Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

When was the last time a transgendered woman raped another woman in a bathroom?

Thereis a TG in prison in OK for rape.

Oklahoma: Convicted Rapist Wants Trans Medical Care |

Another one sued for the right to be in a woman's prison, and won.

Transsexual prisoner wins right to be in female prison - Telegraph

I bet you thought it never happened, didn't you? Tell me something, what automatically makes a man in women's clothes a TG and not a pervert?

The first one is very inventive, calling himself Phoebe Halliwell. Watching too much Charmed, I would think...
The second link confirms my immediate thought - that these transgendered folk ONLY claimed to be transgendered once they were in prison - and NOT when the crime was committed. Therefore, the rapes were not committed by transgendered people at all.

How can you tell they are transgendered, then? Other than their claims, they still have the equipment to commit the crime. So why risk even one rape? "Hi, I'm Joe...I mean, Joanne. I'm not really a woman, but I like to think of myself as a woman." Now, how are you going to tell the difference? Does it sport exterior plumbing? It used the men's loo, period. Until it no longer has the plumbing, it can still stand up to piss.
Good for the shop owner!! :thup:

Most of these perverts are walking disease containers with all kinds of STD's and infections.

It's not fair for the next customer to try on the same wedding dress and risk being contaminated with some horrific disease. .. :eek:

And you think straight people and non-trannys are always clean? You should go people-watching at WalMart sometime. I promise you'll never try on clothes at a store again.:eek:

How can you be sure that some of those Walmartians are even people?

Hey, now!!! I once saw Sarah Palin in Wal-Mart!
The truth is, I have befriended and defended transgender people before. I used to hang out at this bar when I was younger and a transgender man started coming in there. He dressed as a woman most of the time, but sometimes he would have a dress on, but no makeup or wig. So his head looked like a man but he was wearing a dress. I was very protective of him. I was a popular and established client at that particular establishment and I made it clear that I liked him and anybody who messed with him would have to answer to me. I will note that he used the men's room, not the ladies' room at that establishment. I'm pretty sure if he had started going in the ladies' room it would have started a ruckus. Even I would probably have objected to that.

I talk tough, but I am very soft hearted when it comes down to it.

I just feel that everybody should be able to dress as they like, etc., but when it comes down to ladies' locker rooms and restrooms, if you have a penis you don't belong in there. If you look enough like a woman and don't go around telling everyone you're transgender, you'll be able to go in the ladies' room and no one will have a problem with it because they won't know you're a man.

*sigh* I'm sure glad I don't have any gender confusion. I'm just agoraphobic. Nobody understands that, either. : )

Koosh, you are always a sucker for strays and misfits. I agree that anyone can dress up any way they want. But I also agree that there are some places where biological equippage trumps one's mental self-image or public presentation. Discreet is the watchword here...if they didn't make some big issue out of their lifestyle choices, others would not even know about it most of the time.
The truth is, I have befriended and defended transgender people before. I used to hang out at this bar when I was younger and a transgender man started coming in there. He dressed as a woman most of the time, but sometimes he would have a dress on, but no makeup or wig. So his head looked like a man but he was wearing a dress. I was very protective of him. I was a popular and established client at that particular establishment and I made it clear that I liked him and anybody who messed with him would have to answer to me. I will note that he used the men's room, not the ladies' room at that establishment. I'm pretty sure if he had started going in the ladies' room it would have started a ruckus. Even I would probably have objected to that.

I talk tough, but I am very soft hearted when it comes down to it.

I just feel that everybody should be able to dress as they like, etc., but when it comes down to ladies' locker rooms and restrooms, if you have a penis you don't belong in there. If you look enough like a woman and don't go around telling everyone you're transgender, you'll be able to go in the ladies' room and no one will have a problem with it because they won't know you're a man.

*sigh* I'm sure glad I don't have any gender confusion. I'm just agoraphobic. Nobody understands that, either. : )

Koosh, you are always a sucker for strays and misfits. I agree that anyone can dress up any way they want. But I also agree that there are some places where biological equippage trumps one's mental self-image or public presentation. Discreet is the watchword here...if they didn't make some big issue out of their lifestyle choices, others would not even know about it most of the time.

Ah, you know me better than most. I am, indeed, a sucker for strays and misfits. And underdogs. To a point, anyway. : )

Sorry, this isn't really an issue for these businesses. They are running a public accommedation. When they say, "We are providing a service for money", then they are required to provide that service, as advertised.

Saying "I'm not going to let you sleep at my bed and breakfast because you're gay" is the same as saying "I'm not going to let you sleep at my bed and breakfast because you're black", or "I'm not going to let you sleep at my bed and breakfast, because you're Jewish."

I've seen the other end of it. Knew a lady who was fired from her job after 14 years because she brought her life-partner to the company Holiday party. Their excuse was that they were "reorganizing", but they filled that position again six months later.

I will say this again: pretty easy to discriminate against blacks, for the most part you cannot miss the fact of their race. Unless a couple of homosexuals/lesbians make an issue of it, most people would not recognize their sexual preferences. There is no equivalent between racial discrimination and exclusion of homosexuals...unless the homos force the point.
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

If the shop owner says 'No' the idiot freak and its "husband" should respect that and find a shop where their trade is desired. You condemn a business owner and the "idiot customers" and yet seem to adore allowing spoiled, selfish behavior by a select demographic. No one is forced to do business with any specific private concern. This couple should take their trade someplace where it is welcome.

First step towards elimination is to dehumanize......"it"...:doubt:

It is biologically a male, but it wants everyone to believe it is a 'female'. All languages I have studied allow for three genders: he, she, or it. Since it denies being male but is not a female, it is an IT. No dehumanization, rather recognition that it exists, although as neither male, nor female...just as it prefers and rational people recognize.
So they are going to check people's genital areas before they try on clothes? Will this apply to everyone, or will they single out those who look effeminate or butch?

Too funny. Proving bigots will go to any length of irrationality to satisfy their need to be hateful and fearful of anything with which they are not comfortable.

If they were discreet in their presentation, no one would be the wiser. Apparently (ref the cited article), the tranny was readily recognized as a man when it appeared and demanded to try on dresses. If it had the common sense to show up as a woman, there might not have been any question at all. But, you see, the point is not to find a nice wedding gown at all, the point is to shove its sexual preference into everyone else's face and force them to accept the fact that he is a freak.

Damn, gallantwarrior, you just tell it like it is, don't you? That's refreshing! : )

I don't have any particular axe to grind with transgender people except when they start forcing themselves on other people and especially when they're still men and they want to hang out in women's venues. Go get your penis whacked off and complete your "transition" first, you freak!

Same here. I don't care, one way or the other. But like a lot of other issues (hunting, firearms, etc), when I am being forced to subvert my rights in favor of someone else's choices, screw that. They get the equipment removed, no harm, no foul...they can go to the ladies room if they show that kind of commitment to their choice.
Thereis a TG in prison in OK for rape.

Oklahoma: Convicted Rapist Wants Trans Medical Care |

Another one sued for the right to be in a woman's prison, and won.

Transsexual prisoner wins right to be in female prison - Telegraph

I bet you thought it never happened, didn't you? Tell me something, what automatically makes a man in women's clothes a TG and not a pervert?

The first one is very inventive, calling himself Phoebe Halliwell. Watching too much Charmed, I would think...
The second link confirms my immediate thought - that these transgendered folk ONLY claimed to be transgendered once they were in prison - and NOT when the crime was committed. Therefore, the rapes were not committed by transgendered people at all.

How can you tell they are transgendered, then? Other than their claims, they still have the equipment to commit the crime. So why risk even one rape? "Hi, I'm Joe...I mean, Joanne. I'm not really a woman, but I like to think of myself as a woman." Now, how are you going to tell the difference? Does it sport exterior plumbing? It used the men's loo, period. Until it no longer has the plumbing, it can still stand up to piss.

How do you tell they are transgendered? Well, if they commit a rape as a man, and decide to be a woman in prison, you can be pretty sure they are playing with you.
The first one is very inventive, calling himself Phoebe Halliwell. Watching too much Charmed, I would think...
The second link confirms my immediate thought - that these transgendered folk ONLY claimed to be transgendered once they were in prison - and NOT when the crime was committed. Therefore, the rapes were not committed by transgendered people at all.

How can you tell they are transgendered, then? Other than their claims, they still have the equipment to commit the crime. So why risk even one rape? "Hi, I'm Joe...I mean, Joanne. I'm not really a woman, but I like to think of myself as a woman." Now, how are you going to tell the difference? Does it sport exterior plumbing? It used the men's loo, period. Until it no longer has the plumbing, it can still stand up to piss.

How do you tell they are transgendered? Well, if they commit a rape as a man, and decide to be a woman in prison, you can be pretty sure they are playing with you.

This is from the woman who argued that it is impossible to fool doctors. Are you aware that they actually get psychiatric treatment in prisons? The person you are referring to was actually diagnosed by a doctor, which makes it 100% official.

Or you could agree with me that all of them are delusional, and we should stop supporting those delusions by forcing non delusional people to treat them like their version of reality is more real than mine.
The first one is very inventive, calling himself Phoebe Halliwell. Watching too much Charmed, I would think...
The second link confirms my immediate thought - that these transgendered folk ONLY claimed to be transgendered once they were in prison - and NOT when the crime was committed. Therefore, the rapes were not committed by transgendered people at all.

How can you tell they are transgendered, then? Other than their claims, they still have the equipment to commit the crime. So why risk even one rape? "Hi, I'm Joe...I mean, Joanne. I'm not really a woman, but I like to think of myself as a woman." Now, how are you going to tell the difference? Does it sport exterior plumbing? It used the men's loo, period. Until it no longer has the plumbing, it can still stand up to piss.

How do you tell they are transgendered? Well, if they commit a rape as a man, and decide to be a woman in prison, you can be pretty sure they are playing with you.

So, we have to wait for the guy to rape some poor, unsuspecting woman before we decide he's lying? Let me see if I can follow this bit of libtard logic: any male, so equipped by genetics, can declare himself a woman. No further action needed, 'it' says 'it' is a woman. Everyone else has to accept his declaration and act towards 'it' as if 'it' were the gender 'it' has declared 'itself' to be. Acceptance to include allowing 'it' free access to facilities set aside specifically for real women.

I hope to hell the neither you, nor any of your friends or relatives, run across some guy who has lied about his "sexuality".
Less freedom in the name of tolerance. How ironic!

The political agenda of the gay movement goes far beyond marriage

Eventually, churches who refuse to marry same-sex couples will fall into the category of "homophobia"

Sorry, this isn't really an issue for these businesses. They are running a public accommedation. When they say, "We are providing a service for money", then they are required to provide that service, as advertised.

Saying "I'm not going to let you sleep at my bed and breakfast because you're gay" is the same as saying "I'm not going to let you sleep at my bed and breakfast because you're black", or "I'm not going to let you sleep at my bed and breakfast, because you're Jewish."

I've seen the other end of it. Knew a lady who was fired from her job after 14 years because she brought her life-partner to the company Holiday party. Their excuse was that they were "reorganizing", but they filled that position again six months later.

I will say this again: pretty easy to discriminate against blacks, for the most part you cannot miss the fact of their race. Unless a couple of homosexuals/lesbians make an issue of it, most people would not recognize their sexual preferences. There is no equivalent between racial discrimination and exclusion of homosexuals...unless the homos force the point.

Agree with you on this, gallantwarrior! I had a black girlfriend who was offended that gays think their struggle is in any way equivalent to what blacks have gone through in this country. Blacks couldn't just put on their white face and go into restaurants. Sexual preferences are not evident unless the person lets them be. For that reason, LGBT persons have no idea of what blacks have been through.
These so-called "transgender" people are simply psychotics.

They are delusional: they are males with penises, but they have a delusion they are women.

Safest for everyone to stay away from mentally ill people like this, especially pathological attention-seekers like this one.

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