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Brithers lose as yet another judges refuses to look at evidence

It's your fault that you keep saying HRC starting the problem means anything: it doesn't.

Deal with the fact that the failure of birferism hurts the GOP, but I realize that your unreasoning hatred of the president outweighs the sensibility of working with our party to defeat him.

You want to hate. OK.
It's your fault that you keep saying HRC starting the problem means anything: it doesn't.

Deal with the fact that the failure of birferism hurts the GOP, but I realize that your unreasoning hatred of the president outweighs the sensibility of working with our party to defeat him.

You want to hate. OK.

Hate? Please show me any hate, other than my disliking LIARS. A liar, Hilary Clinton and Co who started a mess of lies about Obama to win an election. A LIE that has hurt this country. Something that you and many left wingers refuse to acknowledge. Something that is swept under the carpet and whispered about in dark corners all the while trying to blame the GOP for the democrat’s dirty politics which lead us to where we are today. But hey, she “only” lied about our president and a few other things, but that is A-Okay, she is *only* our secretary of State!

Lies have consequences and for people to ignore such is devastating. If politicians were held to higher standards maybe this country would be a lot better off. But instead we have partisan lines in the sand where we accept a lie because it came from the party we call our “own” and defend the lie. Instead of saying we won’t tolerate it and fire them and then point fingers at those who believe the lies they told. I remember a poll where it said something like 6 of 10 US citizens doubt his birth being in America, this is not just a GOP issue.

The question was: "Do you think Barack Obama was definitely born in the United States, probably born in the United States, probably born in another country, or definitely born in another country?"

Definitely in the United States got the vote from 42 percent of the respondents, and probably in the United States another 29 percent.

But that leaves almost 6 of 10 Americans uncertain about the president's birth – and therefore his eligibility under the U.S. Constitution even to be president.
Sixteen percent said Obama probably was born in another nation, and 11 percent said he definitely was born somewhere other than the U.S.

Breaking it down, 64 percent of Democrats believe he definitely was born in the U.S., leaving more than 1 in 3 Democrats not sure. For independents, 37 percent believe he definitely was born in the U.S., leaving some 2 in 3 unsure. For members of the GOP, not even 1 in 4 (23 percent) believes Obama definitely was born in the U.S.

CNN poll on Obama: 6 of 10 doubt U.S. birth story - KLTV.com-Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Texas | ETX News
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CaféAuLait, you can rant all you want, but whatever your dishing is simple CaféAuLait wishing.

No one cares.
CaféAuLait, you can rant all you want, but whatever your dishing is simple CaféAuLait wishing.

No one cares.

And that is the problem, you don't care that Hilary Clinton lied and started this mess. Maybe, just maybe if we held our elected officials and those running for office to higher standards we, as a country would be much better off. Instead, you don't care, likely because she is a part of "your" party. Such a shame.
I am a Republican, son, probably longer than you have been alive. Birferism only hurts the GOP. If you have a hard on for Hillary, that's your issue.
The continuing fraud perpetuated by the birthers needs to be put down with mandatory bonds and fines. These frivilous suits waste valuable the tax-payers' money, time, and energy of the courts.
The lying fraud obamaturd is wasting America's time, and money.
I am a Republican, son, probably longer than you have been alive. Birferism only hurts the GOP. If you have a hard on for Hillary, that's your issue.

I am female, not a ‘son’ and I can’t get a hard on, not sure how old you are and why that is an issue but I am not a young as your calling me “son” implies. I supported HRC before she started the dirt campaign of trying to finger Obama as a Muslim and a possible terrorist born in another country.

If we do not continue to hold those responsible for the lies and hold them to higher standards we will never grow as a country. The issues are this is not just a lie the GOP believed, as the poll I posted above shows.

It does not just hurt just the GOP, as I said before it hurts the country as a whole, our court system too, we pay for idiotic law suits, and idiotic actions. Many democrats like to point to the GOP as the source of this lie, when in fact it was the democrats themselves started it. They like to paint the GOP as idiots because they believed misinformation they purposely put out, all the while they were probably wringing their hands with glee and they realized their propaganda was working.

Now they are angered that people believed Hilary’s lies and instead of taking responsibility for it they like to pin it on others. That was my point I was trying to make when I posted that HRC and Co started this mess and you call me a liar. I never said I supported birthers, yet you accused me of such over and over.
CaféAuLait;6612767 said:
I am a Republican, son, probably longer than you have been alive. Birferism only hurts the GOP. If you have a hard on for Hillary, that's your issue.

I am female, not a ‘son’ and I can’t get a hard on, not sure how old you are and why that is an issue but I am not a young as your calling me “son” implies. I supported HRC before she started the dirt campaign of trying to finger Obama as a Muslim and a possible terrorist born in another country.

If we do not continue to hold those responsible for the lies and hold them to higher standards we will never grow as a country. The issues are this is not just a lie the GOP believed, as the poll I posted above shows.

It does not just hurt just the GOP, as I said before it hurts the country as a whole, our court system too, we pay for idiotic law suits, and idiotic actions. Many democrats like to point to the GOP as the source of this lie, when in fact it was the democrats themselves started it. They like to paint the GOP as idiots because they believed misinformation they purposely put out, all the while they were probably wringing their hands with glee and they realized their propaganda was working.

Now they are angered that people believed Hilary’s lies and instead of taking responsibility for it they like to pin it on others. That was my point I was trying to make when I posted that HRC and Co started this mess and you call me a liar. I never said I supported birthers, yet you accused me of such over and over.

Sigh. Go back and read it all, please. I do not care who you support or you will support. I don't care if you are a man, woman, or sprite of the air. Even if HRC was responsible, our loony ultra right of the GOP ran with it, and because they did, even knowing it was a lie, their mean spiritedness turned off many who would have voted for Romney. If you are a dem, than a simple caution to you: don't support HRC in the future. If you are a pub, let it drop.
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Holy shit I thought the afterbirthers had crawled back under their rocks....guess I was wrong!
Nixon was forced out for a much less serious offense than what obozo has done. THINK

There was evidence of a criminal cover-up concerning Watergate, where birthers have provided none – hence the denial of the hearing.

No evidence???. For 16 years obozo's own literary agency said he was born in kenya!!!!
CaféAuLait;6612767 said:
I am a Republican, son, probably longer than you have been alive. Birferism only hurts the GOP. If you have a hard on for Hillary, that's your issue.

I am female, not a ‘son’ and I can’t get a hard on, not sure how old you are and why that is an issue but I am not a young as your calling me “son” implies. I supported HRC before she started the dirt campaign of trying to finger Obama as a Muslim and a possible terrorist born in another country.

If we do not continue to hold those responsible for the lies and hold them to higher standards we will never grow as a country. The issues are this is not just a lie the GOP believed, as the poll I posted above shows.

It does not just hurt just the GOP, as I said before it hurts the country as a whole, our court system too, we pay for idiotic law suits, and idiotic actions. Many democrats like to point to the GOP as the source of this lie, when in fact it was the democrats themselves started it. They like to paint the GOP as idiots because they believed misinformation they purposely put out, all the while they were probably wringing their hands with glee and they realized their propaganda was working.

Now they are angered that people believed Hilary’s lies and instead of taking responsibility for it they like to pin it on others. That was my point I was trying to make when I posted that HRC and Co started this mess and you call me a liar. I never said I supported birthers, yet you accused me of such over and over.

Sigh. Go back and read it all, please. I do not care who you support or you will support. I don't care if you are a man, woman, or sprite of the air. Even if HRC was responsible, our loony ultra right of the GOP ran with it, and because they did, even knowing it was a lie, their mean spiritedness turned off many who would have voted for Romney. If you are a dem, than a simple caution to you: don't support HRC in the future. If you are a pub, let it drop.

I do not need to "go back and read everything again'. Here is the post you jumped me for,


I was agreeing with you about court costs and said it was a shame that the dems started the mess, you called me a liar, and called the post a "FLAT OUT" lie and negged me for it, when in fact what I posted was the truth.

It has not just been the "looney right" filing law suits costing us taxpayers money, Hilary Clinton's staunch supporter, a lawyer and a democrat, Phil Berg filed the first lawsuit against Obama not being a citizen. One which was filed right before the Democratic convention kicked off and started the ball rolling on that shit.

And if you don't want to know if I am male or female or my age, don't presume to know in your posts, by calling me 'son' and lamenting you are probably older than me. TIA.
CaféAuLait;6612884 said:
CaféAuLait;6612767 said:
I am female, not a ‘son’ and I can’t get a hard on, not sure how old you are and why that is an issue but I am not a young as your calling me “son” implies. I supported HRC before she started the dirt campaign of trying to finger Obama as a Muslim and a possible terrorist born in another country.

If we do not continue to hold those responsible for the lies and hold them to higher standards we will never grow as a country. The issues are this is not just a lie the GOP believed, as the poll I posted above shows.

It does not just hurt just the GOP, as I said before it hurts the country as a whole, our court system too, we pay for idiotic law suits, and idiotic actions. Many democrats like to point to the GOP as the source of this lie, when in fact it was the democrats themselves started it. They like to paint the GOP as idiots because they believed misinformation they purposely put out, all the while they were probably wringing their hands with glee and they realized their propaganda was working.

Now they are angered that people believed Hilary’s lies and instead of taking responsibility for it they like to pin it on others. That was my point I was trying to make when I posted that HRC and Co started this mess and you call me a liar. I never said I supported birthers, yet you accused me of such over and over.

Sigh. Go back and read it all, please. I do not care who you support or you will support. I don't care if you are a man, woman, or sprite of the air. Even if HRC was responsible, our loony ultra right of the GOP ran with it, and because they did, even knowing it was a lie, their mean spiritedness turned off many who would have voted for Romney. If you are a dem, than a simple caution to you: don't support HRC in the future. If you are a pub, let it drop.

I do not need to "go back and read everything again'. Here is the post you jumped me for,


I was agreeing with you about court costs and said it was a shame that the dems started the mess, you called me a liar, and called the post a "FLAT OUT" lie and negged me for it, when in fact what I posted was the truth.

It has not just been the "looney right" filing law suits costing us taxpayers money, Hilary Clinton's staunch supporter, a lawyer and a democrat, Phil Berg filed the first lawsuit against Obama not being a citizen. One which was filed right before the Democratic convention kicked off and started the ball rolling on that shit.

And if you don't want to know if I am male or female or my age, don't presume to know in your posts, by calling me 'son' and lamenting you are probably older than me. TIA.

Sigh. And do not presume that you have it right now. "lamenting you are probably older than me" is ironic. I love my age and my life. May you have the blessings that I have when you are as old as I am as I type. No, I still am not going to neg you for being a derpette, young missy! :lol:
CaféAuLait;6612493 said:
It's your fault that you keep saying HRC starting the problem means anything: it doesn't.

Deal with the fact that the failure of birferism hurts the GOP, but I realize that your unreasoning hatred of the president outweighs the sensibility of working with our party to defeat him.

You want to hate. OK.

Hate? Please show me any hate, other than my disliking LIARS. A liar, Hilary Clinton and Co who started a mess of lies about Obama to win an election. A LIE that has hurt this country. Something that you and many left wingers refuse to acknowledge. Something that is swept under the carpet and whispered about in dark corners all the while trying to blame the GOP for the democrat’s dirty politics which lead us to where we are today. But hey, she “only” lied about our president and a few other things, but that is A-Okay, she is *only* our secretary of State!

Lies have consequences and for people to ignore such is devastating. If politicians were held to higher standards maybe this country would be a lot better off. But instead we have partisan lines in the sand where we accept a lie because it came from the party we call our “own” and defend the lie. Instead of saying we won’t tolerate it and fire them and then point fingers at those who believe the lies they told. I remember a poll where it said something like 6 of 10 US citizens doubt his birth being in America, this is not just a GOP issue.

The question was: "Do you think Barack Obama was definitely born in the United States, probably born in the United States, probably born in another country, or definitely born in another country?"

Definitely in the United States got the vote from 42 percent of the respondents, and probably in the United States another 29 percent.

But that leaves almost 6 of 10 Americans uncertain about the president's birth – and therefore his eligibility under the U.S. Constitution even to be president.
Sixteen percent said Obama probably was born in another nation, and 11 percent said he definitely was born somewhere other than the U.S.

Breaking it down, 64 percent of Democrats believe he definitely was born in the U.S., leaving more than 1 in 3 Democrats not sure. For independents, 37 percent believe he definitely was born in the U.S., leaving some 2 in 3 unsure. For members of the GOP, not even 1 in 4 (23 percent) believes Obama definitely was born in the U.S.

CNN poll on Obama: 6 of 10 doubt U.S. birth story - KLTV.com-Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Texas | ETX News

Did you do the math on that story? It's fucking hilarious!

Not even close to 6 in 10. :lol::lol::lol:

Bifter math is as bad as their logic.
CaféAuLait;6612884 said:
Sigh. Go back and read it all, please. I do not care who you support or you will support. I don't care if you are a man, woman, or sprite of the air. Even if HRC was responsible, our loony ultra right of the GOP ran with it, and because they did, even knowing it was a lie, their mean spiritedness turned off many who would have voted for Romney. If you are a dem, than a simple caution to you: don't support HRC in the future. If you are a pub, let it drop.

I do not need to "go back and read everything again'. Here is the post you jumped me for,


I was agreeing with you about court costs and said it was a shame that the dems started the mess, you called me a liar, and called the post a "FLAT OUT" lie and negged me for it, when in fact what I posted was the truth.

It has not just been the "looney right" filing law suits costing us taxpayers money, Hilary Clinton's staunch supporter, a lawyer and a democrat, Phil Berg filed the first lawsuit against Obama not being a citizen. One which was filed right before the Democratic convention kicked off and started the ball rolling on that shit.

And if you don't want to know if I am male or female or my age, don't presume to know in your posts, by calling me 'son' and lamenting you are probably older than me. TIA.

Sigh. And do not presume that you have it right now. "lamenting you are probably older than me" is ironic. I love my age and my life. May you have the blessings that I have when you are as old as I am as I type. No, I still am not going to neg you for being a derpette, young missy! :lol:

Of course you’re not going to neg me again in a few short hours, I did not think the forum allowed it. You jumped the gun and thought I was a birther before you even tried to understand what I was saying. You could not see I was agreeing with you and still refuse to see such. You mentioned the cost of all this mess in courts and said fines should be imposed. Both democrats AND republicans have filed such suits. Such cost is a direct result of a lie told to win an election by a political opponent. Those are the ramifications which should be addressed when elected officials pull these stunts and they should be levied with fines.




Obama admits he is Kenyan - YouTube

Proof Obama Admits He Was Born In Kenya - YouTube


some folks need to get a life...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvCTaccEkMI]Dr. Pepper - "I'm a Pepper" TV Commercial 70's - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, you do.

And you couldn't refute ONE DAMN THING, just pathetic NOSE PICKING name calling... FAIL NOTED.

I've debunked all that shit several times.

You are an idiot.

This Kenyan newspaper account was a modified AP story. The AP story did not say he was born in Kenya. An overzealous Kenyan reporter put that bit in.

Here are other newspapers which carried the very same AP story. They do not have the Kenyan-born invention:

The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Ryan ends Senate bid

Ryan drops out of race for Illinois Senate amid damaging sex club allegations

Here is a New York Times 1990 article: First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.
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