Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

The local movie theater has a unisex bathroom and a ladies room and a men's room too. That way women that want to avoid psychopaths use the ladies room where men are not allowed no matter how short their skirts are.

So the ladies room is for real women, and the men's room is for men, and the unisex bathroom is for god-only-knows-WHAT-that-is?

The unisex bathroom is for whoever doesn't want to be classified or who can't be classified. Parents use it when a Dad is with his young daughter and doesn't want her to go into the bathroom alone. Dad can't go into the ladies room so he goes into the unisex bathroom.

It is a reasonable accommodation. It still gets complaints, but it is the only reasonable accommodation.
This would all be resolved by letting people have the freedom to make their own business decisions. If a bridal shop doesn't want trannies into their shop, so what, they should not only have the right, but advertise it too. Some bridal shop someplace is going to specialize in gowns for transgendered, advertise the hell out of it and have trannies from across the nation flying in for fittings. Let people BE!
People: if some male who is not well screwed-down wants to wear women's underwear in front of his bedroom mirror, that is not my business.

But we should not let crazy people coerce us into letting them harm us and endanger us. When their behavior affects us, that has gone way too far. Males trying to pretend they are female is not my issue if they do it privately. If they try to force it on me, however, I expect to fight back. Males try to force a WHOLE LOT of atrocities on women, and this is Just. Yet. One. More. Abuse.

You know, it's funny...male trannies do not want to use the men's room, often citing how they get picked on. Yet, they fail to see how their insistence that they be permitted into the ladies room is effectively a way to bully others into accepting their behavior, regardless of the potential danger to real women.
The local movie theater has a unisex bathroom and a ladies room and a men's room too. That way women that want to avoid psychopaths use the ladies room where men are not allowed no matter how short their skirts are.

So the ladies room is for real women, and the men's room is for men, and the unisex bathroom is for god-only-knows-WHAT-that-is?

The unisex bathroom is for whoever doesn't want to be classified or who can't be classified. Parents use it when a Dad is with his young daughter and doesn't want her to go into the bathroom alone. Dad can't go into the ladies room so he goes into the unisex bathroom.

It is a reasonable accommodation. It still gets complaints, but it is the only reasonable accommodation.

Reasonable accommodation it is, indeed. Too bad some of these gender-bender folks are so damned unreasonable. Once again, their goal is not reasonability or "fair" treatment, they want to force acceptance of a condition that is considered abnormal by the majority of healthy animals in the herd.
You know, it's funny...male trannies do not want to use the men's room, often citing how they get picked on. Yet, they fail to see how their insistence that they be permitted into the ladies room is effectively a way to bully others into accepting their behavior, regardless of the potential danger to real women.

Yeah, they have more testosterone than women, by far, and so they do the male thing of pushing and bullying. They think they can overwhelm us because we're women: we're easier to bully than other men are. It's just the usual abuse men do, but these men wear dresses!

I think there does need to be SOME protection by society against real crazies deciding to force themselves onto other people and abuse them.

It's like these homosexuals who want to ruin Scouting for everyone by co-opting it for their perversion agenda. It's really sad what is going on. There seems to be no defense against this sort of selfish and sexually deviant behavior.
You know, it's funny...male trannies do not want to use the men's room, often citing how they get picked on. Yet, they fail to see how their insistence that they be permitted into the ladies room is effectively a way to bully others into accepting their behavior, regardless of the potential danger to real women.

Yeah, they have more testosterone than women, by far, and so they do the male thing of pushing and bullying. They think they can overwhelm us because we're women: we're easier to bully than other men are. It's just the usual abuse men do, but these men wear dresses!

I think there does need to be SOME protection by society against real crazies deciding to force themselves onto other people and abuse them.

It's like these homosexuals who want to ruin Scouting for everyone by co-opting it for their perversion agenda. It's really sad what is going on. There seems to be no defense against this sort of selfish and sexually deviant behavior.

Another point to ponder...the people pushing this agenda of acceptance are usually the first bunch to scream about "if it saves just one..." anything goes in order to shove their ideas down our throats. Of course, we are balancing if only one woman is saved from rape or assault vs. if only one tranny is made to feel more like a woman. Trannies are the cause du jour for the PC crowd. Women are...well, who cares what those bitches think, they must be made to accept these men so that their male egos are not crushed.
I have known a LOT of trannies in my time. I've some some gorgeous women who had no problem using the ladies room. They went in and shut the stall door. This was 20 or more years ago. What makes the difference today is that transsexuals are more insistent on being transsexuals than being women. That pretty girl is bound to wag his dick in your face just to make SURE you aren't letting a woman in, but a man in a dress.
That is a good point. If they deported themselves as ladies most people would be none the wiser. The point is not to be treated as a woman, the whole point of the exercise is to force all the rest to accept them for what they are, although they are men dressed up like women. I'm guessing a quick kick to the nuts would have just as much impact on them as it would on any other guy.
Male to female trannies have the highest HIV infection rate of any group. I doubt you could transmit it via a dress but are you going to deny their HIV infection rates too? Or will you spout done bullshit about how stigmas makes them take it up the ass without condoms?


CDC - HIV Among Transgender People - Transgender - Other at Risk - Risk - HIV/AIDS

I don't see any thing at this link that supports your assertion(s).

This study compares a selected high risk transgender international population to a general population reference group, apples and oranges. This link does not support your assertion(s).

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