Brilliant! Trump Proposes a Fireside Chat on Live Television Reading the Ukrainian Call Transcript

Excellent proposal. Democrats didn't see this coming. Going straight to the American people is a winning strategy.

Brilliant: President Trump Proposes a Fireside Chat on Live Television Reading the Ukrainian Call Transcript

Which transcript will he read? The doctored one - or the one that White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman (who heard the call) said it wasn't accurate?
/——-/ Maybe he can read Adam Shytface’s version.
By the way Peeps, bigger than a fireside chat. LOL

Tupelo, MS
Fri, November 01, 2019
07:00 pm (CDT)

Lexington, KY
Mon, November 04, 2019
07:00 pm (EST)

Monroe, LA
Wed, November 06, 2019
07:00 pm (CST)
Excellent proposal. Democrats didn't see this coming. Going straight to the American people is a winning strategy.

Brilliant: President Trump Proposes a Fireside Chat on Live Television Reading the Ukrainian Call Transcript

Which transcript will he read? The doctored one - or the one that White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman (who heard the call) said it wasn't accurate?

I saw a bumper sticker the other day….it said “Honk if you have a transcript of the Blob’s Ukraine call.” There are like 50 versions of this thing out there now.
That's some serious TDS.
Well duh! Who is shocked by this "revelation"? Bottom line, it is not illegal, unethical, or immoral for a sitting President to ask the leader of another nation about corruption abroad by Americans. Period. End of story. And only ignorant leftists believe otherwise.

NSC official tells impeachment probe: 'Nothing illegal was discussed' in Trump phone call
If he shot someone on Fifth Avenue, you'd say it was self defense, even if it wasn't. You're not convincing anyone but yourself.
Excellent proposal. Democrats didn't see this coming. Going straight to the American people is a winning strategy.

Brilliant: President Trump Proposes a Fireside Chat on Live Television Reading the Ukrainian Call Transcript

Which transcript will he read? The doctored one - or the one that White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman (who heard the call) said it wasn't accurate?

Your tinfoil hat is on to tight.. You only brain cell is dying..

FYI there are two independent transcripts in the record and they match... The transcript from the Ukraine also matches...

You people are so fucked in the head its hilarious....

This is going to blow up in your face and I for one am going to have fun watching it blow up. Your going to lose all power in all branches of government in 2020 and its going to be epic...

Ukraine transcript? Matches? Really? Proof?


It's been provided to Schiff.. You want to know why you have heard nothing about it? Because it kills your BS lie... But it is coming out whether you like it or not.. and it is going to kill your impeachment dreams...
The corrupt fool wants Americans who don’t pY attention to believe that his impeachment is about a phone call.

“You can’t impeach a guy over a phone call!” is an easily digestible morsel of bullshit for the average ignorant doofus.

The issue is way more than a phone call, though. It’s a systematic attempt to go around the State Department and our diplomatic norms to extort a foreign power to influence a US election.

Sloppily done at that.

Also, who thinks that this moron reading something on TV will be good for him. He can barely read.
You idiots are the ones who say a Quid-pro-Quo occured but the proof in the phone transcripts say no.. Now with that losing strategy you moved on to obstruction but seem to think the Administrative branch is subservient to the legislative but its CO-EQUAL.. This means the Courts and DUE PROCESS must be adhered to but your impeachment rules deny him due process.

You idiots are so fucked and you are clueless... Once this hits the senate your whistle blower will be revealed and his biases and connections shown... This will be a nuke to your political aspirations as the public isnt as stupid as you think they are..

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