Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress

Transgender is used to describe anyone who feels they are the opposite sex of what their genitalia is. These people and their liberal enablers demand you consider them
The sex they believe they really are
Transgender is used to describe anyone who feels they are the opposite sex of what their genitalia is. These people and their liberal enablers demand you consider them
The sex they believe they really are

So what? Seriously.

With all the problems in the world, with all the problems in this country, this is the issue you choose is most important? Really? They're human beings who feel different than what is considered "normal." How is this an issue for anyone? How is this remotely important to the big picture? Are you afraid you may accidentally pick one of the beauties up in a bar?

Christ, show a little humanity. Or are you simply a hate filled bigot?
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Why doesn't that apply to them? If there are so many more important issues why are trannies doing what they are doing?
Why doesn't that apply to them? If there are so many more important issues why are trannies doing what they are doing?

What are the doing? Seeking respect? Common every day respect? Something you and I take for granted? Looking for acceptance for who they are, or who they feel they are?
I'm sorry, I just don't see a problem.
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Even if she was dressed as a man, she still should have been able to try on dresses. Is there is a law that says that men cannot try on women's clothes?

The shop owner should be shamed, and the idiot customers were probably jealous that this woman looked better in a dress than they did.

If this were about housing or some other thing of equal import, I would probably agree. But a wedding dress? She was able to find another dress somewhere else and the shop lost business. But it is their shop and they should be able to do business with whom they please.
She is a man. Why do you want people to be forced to deny reality? Should your I sanity be forced on others simply because you are a deranged mutant?

More man than you will ever be ...more woman than you will ever get

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Transgender is used to describe anyone who feels they are the opposite sex of what their genitalia is. These people and their liberal enablers demand you consider them
The sex they believe they really are

So what? Seriously.

With all the problems in the world, with all the problems in this country, this is the issue you choose is most important? Really? They're human beings who feel different than what is considered "normal." How is this an issue for anyone? How is this remotely important to the big picture? Are you afraid you may accidentally pick one of the beauties up in a bar?

Christ, show a little humanity. Or are simply a hate filled bigot?

Nothig bothers someone so much as when it is happening to you personally. The problems of the whole country do not have the same immediacy as some guy wagging his dick iin the same dressing room your daughter is in.
Transgender is used to describe anyone who feels they are the opposite sex of what their genitalia is. These people and their liberal enablers demand you consider them
The sex they believe they really are

So what? Seriously.

With all the problems in the world, with all the problems in this country, this is the issue you choose is most important? Really? They're human beings who feel different than what is considered "normal." How is this an issue for anyone? How is this remotely important to the big picture? Are you afraid you may accidentally pick one of the beauties up in a bar?

Christ, show a little humanity. Or are simply a hate filled bigot?

Nothig bothers someone so much as when it is happening to you personally. The problems of the whole country do not have the same immediacy as some guy wagging his dick iin the same dressing room your daughter is in.

Ya.. gay guys in dresses are a big threat to young girls
I love all the denial of reality by libs here. They love sticking their heads in the sand. Deviant freaks
There are some natural born women who look more manly than your average transsexual. There is a good chance that the harassment we are witnessing here may extend to natural born women who may not fit a given notion of womanhood.
Yes it does and that's not how it appeared on the day in question with the benefit of photo retouching.

Why do you think people should be forced to deny reality? Should soneone with a dick demand to be treated by a gynecologist?

Only a fucking retard thinks a woman can get prostate cancer but you deviants will force us to think it is possible

ahoy Novasteve,

imma not certain that anyone said the bolded, matey, 'cept yerself.

a woman cannot get prostate cancer (to the best 'o me knowledge), but a woman can certainly don a blazer, pleated trousers, and a necktie.

Diane Keaton did so, at any rate.

we're talkin' 'bout fashion here, me hearty, and each 'o us ought to be free to make the choices that best suit our own aesthetic.

'tis 'bout freedom.

'tis 'bout liberty.


- MeadHallPirate
However in this country, most businesses have little signs somewhere that say "We reserve the right to refuse service".

We're in America. Private business owners get to serve the people they want to serve.
However in this country, most businesses have little signs somewhere that say "We reserve the right to refuse service".

We're in America. Private business owners get to serve the people they want to serve.

ahoy Koshergrl,

i get that lass, and as a business owner meself, i can see the reason in that point 'o view.

'tis a difficult situation that the shopowner faced, probably, but i feel badly that someone who be livin' thar life and bein' true to the cut 'o thar jib was humiliated like this.


- MeadHallPirate
My guess is that if there was any humiliation, it was because she made a scene.

I mean, she went in there dressed as a man, and then wanted to try on the red bridal dress...

Really? And then was *humiliated*.

Sorry, not buying it.

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