Brink of Revolution

Revolution? By whom? Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

300 million guns :muahaha:
So, when can we count on you showing-up with your pea-shooter and threatening the governor and state legislature?

I want to be sure that I'm tuned-in to the news channels when it happens... I'll be sure to bring a bag of popcorn.
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.

By whom?

Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns can't shoot you? Tell you what scum, I used to shoot a lot, and I got to thinking what if someone tried to break in my house while I was drinking. So I started testing myself. For a long time after drinking 7 or 8 beers I'd grab a handgun or a shotgun and go out on the porch and shoot it. No problems. You see, you liars just got ta know that YOU can't do a goddam thing to us, drunk, old, fat, or not!
Revolution? By whom? Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

300 million guns :muahaha:
So, when can we count on you showing-up with your pea-shooter and threatening the governor and state legislature?

I want to be sure that I'm tuned-in to the news channels when it happens... I'll be sure to bring a bag of popcorn.

Are you off your meds or something? :cuckoo:

By whom?

Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns can't shoot you? Tell you what scum, I used to shoot a lot, and I got to thinking what if someone tried to break in my house while I was drinking. So I started testing myself. For a long time after drinking 7 or 8 beers I'd grab a handgun or a shotgun and go out on the porch and shoot it. No problems. You see, you liars just got ta know that YOU can't do a goddam thing to us, drunk, old, fat, or not!

Breaking: The left hurt our feelings on twitter. :laugh:
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
Yeah but that was against blacks. Pretty sure the cops were told to let 'em alone.
How many armed Koreans did it take to hold them off and run them out of Koreatown?
Soon violence will start if the Royals don’t stop their nonsense.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

Thomas Jefferson
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
Yeah but that was against blacks. Pretty sure the cops were told to let 'em alone.
How many armed Koreans did it take to hold them off and run them out of Koreatown?
I didn't see the video but I was told a handful. Some said they had AK's.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".

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