Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

Somebody here thinks about transexuality a whole lot, eh?

Of course he thinks about perverted trannnies all the time because he's so concerned about how perverted and unnatural they are, right?

So he thinks and thinks and he fantasies and he complains to anyone who will listen about how much he hates them and how much we all ought to hate them too.

And he does all this why?

Because he is so normal and because he, unlike those perverted sexually obsessed and confused trannies he thinks about all the time, is so secure in his sexual identity.


It is usually those with the greatest self hate that express hate to others.

By that logic are athiests closet christians and nicotine nazis closet smokers?
Somebody here thinks about transexuality a whole lot, eh?

Of course he thinks about perverted trannnies all the time because he's so concerned about how perverted and unnatural they are, right?

So he thinks and thinks and he fantasies and he complains to anyone who will listen about how much he hates them and how much we all ought to hate them too.

And he does all this why?

Because he is so normal and because he, unlike those perverted sexually obsessed and confused trannies he thinks about all the time, is so secure in his sexual identity.


It is usually those with the greatest self hate that express hate to others.

By that logic are athiests closet christians and nicotine nazis closet smokers?

There is no logic involved in your question. What hate is there in your examples?
By that logic are athiests closet christians and nicotine nazis closet smokers?

There is no logic involved in your question. What hate is there in your examples?

There are militant athiests who hate religion. There are militant anti smoking people that hate smoking and smokers.

Now answer the fucking question.

While apologizing for responding to the insulting imperative, even if it were assumed that your statement about atheists and smoke-free advocates is true (which I do not), it would not contradict what I said. Hate of others comes from hate of self.
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What next? When trannies get their sex changes at taxpayer offense, they still will not be able to get pregnant and give birth if they are tranny women, and tranny men will not be able to get a woman pregnant. Say if they start demanding that there be medical research to fix this issue? Would you be fine with all the money and resources and research being diverted from actual medical problems so that trannies can procreate? It's only a matter of time before they start doing it. So how many children around the w orld need to die of malaria so a tranny get pretend even more they are the opposite sex? how many lives?
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

Shop owner should be able to implement their own rules..
What next? When trannies get their sex changes at taxpayer offense, they still will not be able to get pregnant and give birth if they are tranny women, and tranny men will not be able to get a woman pregnant. Say if they start demanding that there be medical research to fix this issue? Would you be fine with all the money and resources and research being diverted from actual medical problems so that trannies can procreate? It's only a matter of time before they start doing it. So how many children around the w orld need to die of malaria so a tranny get pretend even more they are the opposite sex? how many lives?

You're getting ahead of yourself novasteve... the pedophiles want their acceptance first.
She is a man. Why do you want people to be forced to deny reality? Should your I sanity be forced on others simply because you are a deranged mutant?

Lets be honest. If you didn't already know she was biologically a man, would you have guessed she was a man just from looking at the picture?

Yep, look at the picture his hands give him away. He is clearly a man. I would allow him to try dresses on in my shop but only at a private after hours showing for which he would pay me more for staying after hours.
She is a man. Why do you want people to be forced to deny reality? Should your I sanity be forced on others simply because you are a deranged mutant?

Lets be honest. If you didn't already know she was biologically a man, would you have guessed she was a man just from looking at the picture?

Yep, look at the picture his hands give him away. He is clearly a man. I would allow him to try dresses on in my shop but only at a private after hours showing for which he would pay me more for staying after hours.

... and having to have the dresses he tried on disinfected.
The issue is the owner making rules a d freaking out other customers. Unless the tranny has some skin disease the dress being contaminated isn't an issue
He is a man. He could think he's a jelly doughnut, but that would not make him a jelly doughnut. If he thought he was an alien and wanted to get into Area 51 to visit his relatives they wouldn't let him in . According to the article, he isn't even a complete transgender. Therefore, his dick gives him away. The owner was completely within her rights to deny this man access to the women's dressing room.
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

ahoy Noomi,

i agree, matey.

i do have a bit 'o sympathy, though, fer the shopowner.

i sorta work in the weddin' industry, and i can imagine that at a fair number 'o smaller, high end boutiques (Hayden Olivia, fer example), other customers might abandon ship if they saw what appeared to be a man, tryin' on weddin' dresses and wanderin' 'round the dressin' room.

- MeadHallPirate
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Anyway, this is pretty much a non-issue. After all, what percentage of the population is 'transsexual'?
But will they think I'm black if I think I'm black? Will I be able to get a black scholarship or benefit from affirmative action if I think I'm black?

[ame=]I Was Born A Poor Black Child - YouTube[/ame]

Fail. :)

Though here, I would wonder, unless the guy was petite, if he might risk doing harm to any dress he tried on? Nah. Still,the Shop Owner should reserve the right to serve whom they choose to, for better or worse.
Arguing for personal freedom means arguing for personal responsibility. As the latter looks almost as if it is on the way to extinction, the former will have the same fate.
Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

The shop owner is free to deny service for whatever reason he/she wants.

why should the shop owner be ashamed for not allowing some hairy pervert to try on his wares? I call that common sense. What woman would want to buy a dress after the pervert wore it?
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Good for the shop owner!! :thup:

Most of these perverts are walking disease containers with all kinds of STD's and infections.

It's not fair for the next customer to try on the same wedding dress and risk being contaminated with some horrific disease. .. :doubt:

Lets not be unreasonable. You could have a woman try on the dress and leave her contagious skin disease all over it.

Male to female trannies have the highest HIV infection rate of any group. I doubt you could transmit it via a dress but are you going to deny their HIV infection rates too? Or will you spout done bullshit about how stigmas makes them take it up the ass without condoms?

That's "transgender." Statistically, most transvestites (crssdresser) are heterosexual. You keep calling the "transgender" group "trannies" when most recognize the word "trannies" as being short for "transvestites."

You should probably learn the difference if you are going to bash them. Just sayin'...

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