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Brithers lose as yet another judges refuses to look at evidence

So, what is it now, 0-96 for the birfers?

Those who believe he was born in Kenya are just plain wrong, those who know he said he was born in Kenya to gain economic advantage, now they are on to something.

Obama obviously lied.

That may be.

What's it mean to you if it is? If it isn't true then he was born in Kenya, what does that mean to you? The latter of course is not true he was born in Hawaii.
Only in your loon head, freewill, only in your loon head. You birfers are hurting the GOP.

You are beyond even contempt. I am not a birther that excuse is not going to get Obama off the hook. He was BORN IN HAWAII, he has said so, he has produced a BC. OK get over it. Now is he a liar, absolutely without question the evidence has been shown to you and is clear as a bell. How many of you low informed liberals know of his lie of being born in Kenya? Obama is truly the first birther, way too funny.
Freewill, you only hurt the GOP with your claptrap.

Hurt it with who??? YOU?? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yes the whole herd of rinos are going to leave because Obama lied. Right o gotja. Good riddance.
Can any of the obamaites post one quote from OBAMA that says he didn't know of the press releases?

Third, what kind of retard honestly believes that any court is going to entertain a motion to declare a sitting US President an ineligible candidate?

Nixon was forced out for a much less serious offense than what obozo has done. THINK

There was evidence of a criminal cover-up concerning Watergate, where birthers have provided none – hence the denial of the hearing.

Deny away, obama worshipers, won't change anything though. There's enough of us that know obama is illegally holding the office of President. His time is coming though. He'll pay, someday, we're patient.

You’re crazy.
Americans seriously don't care, Freewill, because they are educated on the issue. If the birfer sheeple want to eat on thin grass pasture, continue by all means. Truly, from above, I quote that Freewill is "not much better than a full-blown retard birfer"

That has to be perhaps the stupidist thing posted yet. The masses may know there is an issue but I seriously doubt they know the extend of Obama lying. Born in Hawaii but without doubt let it stand to at least 2004 that he was born in Kenya. You can deny reality by name calling or making idiotic statements but the facts be the facts.

I am not a birther, he was born in Hawaii but lied about being born in Kenya. Thus making him the very first birther. Too, too funny.

obama would admit that he was born on Mars if he thought it would get him a vote. He likes it when people call him the Messiah, the lord and saviour. If it sells books to claim to be born in Kenya, that's what he will do. If it gets him votes to claim he was born in Hawaii, he'll do that. According to his statements and his gargantuan wife's statements, Kenya is his HOMELAND. This doesn't have to mean that he was born there, but his loyalty, his emotional attachments is to Kenya not the US. Home is where the heart is, and obama's sure isn't in the United States.

The only people who call him that are conservatives.
CaféAuLait;6609085 said:
The continuing fraud perpetuated by the birthers needs to be put down with mandatory bonds and fines. These frivilous suits waste valuable the tax-payers' money, time, and energy of the courts.

A shame that democrats started the BS if they did not want people to believe it, eh?

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

The 'Birthers' Began on the Left

But there's an inconvenient truth liberals are going to have to confront: The Birthers began not on the right, but on the left.

Investigations for my new book, Wingnuts, revealed that the Birther conspiracy theory was first concocted by renegade members of the original Obama haters, Party Unity My Ass, known more commonly by their acronym, the PUMAs. They were a splinter group of hard-core Hillary Clinton supporters who did not want to give up the ghost after the bitter 50-state Bataan Death March to the 2008 Democratic nomination.

In the early summer of '08, message boards on sites like PUMAParty.com began lighting up with the ultimate reversal-of-fortune fantasy—that their party's nomination could be overturned on constitutional grounds. "Obama May Be Illegal to Be Elected President!" read one representative e-mail: "This came from a USNA [U.S. Naval Academy] alumnus. It'll be interesting to see how the media handle this...WRITE TO YOUR LOCAL newspaper editors etc. Keep this out there everyday possible. Also write to the DNC too!"

The 'Birthers' Began on the Left - The Daily Beast

Freewill, you only hurt the GOP with your claptrap.


So since you do not allow private messages and you neg rep me calling me a liar after I posted the above information, would you care explain how Hilary Clinton did not start this mess of lies about Obama? How her supporters at PUMA and her staff circulating a memo of a picture of Obama in Muslim dress did not ignite this flame? The Daily Beast is not a right wing site either, it is left and they make the claim.
Did you see the op/ed I posted a few days ago? It was from WND so you know exactly what its worth ...


Address the issue. Why won't you libulals do that?

Which issue is that? The one about you being a stupid RW nutbag who's only entitled to be mocked?

I'd say we're right on it, wingnut.

Oh boy let's give the judge a round of applause for violating his oath of office and state law. Regardless what the evidence would show, by law they had a right to a hearing. The judge should be overturned and disciplined by the appellate court.

You too.

Address the issue. Why won't you libulals do that?

They know as well as everyone else that obama was born in Kenya, but they'll call names and deny it until the day they die because obama is their messiah, and they'll do ANYTHING to protect him.

So don't even waste your time trying to debate the issue with them in spite of the fact of the mountain of evidence against obama. They don't want to hear any more it than that judge. They just want you to SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND GO AWAY, because they're really getting sick of it and are running out of ways to defend obama.

Well, someday, someone is going to cave, and obama will go down for this fraud. It's just a matter of time, truly, just a matter of time. No fraud this big can last forever. The only reason he's enjoying this protection still is because he got reelected. Once he's gone from the White House, he's going to be red meat.

What a bunch of loons you guys are.

First , the State of Hawaii has already said they recognize him as being a natural born citizen, so unless you can get over the hurdle of proving a state lied. Case closed.

Second, even if he were not born in the US,his mother was a natural born US citizen. Case closed

Third, what kind of retard honestly believes that any court is going to entertain a motion to declare a sitting US President an ineligible candidate?

Fourth, did you have any problems with Congress stipulating a special rule which declared Senator McCain was a natural born US citizen so that he could run for POTUS?

Fifth, does it not occur to you that courts telling plaintiffs "no more" when they continually file suit over shit where they've already lost?

Sixth, when Obama is out of office this issue will drop from existence, because from a legal standpoint he's already been named a natural born citizen and only a few brain dead idiots don't recognize that. There is nothing to pursue, and nothing will be pursued.

Seriously, you lost. Show a little good grace and walk away. Stop embarrassing the rest of us, and focus your passion on a fight that is worthy of such. This isn't the one.

Don't waste your time saying this to them.

These birther Cons have nothing better to do with their miserable lives...especially after failing to get the boogeyman out of the WH last November.
Deny away, obama worshipers, won't change anything though. There's enough of us that know obama is illegally holding the office of President. His time is coming though. He'll pay, someday, we're patient.

Have I told you lately what an idiot wingnut cheesehead you are?

CaféAuLait;6611313 said:
CaféAuLait;6609085 said:
The continuing fraud perpetuated by the birthers needs to be put down with mandatory bonds and fines. These frivilous suits waste valuable the tax-payers' money, time, and energy of the courts.
A shame that democrats started the BS if they did not want people to believe it, eh?
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph
The 'Birthers' Began on the Left
The 'Birthers' Began on the Left - The Daily Beast
Freewill, you only hurt the GOP with your claptrap.
So since you do not allow private messages and you neg rep me calling me a liar after I posted the above information, would you care explain how Hilary Clinton did not start this mess of lies about Obama? How her supporters at PUMA and her staff circulating a memo of a picture of Obama in Muslim dress did not ignite this flame? The Daily Beast is not a right wing site either, it is left and they make the claim.

Now you are whining? Really? HRC is not the point, and neither is all of your obstructionism and complaining. The point is this: birferism hurts the GOP far, far more than it hurts BHO. Birferism contributed to Romney's defeat. You need to shut up about birferism. It hurts the GOP. Got it?
CaféAuLait;6611313 said:
CaféAuLait;6609085 said:
A shame that democrats started the BS if they did not want people to believe it, eh?
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph
The 'Birthers' Began on the Left
The 'Birthers' Began on the Left - The Daily Beast
Freewill, you only hurt the GOP with your claptrap.
So since you do not allow private messages and you neg rep me calling me a liar after I posted the above information, would you care explain how Hilary Clinton did not start this mess of lies about Obama? How her supporters at PUMA and her staff circulating a memo of a picture of Obama in Muslim dress did not ignite this flame? The Daily Beast is not a right wing site either, it is left and they make the claim.

Now you are whining? Really? HRC is not the point, and neither is all of your obstructionism and complaining. The point is this: birferism hurts the GOP far, far more than it hurts BHO. Birferism contributed to Romney's defeat. You need to shut up about birferism. It hurts the GOP. Got it?

LOL I want to know why you said it was a lie. THAT was the point, no matter how much you try to obfuscate my point. Admit it for god’s sake, the LEFT started this mess. The democrats started the birther crap and when it took hold they can't take responsibility for it. Kinda reminds me of someone who drops a match in their home and then gets mad at the fire department because they could not put the fire out. OMG the fringe on the right believed the left when lying about their own!

AFAIK birthers had nothing to do with Romney's defeat. I supported HRC for president, then she started with her lies about being shot at in Bosnia, she released the photos of Obama in Muslim garb, and her supporters released emails about Obama being born in Kenya. Lies and dirty politics started the birther movement, reminds me a lot of the truther movement too. Those same lies cost HRC her bid for president.
Last edited:
CaféAuLait;6611565 said:
CaféAuLait;6611313 said:
So since you do not allow private messages and you neg rep me calling me a liar after I posted the above information, would you care explain how Hilary Clinton did not start this mess of lies about Obama? How her supporters at PUMA and her staff circulating a memo of a picture of Obama in Muslim dress did not ignite this flame? The Daily Beast is not a right wing site either, it is left and they make the claim.

Now you are whining? Really? HRC is not the point, and neither is all of your obstructionism and complaining. The point is this: birferism hurts the GOP far, far more than it hurts BHO. Birferism contributed to Romney's defeat. You need to shut up about birferism. It hurts the GOP. Got it?

LOL I want to know why you said it was a lie. THAT was the point, no matter how much you try to obfuscate my point. Admit it for god’s sake, the LEFT started this mess. The democrats started the birther crap and when it took hold they can't take responsibility for it. Kinda reminds me of someone who drops a match in their home and then gets mad at the fire department because they could not put the fire out. OMG the fringe on the right believed the left when lying about their own!

AFAIK birthers had nothing to do with Romney's defeat. I supported HRC for president, then she started with her lies about being shot at in Bosnia, she released the photos of Obama in Muslim garb, and her supporters released emails about Obama being born in Kenya. Lies and dirty politics started the birther movement, reminds me a lot of the truther movement too. Those same lies cost HRC her bid for president.

Birferism is a lie, do you not get it? Birferism hurts the GOP far more than the Dems, do you not get it? HRC is immaterial. I don't care who you support as long as it is not hurting my GOP with lies about birferism.
Those who believe he was born in Kenya are just plain wrong, those who know he said he was born in Kenya to gain economic advantage, now they are on to something.

Obama obviously lied.

That may be.

What's it mean to you if it is? If it isn't true then he was born in Kenya, what does that mean to you? The latter of course is not true he was born in Hawaii.

I don't think it much matters 30 years later. Even if he wasn't forthcoming with the truth, we all do dumb things as kids, and I wouldn't particularly hold it against him. Bush did cocaine when he was younger. I didn't hold that against him either. He was a bad President for other reasons.

What I do know is that this birfer shit helps him more than hurts him. It makes his opponents look like deranged fucking morons. Which they are.
CaféAuLait;6611565 said:
Now you are whining? Really? HRC is not the point, and neither is all of your obstructionism and complaining. The point is this: birferism hurts the GOP far, far more than it hurts BHO. Birferism contributed to Romney's defeat. You need to shut up about birferism. It hurts the GOP. Got it?

LOL I want to know why you said it was a lie. THAT was the point, no matter how much you try to obfuscate my point. Admit it for god’s sake, the LEFT started this mess. The democrats started the birther crap and when it took hold they can't take responsibility for it. Kinda reminds me of someone who drops a match in their home and then gets mad at the fire department because they could not put the fire out. OMG the fringe on the right believed the left when lying about their own!

AFAIK birthers had nothing to do with Romney's defeat. I supported HRC for president, then she started with her lies about being shot at in Bosnia, she released the photos of Obama in Muslim garb, and her supporters released emails about Obama being born in Kenya. Lies and dirty politics started the birther movement, reminds me a lot of the truther movement too. Those same lies cost HRC her bid for president.

Birferism is a lie, do you not get it? Birferism hurts the GOP far more than the Dems, do you not get it? HRC is immaterial. I don't care who you support as long as it is not hurting my GOP with lies about birferism.

Again, you miss the point, you negged me because you said my post about democrats , e.g, Hilary Clinton and Co. starting this shit was a lie. So are you going to address that or continue to address anything but?

Democrats started the lie, that was my point and you called me a liar and said you neg all liars.

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