Bristol Palin: Obama Should Focus On 'Radical Jihadists,' Not Renaming Mountains

Bristol should focus on keeping her legs closed

Her personal life bothers you?

No, just her ignorance.

her ignorance

HER ignorance?

Someone earlier called her a twit for saying Obama renamed the mountain.

She was correct, they were wrong.

Sounds like she's brighter than at least one of your buds.

No they weren't. It's a non issue.
Hey Frank, why don't you post us one of your profound gosh-whizzo genealogies showing how Denali has no Native American blood. :popcorn:

You're still convinced that Lizzy Cheekbones makes her Indian


Oh I forgot to mention, see if you can do it in complete sentences.

Did you find a grown up to read to you the quote where Hillary called Republicans terrorists?

Why no, Frank. Did you find one to write one?

I'm still looking for someone who can write down to your level. I was going to go to the local elementary school but the kids here are too bright for you

You're actually trying to pay off toddlers to write fake quotes to attribute to Hillary?

Might wanna consult with Steve McRacist. That guy gets his fake quotes for free.
Bristol Palin: Obama Should Focus On 'Radical Jihadists,' Not Renaming Mountains

And she should focus on keeping her slut legs crossed, for once...

And she should focus on keeping her slut legs crossed, for once

You her daddy?
Her husband?

Why is her sex life any of your concern?
The sex-life of hypocritical useless **** is the concern of all people who aren't. She's earned everything I can hit her with, and that's just for starers. That bitch wouldn't know a moral if I wrapped it in the condom she can't be bothered to use...

You ain't mommy

you ain't daddy

you ain't hubby

fuck off
Bristol should focus on keeping her legs closed

Her personal life bothers you?

No, just her ignorance.

her ignorance

HER ignorance?

Someone earlier called her a twit for saying Obama renamed the mountain.

She was correct, they were wrong.

Sounds like she's brighter than at least one of your buds.

No they weren't. It's a non issue.

No they weren't.

Yes, they were.

It's a non issue

only because it's one of the idiots on you side.
You're still convinced that Lizzy Cheekbones makes her Indian


Oh I forgot to mention, see if you can do it in complete sentences.

Did you find a grown up to read to you the quote where Hillary called Republicans terrorists?

Why no, Frank. Did you find one to write one?

I'm still looking for someone who can write down to your level. I was going to go to the local elementary school but the kids here are too bright for you

You're actually trying to pay off toddlers to write fake quotes to attribute to Hillary?

Might wanna consult with Steve McRacist. That guy gets his fake quotes for free.

LOL!! Fake quotes!


That's hysterical!

Do they pay you to act this stupid or does it come naturally?

Fake quotes!


She obviously isn't the brightest bulb in the box.

In other news


CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock

We can’t check Lemon’s opinions, but we did want to take a look at the one verifiable fact he offered. Is it correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock"?

CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock

She obviously isn't the brightest bulb in the box.

We forgive her because she's a beauty, and being she's a Christian, they get forgiveness....while YOU on the other hand, Old Wrinkled Squaw.....:puke3:

Beauty? Well, she was cute until she had face surgery - now she looks like Roger Ebert. Christian? With her morals?

And your face, at 68 years old looks like a 6 week old watermelon! The Christians believe in forgiveness, you and I don't, but I respect where they come from, you on the other hand, just got off the street corner!

She obviously isn't the brightest bulb in the box.

In other news


CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock

We can’t check Lemon’s opinions, but we did want to take a look at the one verifiable fact he offered. Is it correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock"?

CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock
All three of her children have been out of wedlock. She's the Super ****** it seems eh?
I love it when Bristol makes the news with a political opinion! It is so surreal! Kind of like listening to Rick Perry while stoned....
Skank alert!


Bristol Palin hysterically told cops during the epic drunken Palin family brawl in Alaska last month ... that some guy knocked her down and called her a f**king c**t.

Bristol's conversation with cops outside the party near Anchorage was recorded by the officer and TMZ obtained a copy. During the convo ... Bristol explains the fight was triggered by an "old lady" who shoved her younger sister, Willow.

Listen carefully ... you can hear Sarah Palin in the background telling Bristol not to cuss during her statement.

Read more: Palin Family Brawl (AUDIO!) -- Bristol: He Called Me A C**t and A Slut!

The Wasilla Hillbillies are quite a bunch.
Skank alert!


Bristol Palin hysterically told cops during the epic drunken Palin family brawl in Alaska last month ... that some guy knocked her down and called her a f**king c**t.

Bristol's conversation with cops outside the party near Anchorage was recorded by the officer and TMZ obtained a copy. During the convo ... Bristol explains the fight was triggered by an "old lady" who shoved her younger sister, Willow.

Listen carefully ... you can hear Sarah Palin in the background telling Bristol not to cuss during her statement.

Read more: Palin Family Brawl (AUDIO!) -- Bristol: He Called Me A C**t and A Slut!

The Wasilla Hillbillies are quite a bunch.


Front page news there.

For moronic partisans
Bristol act like a democrat, and the democrats trash her..

love it.
Bristol act like a democrat, and the democrats trash her..

love it.
She acts like who she is, a loudmouthed uneducated egotistical hypocritical ****, like this one, who fucked another woman's husband at a family values conference...

Don't recognize her.

One of Clintons hundreds of conquests?


Is HER sex life any of your concern?

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