Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

It seems to me that the shop owner is free to limit her shoppers at her own expense. It is her shop and her own private property so she can allow anyone in she wishes. So is she wants to allow just a portion of the population for her customers, it's her choice.

It would also be my choice not to go to her shop, knowing she is a closed minded individual and I would feel more comfortable shopping elsewhere.
Closed minded for not wanting someone with a penis in a women's dressing room? What a bigot!
Should DAR be forced to admit a tranny who had an ancestor in the revolution?

Say if a woman had no ancestors in the revolution but thinks she did regardless. Should DAR be forced to accept her?
Bridal shop refuses to let transgender shopper try on gowns - Saskatchewan - CBC News

So tranny goes histrionic a d goes to the press seeking attention

So, let's see: one "transgendered" freak vs. several brides shopping in the boutique. So the lone tranny trumps any number of normal women who might be made uncomfortable by having some freaky dude slipping into the same gowns they might wish to consider? All I see is some spoiled bitch who thinks his "feelings" should receive greater consideration than the feelings of anyone else. Whatever happened to the concept "We reserve the right to refuse service"?
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

So pretty. Heehee. :)

Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

If the shop owner says 'No' the idiot freak and its "husband" should respect that and find a shop where their trade is desired. You condemn a business owner and the "idiot customers" and yet seem to adore allowing spoiled, selfish behavior by a select demographic. No one is forced to do business with any specific private concern. This couple should take their trade someplace where it is welcome.
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

If the shop owner says 'No' the idiot freak and its "husband" should respect that and find a shop where their trade is desired. You condemn a business owner and the "idiot customers" and yet seem to adore allowing spoiled, selfish behavior by a select demographic. No one is forced to do business with any specific private concern. This couple should take their trade someplace where it is welcome.

First step towards elimination is to dehumanize......"it"...:doubt:
The shop owner should be forced to deny reality in his own private property!

Denying reality is denying that transgender people and cross dressers exist, as well as denying the fact they are harmless.

If one owns a restaurant, they don't deny service to people based on their gender or religion, color, shape, size, etc.

If this person dresses in her/his own private dressing room, who does it hurt? The owners of the shop are discriminating based on their personal values of right and wrong. It's un-American. America is about freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Unless, of course, the shop owner and the other customers decide to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. They then become idiot bigots.
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

If the shop owner says 'No' the idiot freak and its "husband" should respect that and find a shop where their trade is desired. You condemn a business owner and the "idiot customers" and yet seem to adore allowing spoiled, selfish behavior by a select demographic. No one is forced to do business with any specific private concern. This couple should take their trade someplace where it is welcome.

First step towards elimination is to dehumanize......"it"...:doubt:

"It" seems a totally appropriate pronoun for a man who insists he's a woman. I mean, putting on a dress and shaving your beard stubble does not make you a woman. So I don't like calling that man "she." But if we call him "he" we're chastised for that.

So "it" seems like a great solution.
Very few go all the way because they wish to retain working genitalia

So they are going to check people's genital areas before they try on clothes? Will this apply to everyone, or will they single out those who look effeminate or butch?

Too funny. Proving bigots will go to any length of irrationality to satisfy their need to be hateful and fearful of anything with which they are not comfortable.

If they were discreet in their presentation, no one would be the wiser. Apparently (ref the cited article), the tranny was readily recognized as a man when it appeared and demanded to try on dresses. If it had the common sense to show up as a woman, there might not have been any question at all. But, you see, the point is not to find a nice wedding gown at all, the point is to shove its sexual preference into everyone else's face and force them to accept the fact that he is a freak.
Very few go all the way because they wish to retain working genitalia

So they are going to check people's genital areas before they try on clothes? Will this apply to everyone, or will they single out those who look effeminate or butch?

Too funny. Proving bigots will go to any length of irrationality to satisfy their need to be hateful and fearful of anything with which they are not comfortable.

If they were discreet in their presentation, no one would be the wiser. Apparently (ref the cited article), the tranny was readily recognized as a man when it appeared and demanded to try on dresses. If it had the common sense to show up as a woman, there might not have been any question at all. But, you see, the point is not to find a nice wedding gown at all, the point is to shove its sexual preference into everyone else's face and force them to accept the fact that he is a freak.

Damn, gallantwarrior, you just tell it like it is, don't you? That's refreshing! : )

I don't have any particular axe to grind with transgender people except when they start forcing themselves on other people and especially when they're still men and they want to hang out in women's venues. Go get your penis whacked off and complete your "transition" first, you freak!
Transgender is used to describe anyone who feels they are the opposite sex of what their genitalia is. These people and their liberal enablers demand you consider them
The sex they believe they really are

So, if a guy declares he's a "girl", he can get access to women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, showers, and other places where the gals get nekkid? Where does a guy sign up for that gig?
Cases like that are few and far between.

What argument is it that people like you use for gun control? If it will save one life it is worth it? Do you think not allowing men to use women's bathrooms makes sense if it would save one woman from getting raped?

When was the last time a transgendered woman raped another woman in a bathroom?

Why would a transgendered woman even be in a women's bathroom? Now, a transgendered man might be another thing. In that case, why would a transgender male want to photograph women in the bathroom...oh, wait, tips on how to behave as a woman taking a piss? I know a lot of guys who would not mind claiming they are lesbians trapped in men's bodies...
Good for the shop owner!! :thup:

Most of these perverts are walking disease containers with all kinds of STD's and infections.

It's not fair for the next customer to try on the same wedding dress and risk being contaminated with some horrific disease. .. :eek:

And you think straight people and non-trannys are always clean? You should go people-watching at WalMart sometime. I promise you'll never try on clothes at a store again.:eek:

How can you be sure that some of those Walmartians are even people?
In my humble opinion, if you own a store and want to pick and choose who you serve as customers, then that is your right. You're the one paying the rent, overhead, bags, register receipt paper, electric, phone, hangers, display shelves, merchandise, employees, insurance, utilities, etc.
That sounds so logical, but then there are those who would use that right to discriminate, then it doesn't sound so logical at all. Anyone that owns a store is in it to make money, and being picky might lose you some customers, especially if the word gets around. And, there are laws to prohibit such, so an owner would have to be very careful.

Some places of business specify (with signs) that you are not allowed entry if you are barefoot, wearing a bathing suit, or eating, but I don't think you can specify "no Gays - Transgenders allowed", in the US that would be illegal.

When I had my shop, all were welcome. Until they showed they were not fit to be there under my business roof.
I guess if they are being disruptive or misbehaving, the owner always has the right to ask them to leave, but barring someone at the door might get a shop owner sued.

Most posted prohibitions are obvious. No shirt, shoes,'s easy to spot someone lacking those items. No gays or transgenders...not so obvious, unless the people themselves make it so. Unless the individual in question makes it an issue, who, or what they perceive themselves to be is irrelevant.
This fact is why comparing the push for "gay rights" to integration of blacks is a failed argument. One can usually recognize a "black", a "gay, transgender, etc" is not always blatantly obvious.

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