theater has a unisex bathroom and a ladies room and a men's room too. That way women that want to avoid psychopaths use the ladies room where men are not allowed no matter how short their skirts are.

So the ladies room is for real women, and the men's room is for men, and the unisex bathroom is for god-only-knows-WHAT-that-is?

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