Bring back the rep system.

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never shy from telling anyone why I, on the other hand, would have preferred to gang up on people along with your friends, some who have been ushered out, and neg people instead of civilly debating.

I can just as easily debate with someone like you so long as you return the favor. If I recall, your friends did the same things. Me? I have never been 'ushered out' and from what I can tell, some of your friends have. If you didn't like being negged, you could have simply debated civilly yourself.

Good day.
Oh, Derideo and Carla know exactly what I'm talking about. I can pull posts from both and show them how 'civil' they have been with others whilst debating.

Please do exactly that.

Let's see what you have to back up your allegations.
i have to be reminded to thank or agree posts. I mean it's nice to see people agree with you I suppose, but half the time on here from what I've seen it's merely people agreeing with someone because they are "on their side" I can only imagine that a disagree button would be used in the reverse, and not have anything to do with actually disliking a person's post.

I try to parse my likes out based on how well written a post is, rather than if I agree with the content of the post. I seriously doubt that is the norm though.

In other words, I imagine a disagree button would quickly become a poo flinging button.
never shy from telling anyone why I, on the other hand, would have preferred to gang up on people along with your friends, some who have been ushered out, and neg people instead of civilly debating.

I can just as easily debate with someone like you so long as you return the favor. If I recall, your friends did the same things. Me? I have never been 'ushered out' and from what I can tell, some of your friends have. If you didn't like being negged, you could have simply debated civilly yourself.

Good day.

Don't be a boob. I didn't get negged except from your bestest friend, whom I hope is gone forever, since she didn't contribute anymore than you do, and I still had more rep than she did. None of my friends have been ushered out.....they don't go whacko when they are debating.
Rep was nice for the social aspect of it which I miss. I do not miss neg rep because of all the constant nastiness and whining than ensued although that was also entertaining as well. :biggrin:
Saddle shoes sound like a nice retro idea too, then you actually see a pair again and go oh...
At the very least, if a "thank/agree/informative" button is clicked then it should open that poster's profile page where you can leave a comment. This is what I miss more than giving rep.
I wanna neg a shitload out of some folks. I'd take 'em off ignore just to do it. Often. I kid you not.
Hey guys! Some pics of Yurt are being posted in the funny picture thread! Go see! (last pages)

Post 4534 and 4536! :lol:
This site with all these contributors should be more advanced. Owners are pocketing the money. I can smell it a mile away. Im a financial and political genius.
The red x was taken away because it was abused. People couldn't be adults about it and instead were nasty and childish and followed posters around red xing every post of theirs no matter where it was or what the person was saying. I'm sure this was difficult for the mods and generated a lot more complaints.
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