Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Yes. Why do you ask?
I mean for an extended period of time? Basically I'm asking if you know what it feels like to live under a constant threat because that's what it feels like for black people having lived under Jim Crow and in some places still today. Yes certain things were possible but it was all done under threat of numerous negative outcomes. Black people could be falsely accused of a crime they hadn't committed and be forced to pay money or serve time or forfeit their lives for such false accusations.

Or they could be targeted for simply being Black with the racists knowing that their word would not be questioned and there usually would be no consequences for whatever crimes they committed.

There was great risk with everything done that was different or outside of what white society thought was acceptable activities/behavior for Black people.
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Don't lecture me about life boy. Whites like you love telling everybody else how life isn't fair but you are the first to whine if you even IMAGINE something unfair has happened to you.

You really need to take personal responsibility.
It's rather... off putting to see a grown man cry like you.
The slave "owners" were compensated for their "property" that the government deprived them of, yet the slaves themselves received nothing and were expected to just fend for themselves in a completely hostile environment that existed EVERYWHERE after they were booted off of the premises of their former "owners".

You have to remember that it was law for anyone (white) who encountered a runaway slave to return them to their "owner". The Fugitive Slave Act was in essence the foundation for our current law enforcement agencies. And because any/all white people were legally "deputized" to interfere in the life of a Black person they suspected to be a runaway, it made the entire "world" treacherous for Black freed persons:

Statutes regarding refugee slaves existed in America as early as 1643 and the New England Confederation, and slave laws were later enacted in several of the 13 original colonies.
Among others, New York passed a 1705 measure designed to prevent runaways from fleeing to Canada, and Virginia and Maryland drafted laws offering bounties for the capture and return of escaped enslaved people.
By the time of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, many Northern states including Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut had abolished slavery.
Concerned that these new free states would become safe havens for runaways, Southern politicians saw that the Constitution included a “Fugitive Slave Clause.” This stipulation (Article 4, Section 2, Clause 3) stated that, “no person held to service or labor” would be released from bondage in the event they escaped to a free state.
(see the move "12 Years a Slave")​

You have to remember, I don't give a fuck anymore than you you give a fuck about my Eastern European ancestors who were surfs until 1861, a mere two years before the blacks were free in the USA.


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So where black people in Debt Peonage.

Again, how many black people got these free college educations you are on about?

If Mr. Sulu can get money for a couple of years as a child in a relocation camp, then black people should get reparations, even if they were lucky enough to be one of the few who got a scholarship (after very hard work, I'd imagine.)

No, they didn't. Schools were legally segregated in the North until 1955 and DE FACTO segregated to this very day. Separate but Equal was not.
Yes they did. There is nothing wrong with de facto segregation. It just happens because of where people lived. My grade, Jr. High and High schools were de facto segregated by income, we were all dirt poor. They were racially integrated. In fact, whites were a distinct minority. Even segregated schools were paid for by taxes and students attended for free.
We have a serious class problem in the USA and morons are yelling about skin color.
Shut up Marxist.

But wait! I actually agree with you. Not about the Marxist bullshit, but that recently race relations in the US have been a windfall for those who want to control us.
She’s as qualified as you, as a taxpayer, maybe more.
You think just because someone pays taxes they have the wherewithal to make policy decision of this magnitude?

We know that there are many white people with WS leanings who aspire to these position of authority specifically so that they can ensure that the white supremacist status quo remains firmly in place.

Many of you can't resolve simple boolean equations so no, something this subjective would be rife with bias if they got their hands on it.
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Lisa talked about the black man 70 years ago going to college on the government as if no whites did. But lets look at reality.

The reality of the G.I. Bill is that black veterans were sabotaged at nearly every opportunity. Due to the racism in our society that overflowed into the military, blacks were disproportionately dishonorably discharged. Dishonorable discharge disqualified veterans from benefits, so that stopped some black veterans. Whites tried intimidating black veterans with acts of terror. Some black veterans survived the war, came home, tried to use the benefits they so rightfully earned, and ended up getting lynched. Due to segregation, black veterans often could not enroll in the same classes or training as their white counterparts. When the VA wasn’t trying to send black veterans to vocational schools, it was sending the large majority of them to black colleges that had been underfunded since the 1890 Morrill Act and the Plessy decision. Over one million returning black soldiers were unable to get GI benefits. My father was one of those soldiers.

It was your claim, the burden of proof is on you. Demonstrate my guilt.
Quit lying, I made no such claim. I asked Lisa who the "innocent white people" are and you chimed in as one. So it is YOUR claim that you are an innocent white person who would be [unfairly] expected to help pay for the reparations. If this were true, surely you could post the demand for payment the government sent you.

And this is why I told you to stop talking to me because all you're doing is trying to pick a fight.
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Quit lying, I made no such claim. I asked Lisa who the "innocent white people" are and you chimed in as one. So it is YOUR claim that you are an innocent white person who would be [unfairly] expected to help pay for the reparations. If this were true, surely you could post the demand for payment the government sent you.

And this is why I told you to stop talking to me because all you're doing is trying to pick a fight.
LOL becuase in Nazi-fruitcake-land I am guilty before being proven innocent. Who exactly has a disparity of social privilage here, herr fraulein?
You have to remember, I don't give a fuck anymore than you you give a fuck about my Eastern European ancestors who were surfs until 1861, a mere two years before the blacks were free in the USA.


Ahh, I'm sorry you lead such a mediocre life that intelligent and knowledgeable Black people make your insecurities come flooding to the forefront of your psyche.

You might be interested to discover how we've actually been utilizing those advantages despite all of the effort put into holding us back.

How's that saying go? "If you can't beat them, join them".

Then beat the crap out of them.
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LOL becuase in Nazi-fruitcake-land I am guilty before being proven innocent. Who exactly has the social power differential here, herr fraulein?
You know self-proclaimed statements can be admitted as evidence. I don't have to prove something that you've already admitted under the United States Federal Rules of Evidence (there is no Nazi-fruitcake-land except where you all reside):

Statement Against Interest (Rule 804(b)(3)): A statement against the declarant's interest may be admissible if the declarant is unavailable as a witness. A confession may be considered against the declarant's interest. A confession may be considered against the declarant's interest.
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You know self-proclaimed statements can be admitted as evidence. I don't have to prove something that you've already admitted under the United States Federal Rules of Evidence (there is no Nazi-fruitcake-land except where you all reside):

Statement Against Interest (Rule 804(b)(3)): A statement against the declarant's interest may be admissible if the declarant is unavailable as a witness. A confession may be considered against the declarant's interest. A confession may be considered against the declarant's interest.
Good one Matlock.

You are not an innocent black. See how retard that is?
Ahh, I'm sorry you lead such a mediocre life that intelligent and knowledgeable Black people make your insecurities come flooding to the forefront of your psyche.

You might be interested to discover how we've actually been utilizing those advantages despite all of the effort put into holding us back.

How's that saying go? "If you can't beat them, join them".

Then beat the crap out of them.
His Eastern European serfs came over here and discriminated against blacks. He's just stepped into the octagon with Jon Jones and Chris Cyborg and doesn't know it.
His Eastern European serfs came over here and discriminated against blacks. He's just stepped into the octagon with Jon Jones and Chris Cyborg and doesn't know it.
You are the most disadvantaged of all possible opponents.

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