Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

If we are required by law to treat soneone with a dick as a woman than you think a woman can get prostate cancer. Say if a tranny goes to an oncologist for prostate cancer and the doctor calls the patient a he? The tea by will go to the press file a complaint and dems d to be considered a woman while it seeks prostate cancer treatment
The libs on here think that person is a woman. Thus they think a woman get get prostate cancer.
My guess is that if there was any humiliation, it was because she made a scene.

I mean, she went in there dressed as a man, and then wanted to try on the red bridal dress...

Really? And then was *humiliated*.

Sorry, not buying it.

ahoy Koshergrl,

i dropped me anchor in Charlotte, North Carolina a decade ago or so, but i originally hail from the port city 'o New York, whar i made me home fer many years and worked as a commercial artist.

i knew and was mateys with all sorts 'o folks, and really never saw transgender swabbys as more dramatic than any other folk (i've only been here on USMB a short time, but i see lots 'o big, hyperbolic drama comin' from folks whom i assume be heterosexual on a fairly regular basis). i read the link and even the shopowner doesn't claim that Rohit Singh made any kind 'o scene...she just indicated that her patrons felt discomfort, which i feel be a legitimate grievance.

*paces and draws patterns on the decks with his cutlass whilst musin'*

if i was the shopowner, i'd probably have asked Ms. Singh to lift anchor and depart...but then again, me own business be handlin' a same sex weddin' this year, and imma happy we got the contract, so who knows what i'd have done?


i guess whilst i sympathize with the owner, i find some 'o the salvos bein' hurled at Ms. Singh sorta barbaric and mean spirited - and i don't agree with that.


- MeadHallPirate
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The libs on here think that person is a woman. Thus they think a woman get get prostate cancer.

avast ye Novasteve!

Wonen do have a prostate gland, but it is much smaller than a male's prostate. Female prostate cancer, while possible is extremely rare.
Do women get prostate cancer

*highfives Novasteve*

time to beat to quarters and adopt a new strawman, me hearty...the one yer usin' doesn't work.

- MeadHallPirate
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Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

They did not deny him service, so it is not discrimination, they just denied him access to the dressing room. I know you like to pretend that no one would ever pretend to be a woman unless they were, but there was actually a case a few years ago where a man dressed as a woman and filmed women in the restroom.
She is a man. Why do you want people to be forced to deny reality? Should your I sanity be forced on others simply because you are a deranged mutant?

Lets be honest. If you didn't already know she was biologically a man, would you have guessed she was a man just from looking at the picture?

Pictures can be Photoshopped.

What does he look like in real life? What does he sound like? Does he walk like a man? Why do you assume that the picture is accurate if the shop owner could tell the difference?
The shop owner should be forced to deny reality in his own private property!

Denying reality is denying that transgender people and cross dressers exist, as well as denying the fact they are harmless.

If one owns a restaurant, they don't deny service to people based on their gender or religion, color, shape, size, etc.

If this person dresses in her/his own private dressing room, who does it hurt? The owners of the shop are discriminating based on their personal values of right and wrong. It's un-American. America is about freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Do TGs and CDs exist?


Are they actually the opposite sex?


Have you been in that particular bridal shop? If not, how do you know what the dressing rooms are like?
He was dressed as a man.

He goes into a shop where women are trying on wedding dresses..and asks to use the dressing room.

There's the door, fella.
She is a man. Why do you want people to be forced to deny reality? Should your I sanity be forced on others simply because you are a deranged mutant?

Lets be honest. If you didn't already know she was biologically a man, would you have guessed she was a man just from looking at the picture?

Pictures can be Photoshopped.

What does he look like in real life? What does he sound like? Does he walk like a man? Why do you assume that the picture is accurate if the shop owner could tell the difference?

ahoy Quantum Windbag,

i don't think the image in the mirror was changed in post, just reflects the lightin' that most boutiques have in front 'o thar full length mirrors. the lightin' be designed to flatter, afterall.

i think the rest 'o yer points be fair, though.

- MeadHallPirate
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

They did not deny him service, so it is not discrimination, they just denied him access to the dressing room. I know you like to pretend that no one would ever pretend to be a woman unless they were, but there was actually a case a few years ago where a man dressed as a woman and filmed women in the restroom.

Cases like that are few and far between.
Well....speaking from experience in such a situation...I had an exclusive ladies boutique quite some years ago. Most of it was tropical wear, but I also had a section for "Dinner With The Captain" gowns for those who were going on cruises and whatnot. I had ladies apparel, shoes, handbags, jewelry, etc. It was a neat little shop, if I do say so myself.

Before my shop, I worked at another ladies boutique so I knew most of the customers when I opened my shop. This one guy would come in all the time where I worked prior to me opening my shop...and he wanted to try on shoes, dresses, etc. My boss always refused him and I felt bad for him. So one day, he came in and I said ok. Go ahead and try on some things and if you like it, I will sell to you. The boss is not here, so..what is the harm?

I found out the harm soon enough after about 7 visits from this guy...who never bought anything. Nothing. Not one thing did he buy. Not even clip on earrings. So I started to deny him after that.

When I opened my shop..of course he came in. I stated why I did not want him trying on apparel and merchandise...because he never bought anything. I was quite honest with him about it. He said he would buy something this time if only I would let him try on a few dresses. So I agreed.

Nope. He didn't buy one. But he did leave a present. Seems he got off on wearing women's dresses and masturbating. He left his sperm all over the dresses he tried on. It was disgusting. He never came back in, so I guess that was his way of saying FY to me, and getting his jollies off at the same time.
The shop owner should be forced to deny reality in his own private property!

Denying reality is denying that transgender people and cross dressers exist, as well as denying the fact they are harmless.

If one owns a restaurant, they don't deny service to people based on their gender or religion, color, shape, size, etc.

If this person dresses in her/his own private dressing room, who does it hurt? The owners of the shop are discriminating based on their personal values of right and wrong. It's un-American. America is about freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Freedom being the operative word. You might want to look that up in the dictionary seeing as how you seem to be confused as to its meaning.
Does Canada have similar discrimination laws as the US? It may be legal for the store in Canada to refuse the transgender to try on dress.

Here in the US there are some transgender anti-discrimination laws.
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

They did not deny him service, so it is not discrimination, they just denied him access to the dressing room. I know you like to pretend that no one would ever pretend to be a woman unless they were, but there was actually a case a few years ago where a man dressed as a woman and filmed women in the restroom.

Cases like that are few and far between.

What argument is it that people like you use for gun control? If it will save one life it is worth it? Do you think not allowing men to use women's bathrooms makes sense if it would save one woman from getting raped?
In my humble opinion, if you own a store and want to pick and choose who you serve as customers, then that is your right. You're the one paying the rent, overhead, bags, register receipt paper, electric, phone, hangers, display shelves, merchandise, employees, insurance, utilities, etc.

When I had my shop, all were welcome. Until they showed they were not fit to be there under my business roof.
They did not deny him service, so it is not discrimination, they just denied him access to the dressing room. I know you like to pretend that no one would ever pretend to be a woman unless they were, but there was actually a case a few years ago where a man dressed as a woman and filmed women in the restroom.

Cases like that are few and far between.

What argument is it that people like you use for gun control? If it will save one life it is worth it? Do you think not allowing men to use women's bathrooms makes sense if it would save one woman from getting raped?

When was the last time a transgendered woman raped another woman in a bathroom?
NovaSteve- protecting us from the Transsexual menace!!!!

This is what, thread 501 on this subject?

Seriously, dude, just wear some ladies panties, we promise not to judge as long as you don't post pictures.
Good for the shop owner!! :thup:

Most of these perverts are walking disease containers with all kinds of STD's and infections.

It's not fair for the next customer to try on the same wedding dress and risk being contaminated with some horrific disease. .. :eek:

And you think straight people and non-trannys are always clean? You should go people-watching at WalMart sometime. I promise you'll never try on clothes at a store again.:eek:

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