Zone1 Evidence of giants described in Bible

The skeletons no longer exist, and the 10-foot high claims are generally regarded as stuff dreamed up to attract tourists.

Uh oh! . LOL This is a conspiracy thread. It belongs in the conspiracy forum.

this website?

Intriguingly, some of them were also found to have red hair.

According to Archaeology World, some scientists attribute this reddish colour to the environment in which the bodies were buried.

However, others view it as proof of the existence of the Si-Te-Cah and their kin.

"Others" Who? Not scientists. The critical thinking skills of people like the OP? Hilarious.

Scientists have said there’s no proof the “giants,” first described in old Indian tales, were cannibals. Chemical staining by earth after burial was advanced as a likely reason why mummified remains have red hair instead of black like most Indians in the area.

A University of Nevada study in the mid-1970s indicated the “giants” were about six feet tall, and not up to 10 feet tall as had been claimed. What was left after that was evidence of a tribe separate from principal tribes whose Paiute descendants live here — perhaps a wandering, more aggressive but outnumbered band finally hunted down and killed or chased off.

Anthropologists say the story, while somewhat tamer, is still fascinating. But they concede the old myth has more appeal and, no matter what they say, will probably persist.

Too funny

usmb fake photo giants .jpg

Did giant humans once roam the United States?​

The Cardiff Giant was one of the most famous archaeological hoaxes in American history. I
and.. .. ..

Commenting on those who paid to see Barnum's fake giant, Hannum remarked, "There's a sucker born every minute." The syndicate sought an injunction against Barnum, but the judge told them, "Bring your giant here, and if he swears to his own genuineness as a bona fide petrifaction, you shall have the injunction you ask for."

The courtroom loss was just one of several setbacks. On November 25, Yale paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh wrote a scathing denunciation of the Cardiff Giant: "It is of very recent origin, and a most decided humbug.... I am surprised that any scientific observers should not have at once detected the unmistakable evidence against its antiquity." Then, on December 10, Hull confessed all in the press.


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