Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

I mean, look at "her" arms, and especially "her" hands in this photo! I can spot these fake women in an instant. Usually as soon as they start talking or moving, because they often act like gay men...not like women.

Their mind is saying "I'm a woman" and their body is saying, "No, no, no!"


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People keep telling me that not allowing men to use women's restrooms and dressing rooms is discrimination, yet they can never explain to me why women have to go to the restroom with men.

Maybe because men's restrooms never have a line?

I went to a concert at GWU in DC and the men's room had a much bigger line than the women's room and I would have been in my right under DC law to claim I'm a tranny to use the woman's bathroom.

You should have. Women's rest rooms have stalls anyway, and what you experienced is a one in a million year miracle - no line in the women's restroom! Unheard of.
I would have guessed "she" was a man. My God, look at "her" hands and arms in that main photo in the article!

So, should a man (complete with penis) who says he is really a woman be allowed to hang out in women's restrooms? With little girls? That's what I always wonder. I don't have any children so i don't give a fuck, but if I had a young daughter I sure as hell don't think I'd want men in dresses hanging out in the ladies' room with my little girl.

How far does this go, and where does it end?

If "he" is transgender, he's like a woman in his head, so he wouldn't be going after other women or little girls. Now, if he was just a pervert pretending to be a woman, that is a different matter, but I seriously doubt that a "man" would dress up like a woman just to go into a woman's dressing room - women's dressing rooms have doors, so unless you are in the same dressing room, you ain't gonna see anything!

And how will we be able to tell the difference between the pervert and the man who is just "a woman in his head"? If any man can put on women's clothing and say they are transgender and consider themselves a woman and go into a ladies' room, how can we tell the difference?

And actually, they don't even have to go to pains to dress in uniquely woman's garb, they could just wear jeans and a t-shirt. And even if they look like a man, but are a "woman in their mind," we have to allow them to do as they please and go in women's private areas.

Just where does this bullshit end?
I would have guessed "she" was a man. My God, look at "her" hands and arms in that main photo in the article!

So, should a man (complete with penis) who says he is really a woman be allowed to hang out in women's restrooms? With little girls? That's what I always wonder. I don't have any children so i don't give a fuck, but if I had a young daughter I sure as hell don't think I'd want men in dresses hanging out in the ladies' room with my little girl.

How far does this go, and where does it end?

If "he" is transgender, he's like a woman in his head, so he wouldn't be going after other women or little girls. Now, if he was just a pervert pretending to be a woman, that is a different matter, but I seriously doubt that a "man" would dress up like a woman just to go into a woman's dressing room - women's dressing rooms have doors, so unless you are in the same dressing room, you ain't gonna see anything!

And how will we be able to tell the difference between the pervert and the man who is just "a woman in his head"? If any man can put on women's clothing and say they are transgender and consider themselves a woman and go into a ladies' room, how can we tell the difference?

And actually, they don't even have to go to pains to dress in uniquely woman's garb, they could just wear jeans and a t-shirt. And even if they look like a man, but are a "woman in their mind," we have to allow them to do as they please and go in women's private areas.

Just where does this bullshit end?

Exactly. The same people who abhor stereotypes and gender roles are the first ones who think a tranny needs to wear a dress, have a bad wig, etc.. Plenty of women wear jeans and tshirts, have short hair, some even have facial hair. What's to stop a dude, dressed as a dude from saying he's a woman? Plenty of women dress like dudes. Unless you beleive in gender roles and stereotypes you need to agree with them if you think transgender people should be able to use the other bathroom.
Can soneone with a penis be a bride?

Ask Dennis Rodman.

The nation is gripped in some kind of insanity. The sooner it ends, the better.

It's only going to get a lot worse. All the genderqueer stuff will be pushed. You'll have people who sue you for calling them he or she. You'll get fired from work if you call someone a normal english pronoun.
Private businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone!

No. However some of the limitations the government places on this ability aren't based in reason.

I think it's wrong for someone to deny service to someone because of their race. I'm not positive their should be a law preventing it. But I would certainly boycott a place that refused to serve someone because of their race. But race is something that's objective. Unlike "gender" the way liberals are dealing with it. Someone with a dick is considered a woman. That's insane.
That sounds so logical, but then there are those who would use that right to discriminate, then it doesn't sound so logical at all. Anyone that owns a store is in it to make money, and being picky might lose you some customers, especially if the word gets around. And, there are laws to prohibit such, so an owner would have to be very careful.

Some places of business specify (with signs) that you are not allowed entry if you are barefoot, wearing a bathing suit, or eating, but I don't think you can specify "no Gays - Transgenders allowed", in the US that would be illegal.

I guess if they are being disruptive or misbehaving, the owner always has the right to ask them to leave, but barring someone at the door might get a shop owner sued.

People keep telling me that not allowing men to use women's restrooms and dressing rooms is discrimination, yet they can never explain to me why women have to go to the restroom with men.

Maybe because men's restrooms never have a line?

You really are incredibly dumb, aren't you?

Why do women have to allow men to use their bathrooms to statisfy your warped notion of justice?
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

If he really wanted to try on the dresses, why didn't he come into the shop dressed as a woman? Truth is, he wanted to cry foul and he won because our country is sick.
I would have guessed "she" was a man. My God, look at "her" hands and arms in that main photo in the article!

So, should a man (complete with penis) who says he is really a woman be allowed to hang out in women's restrooms? With little girls? That's what I always wonder. I don't have any children so i don't give a fuck, but if I had a young daughter I sure as hell don't think I'd want men in dresses hanging out in the ladies' room with my little girl.

How far does this go, and where does it end?

If "he" is transgender, he's like a woman in his head, so he wouldn't be going after other women or little girls. Now, if he was just a pervert pretending to be a woman, that is a different matter, but I seriously doubt that a "man" would dress up like a woman just to go into a woman's dressing room - women's dressing rooms have doors, so unless you are in the same dressing room, you ain't gonna see anything!

I already posted two examples of transgender women committing rapes, want to try again?
I mean, look at "her" arms, and especially "her" hands in this photo! I can spot these fake women in an instant. Usually as soon as they start talking or moving, because they often act like gay men...not like women.

Their mind is saying "I'm a woman" and their body is saying, "No, no, no!"

Some women can have very masculine looking hands and facial features, and haven't you ever seen a man with hands as small and soft as a woman's?

You can't assume you know what gender someone is just from looking at their hands.
What argument is it that people like you use for gun control? If it will save one life it is worth it? Do you think not allowing men to use women's bathrooms makes sense if it would save one woman from getting raped?

When was the last time a transgendered woman raped another woman in a bathroom?

Thereis a TG in prison in OK for rape.

Oklahoma: Convicted Rapist Wants Trans Medical Care |

Another one sued for the right to be in a woman's prison, and won.

Transsexual prisoner wins right to be in female prison - Telegraph

I bet you thought it never happened, didn't you? Tell me something, what automatically makes a man in women's clothes a TG and not a pervert?

The first one is very inventive, calling himself Phoebe Halliwell. Watching too much Charmed, I would think...
The second link confirms my immediate thought - that these transgendered folk ONLY claimed to be transgendered once they were in prison - and NOT when the crime was committed. Therefore, the rapes were not committed by transgendered people at all.

She comes in to try on dresses. She, is a he. Do you let her or ask for proof she is a woman?
Not sure. I googled transexual beauty queens and found it. It's the only pic I could find where it didn't show a beautiful woman with a huge hard on.
Not sure. I googled transexual beauty queens and found it. It's the only pic I could find where it didn't show a beautiful woman with a huge hard on.

If Kim Petras walked into a store, Novasteve would get a hard on because she looks like a female. You can't tell she was born a boy.

She comes in to try on dresses. She, is a he. Do you let her or ask for proof she is a woman?

Well, if "she" looks like that there would never be a problem. Because no one would have any idea she was a he and therefore never challenge her desire to try on dresses. In other words, "she" passes for a female and unless she tells everyone what she is, no one will ever guess that she's a transgender.

But when you get some big ugly ape in a wig insisting that they're a woman it's an entirely different situation.
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Most guys who wear dresses and must live as women and have NOT had the surgery yet, are no danger to women. They believe they are women themselves. Why would they want to hurt those they wish to immulate? At least, that's what I think. I could be wrong because there are wackos in every walk in life.

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