Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

What’s your point? Are you lumping all whites together? All of us on this thread, along with 99% of whites, has nothing to do with that from 75 years ago. We weren’t even born.

Then why are you all acting so defensive?

I mean I've seen guys act this way when it comes to matters of sexual assault such as when a guy is going to have to do time for doing the exact same thing that another guy did but got away with. It's like they have some type of code where they will always support one another even when one of them is blatantly committing sexual assault. As if, if they don't, they could be the next guilty guy being sentenced.

And before anyone goes off on the whole "innocent until proven guilty" spiel, that's not what some of our sexual assault laws say. They say that "you have committed the crime of sexual assault IF x, y, and/or z occurred." It has nothing to do with whether or not your victim reported the assault, nothing to do with whether or not you were charged with sexual assault, and certainly not whether or not you were convicted of sexual assault. If you did the deed and the deed meets the definition of the statute that makes you a rapist.

Maybe not a lawfully convicted rapist but a rapist none-the-less.
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Ahh, I'm sorry you lead such a mediocre life that intelligent and knowledgeable Black people make your insecurities come flooding to the forefront of your psyche.

You might be interested to discover how we've actually been utilizing those advantages despite all of the effort put into holding us back.

How's that saying go? "If you can't beat them, join them".

Then beat the crap out of them.

Lol, you have no clue who you are talking to. All I can do is laugh at you.
Happy New Year.
You have to remember, I don't give a fuck anymore than you you give a fuck about my Eastern European ancestors who were surfs until 1861, a mere two years before the blacks were free in the USA.

You just really don't know. It is unfair to do battle of intelligence against unarmed people.

You talk about your Eastern European serfs that were not in America and we are talking about . And since you're talking about serfs who showed upp after the civil war, what made you enter this thread asking about reeparattions for whites whoo died fighting the Civil War? Apparently you came to try startingg ----. Sometimes in life we all run into tthat ppersoon we should not challenge. That is what you have just done.

Europeans that chose to come here with little or nothing did struggle. But the various European ethnic groups hadone thing they used to lift themselves-the race card.

Here it is important to understand how, exactly, Americans‘become white’. The history of Polish-Americans is anilluminating example. Upon arriving in the U.S. en massein the late 19th and early 20th century, Poles endureddiscrimination based on their appearance, religion andculture. In 1903, the New England Magazine decried thePoles’ “expressionless Slavic faces” and “stunted figures” aswell as their inherent “ignorance” and “propensity toviolence”. Working for terrible wages, Polish workers wererenamed things like “Thomas Jefferson” by their bigotedAnglo-Saxon bosses who refused to utter Polish names.The Poles, in other words, were not considered white...

But then something changed. In 1919, Irish gangs in blackface attacked Polish neighborhoods in Chicago in an attempt to convince Poles, and other Eastern European groups, that they, too, were “white” and should join them in the fight against blacks. As historian David R. Roediger recalls, “Poles argued that the riot was a conflict between blacks and whites, with Poles abstaining because they belonged to neither group.” But the Irish gangs considered whiteness, as is often the case in America, as anti-blackness. And as in the early 20th century Chicago experienced an influx not only of white immigrants from Europe, but blacks from the South, white groups who felt threatened by black arrivals decided that it would be politically advantageous if the Poles were considered white as well.

With that new white identity came the ability to practice the discrimination they had once endured. Over time, the strategy of positioning Poles as “white” against a dark-skinned “other” was successful. Poles came to consider themselves white, and more importantly, they came to be considered white by their fellow Americans,

How do you become “white” in America?

You really should have stayed out of this instead of showing your stupidity as you get to launch a personal attack in violation of zone 1 rules. But the rules don't apply as long as you do it to blacks.

There is no victim here but you.

And here we see the classic example of the cognitive dissonance so prevalent in a portion of the white population. SCOTUS reaffirmed preferential treatment by ending AA. And whiile you talk about 50 years, whites had 190 years. You see, when you don't know your own history, you say stupid things. You need to relearn real American history and not the white mans revised versiion.
Only to the ignorant. The puppets of the ruling class.
No, in reality. Only ignorant whites like pretending color is nothing because theit whiteness has allowed them preferences that others have to fight for.
White women have benefitted more from affirmative action than any other group. So your first and only example is false.

So please explain how the government policies of today are harming whites.
I’m not a white woman

And I’m not a typical lib who thinks men and women are interchangable

White woman have been harmed by affirmative action and discriminated against to benefit less qualified black women

So if sone individual white women have lucked out others have not

And white males are being assigned to the back of the bus in all cases
You just really don't know. It is unfair to do battle of intelligence against unarmed people.

You talk about your Eastern European serfs that were not in America and we are talking about . And since you're talking about serfs who showed upp after the civil war, what made you enter this thread asking about reeparattions for whites whoo died fighting the Civil War?
So just to be clear, it’s not slavery you oppose. Its only slavery in the context of the US that you oppose.
No, in reality. Only ignorant whites like pretending color is nothing because theit whiteness has allowed them preferences that others have to fight for.
Every white supremacist ever has been advocating for people to recognize the social
Significance of “color”. Might not be your skin folk, but it’s your kin folk.
We are one nation. A multitude of states but one nation. Freedom of travel throughout the country is a right. To say not all Black people were subject to Jim Crowe would be to restrict their freedom and rights to only a portion of the US. White people could travel anywhere, with no restrictive laws based on skin color. So yes, all Black people in that era were subject to Jim Crowe.
You keep saying that over and over and over and over and over. But you cannot say what the physical or material harm was to any specific person now living. Inconvenience is not physical or material harm. That something might have happened is not physical or material harm. Just because something is unfair is not physical or material harm. If every person who was inconvenienced or even somewhat harmed by bad government policy were to be compensated for that, we will be paying reparations pretty close to all Americans who have ever lived.

Bad policy for somebody has been part of government for as long as we have had government and yes bad policy is worse for some than it will be for others. But not all black people who lived in the Jim Crow era, even not all those who were subject to Jim Crow laws, were physically or materially harmed. Unless you can show something from a credible unbiased source other than your opinion to dispute that, I will stand by my post. Good night my friend.
You keep saying that over and over and over and over and over. But you cannot say what the physical or material harm was to any specific person now living. Inconvenience is not physical or material harm. That something might have happened is not physical or material harm. Just because something is unfair is not physical or material harm. If every person who was inconvenienced or even somewhat harmed by bad government policy were to be compensated for that, we will be paying reparations pretty close to all Americans who have ever lived.

Bad policy for somebody has been part of government for as long as we have had government and yes bad policy is worse for some than it will be for others. But not all black people who lived in the Jim Crow era, even not all those who were subject to Jim Crow laws, were physically or materially harmed. Unless you can show something from a credible unbiased source other than your opinion to dispute that, I will stand by my post. Good night my friend.
You have been shown countless examples.
You really need to take personal responsibility.
It's rather... off putting to see a grown man cry like you.
You came in here crying about reparations for whites who died in the civil war and thhe cried about how your anncestors were freed in Europe one year before blacks. You don't know what personal responsibility is.
You really need to take personal responsibility.
Lol! This one has come with all the greatest hits.

The white reparations for the civil war
The white slave
The Africans sold other Africans.
The you're whining
And the coupe de gras-The take personal responsibility line.

Straight amateur, :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Why do you assume we care whether racist whites have respect for us or not?
Because you will need the votes of ALL whites, racist or not, to get any reparations. You can’t just DEMAND and BULLY your way to them….you need whites to agree.

And when people like IM2 call whites “boy“ - demonstrating racist attitudes of blacks to whites - you’re less likely for whites to vote to give you some of their own money.
Lisa talked about the black man 70 years ago going to college on the government as if no whites did. But lets look at reality.

The reality of the G.I. Bill is that black veterans were sabotaged at nearly every opportunity. Due to the racism in our society that overflowed into the military, blacks were disproportionately dishonorably discharged. Dishonorable discharge disqualified veterans from benefits, so that stopped some black veterans. Whites tried intimidating black veterans with acts of terror. Some black veterans survived the war, came home, tried to use the benefits they so rightfully earned, and ended up getting lynched. Due to segregation, black veterans often could not enroll in the same classes or training as their white counterparts. When the VA wasn’t trying to send black veterans to vocational schools, it was sending the large majority of them to black colleges that had been underfunded since the 1890 Morrill Act and the Plessy decision. Over one million returning black soldiers were unable to get GI benefits. My father was one of those soldiers.

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What I’m showing is that you can’t give reparations to all blacks as if they’re the same. The fact is that there WERE blacks who went to college on the government‘s dime, same as whites, even 100 years ago.

Those blacks went on to live successful lives, thanks to the wonderful opportunity the government gave them.
Then why are you all acting so defensive?

I mean I've seen guys act this way when it comes to matters of sexual assault such as when a guy is going to have to do time for doing the exact same thing that another guy did but got away with. It's like they have some type of code where they will always support one another even when one of them is blatantly committing sexual assault. As if, if they don't, they could be the next guilty guy being sentenced.

And before anyone goes off on the whole "innocent until proven guilty" spiel, that's not what some of our sexual assault laws say. They say that "you have committed the crime of sexual assault IF x, y, and/or z occurred." It has nothing to do with whether or not your victim reported the assault, nothing to do with whether or not you were charged with sexual assault, and certainly not whether or not you were convicted of sexual assault. If you did the deed and the deed meets the definition of the statute that makes you a rapist.

Maybe not a lawfully convicted rapist but a rapist none-the-less.
Because it’s annoying to be called a racist when you’re not. Look at how you went off when I called you a blacktivist or angry. IOW, you expect to be able to yell ”racist!” at people simply because they object to race-based bias (ironic) and then get all huffy when someone calls you a blacktivist or angry.

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