British slave owners’ family to apologise and pay reparations

Why are liberals so lazy and in need of the government to intervene? What is preventing you from paying reparations, why do you need some kind of scheme proposed to do your part of righting the injustice of having been born white?
There needs to be a scheme of some sort. Something that will make a difference.. That is not my area of expertise.. People will have better ideas than me.
Your argument is comical from someone who doesnt believe in equity.
Like those who used to ask how many refugees are you personally housing.
Harm me? No, it entertains me. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous this story is, people who have nothing to do with slavery apologizing and paying money to other people who have nothing to do with slavery.
We all benefitted from it one way or another.Especially people in politics and justice. Your housing,education and job prospects have benefitted from white privilege from he day you were borm.

Nobody disputes that.
I am happy to pay reparations. I wouldl like to see a scheme proposed that starts to put rght the injustice.
Over here and in America black folk have been mistreated and held back. Something should be done.

I am not sure how my family benefitted from the industrial revolution.Working down pits is not really a reward.
You are benefiting from the slave trade since it financed the industrial revolution that created modern Britain. Perhaps you would rather Britain were a third world country screaming for foreign aid; in fact, you sound like you might prefer that.

There is no way to address the injustice done to the slaves and it is unreasonable to hold people accountable by standards that exist today but did not when they lived.

Whatever abuses may have existed in the past, in both the UK and US legislation has been passed and is enforced to provide equal rights and opportunities to all minorities, and that is all that can be done to level the playing field, and to continue to treat black people as if they are personally disabled by what happened to their ancestors, as you are doing, is to express what former President Bush called the "soft bigotry of low expectations," a trait common among people who imagine themselves to be liberals.
We all benefitted from it one way or another.Especially people in politics and justice. Your housing,education and job prospects have benefitted from white privilege from he day you were borm.

Nobody disputes that.
Everyone with sense disputes that. Laws have been passed and are enforced to provide equal rights and opportunities to all people so there is no white privilege today, and a large part of the problem for black people today is people like you who cultivate a culture in which black people are expected to fail.
There needs to be a scheme of some sort. Something that will make a difference.. That is not my area of expertise.. People will have better ideas than me.
Your argument is comical from someone who doesnt believe in equity.
Like those who used to ask how many refugees are you personally housing.

Explain the equity in having someone right past wrongs they took no part in?
We all benefitted from it one way or another.Especially people in politics and justice. Your housing,education and job prospects have benefitted from white privilege from he day you were borm.

Nobody disputes that.

As did the heirs of the slaves.

Slavery was the custom in Africa. Does not matter if they were slaves in Africa, or Slaves in America. They would have still been slaves.

Now compare the ancestors of the two.

The ancestors of the slaves that were NOT, sent to America, TODAY, will make $1.7 million lifetime, on average LESS THAN THE ANCESTORS OF THE HEIRS OF THE SLAVES SENT TO AMERICA.


And to add to that, todays blacks probably are the descendants of slave owners and slave dealers.

What part of “Reparations is a dumba$$ idea to begin with” do you fail to comprehend?
As did the heirs of the slaves.

Slavery was the custom in Africa. Does not matter if they were slaves in Africa, or Slaves in America. They would have still been slaves.

Now compare the ancestors of the two.

The ancestors of the slaves that were NOT, sent to America, TODAY, will make $1.7 million lifetime, on average LESS THAN THE ANCESTORS OF THE HEIRS OF THE SLAVES SENT TO AMERICA.


And to add to that, todays blacks probably are the descendants of slave owners and slave dealers.

What part of “Reparations is a dumba$$ idea to begin with” do you fail to comprehend?
Racist deflection.
Everyone with sense disputes that. Laws have been passed and are enforced to provide equal rights and opportunities to all people so there is no white privilege today, and a large part of the problem for black people today is people like you who cultivate a culture in which black people are expected to fail.
There needs to be more done for centuries of oppression.Whitey has had preferential treatment through all history. That needs to be rebalanced.
But if your family has benefitted from lavery or Jim Crow then you should make amends.

And the heirs of the American slave benefited from their ancestors being removed from bondage in Africa, to the tune, on average of 1.7 million in lifetime earnings.

Your argument fails.
There needs to be more done for centuries of oppression.Whitey has had preferential treatment through all history. That needs to be rebalanced.
That makes no sense at all. No one today committed those sins of the past and no one today suffered them; and these were only sins by today's standards, not by the standards of their time. No amount of bemoaning the sins of the past or of reparations will help a young black man today to graduate from high school or college and have a successful career, and that should be the goal of anyone who claims to care about justice. You must try to cleanse yourself of this needs to see black people as inferior to yourself and who need your support to get along in this world.
There needs to be more done for centuries of oppression.Whitey has had preferential treatment through all history. That needs to be rebalanced.
Agreed. We want reparations for Moses' people for the atrocities that the Egyptians put on them. Don't forget the reparations from the Italians for those terrible crucifixions that they performed. Let us not forget that reparations are due to the Tutsis from the Hutus--that will be a tough one to rebalance. STFU, you're a moron.

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