trump threatens to jail opponents if elected

Biden is caught red handed stealing classified documents by stuffing them down his pants (to smuggle them out of a scif, where no brief cases are allowed) (as a senator) and keeping them in his garage.. and at the location of the (Chinese funded) "Biden think tank".... Then we see the fake photos from the FBI at the raid on Trumps home in Florida. Paybacks are a bitch. Tall cotton for the devils picken.
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If that is what you think he said, you really REALLY need to join several of your buddies here in a good remedial reading/listening comprehension course. Because he has been 100% consistent that going after political opponents is wrong and very bad for the country and he will not do that.

He has said he will go after those who have broken the law especially those who cheat elections. He has NEVER said he will go after political opponents.

And shame on you for parroting the identical talking points the Democrats furnished the MSM to use to attack Trump this week.
Think about it. He still claims he won the 2020 election. 3 1/2 years later. And you are gonna vote for that Liar...sad and stupid ..
Think about it. He still claims he won the 2020 election. 3 1/2 years later. And you are gonna vote for that Liar...sad and stupid ..
Think about it. Your post here is 100% non sequitur to what it is responding to. Another candidate for the remedial reading comprehension group I guess. . .

You think he is kidding? He isn't. There are two main reasons trump is in the race. He wants revenge and he wants to stay out of jail. He will do ANYTHING to stay out of jail.
I always find it funny when the left says Trump will do this, says he will do that, or wants to do this. Democrats are already hell bent on revenge and weaponizing the justice system against their opponents and people they don't like. They're not talking about it, they're actually doing it.
Trump already failed at closing the border

Hmm, could that be because dems fought him at every turn then when Biden was elected, he removed every border policy Trump had in place?

Then…later, the dems decided walls were a good thing and now they are for it

I mean..really?

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