Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

You are a mod free to delete any post of mine, or lock the thread entirely, if it’s not going your way. Why would I enter into such an unbalanced debate? I wouldn’t go into the boxing ring with Mike Tyson, either, who could “delete” me permanently with one punch.

That makes no sense. For one, if you are worried, if we entered a debate in that format, another mod would need to moderate. I think you are making excuses for would be an interesting exercise for BOTH of us. I would argue AGAINST reparations and you would argue FOR reparations. We would both need to make a good faith effort in order for this to work.

No, but you’ve called me a racist, or implied it quite directly many times in the past, and I won’t debate with someone who already has such a pre-conceived, false, and extremely negative opinion of me.
You realize we have been debating extensively and civily in this now long thread for quite some time, right?
Ok. That is a reasonable concern.

Of course you are going to get all kinds of crazy numbers thrown out at the beginning. What they begin with and end with are two different things and shouldn’t obscure the central point in this: the government deprived a group of people of their Constitutional and civil rights and some of redress is needed. When reparations were decided for Japanese Americans, a relatively small amount (nothing compared to their actual losses in some cases) was agreed on along with an apology by the President and a few other monetary things.

How would it Bankrupt White people? Why only White people?

Some will, some won’t. What you are out is also the importance of an acknowledgement of wrong and an apology. The cash amount is going to be token no matter what. But can’t discuss amounts with first acknowledging that some form of reparations are owed.
All good questions for when I return from an engagement.
@ Coyote.

This post, calling me a racist, is not only a nasty false attack, but in violation of Zone 1 rules. Please delete his crap.

It’s unfortunate, because I thought you and I were starting to make headway, given the non-hostile tone of your last message, and I was about to respond when IM2 comes out with his blatant attacks. Please try to get a hold of him. His attitude is actually setting back race relations.
Report it. I am involved in this and not moderating it.
That makes no sense. For one, if you are worried, if we entered a debate in that format, another mod would need to moderate. I think you are making excuses for would be an interesting exercise for BOTH of us. I would argue AGAINST reparations and you would argue FOR reparations. We would both need to make a good faith effort in order for this to work.

You realize we have been debating extensively and cicely in this now long thread for quite some time, right?
Yeah, hasn’t been bad….and getting better. As I said, I’m off now for a bit but will return.

Japanese Americans fought for 40 years for reparations. Was that race baiting?

Pretend? I honestly don’t know what to say about this statement.

Did you read the first hand account I posted? That wasn’t isolated, that was typical of the very real dangers they faced that people like you or I never thought twice about.

The fact that they HAD to have a green book should tell how very bad things were! Did white people need a green book? You can make good arguments for why we shouldn’t give reparations but trying minimalize what they faced is not a good argument.

Gas stations, diners and hotels did not have to serve Blacks. Some locations were known as “sunset towns” because Blacks had to get out by sunset or they could be lynched. Keep in mi d we did not have the convenient interstate system we do today so wasn’t always possible to avoid these areas. As one account stated you just filled up on gas and drove without stopping praying you’d get to someplace safe by sunset.

Technically you are correct, they weren’t “excluded” from trains. But is this much better? Are you going to say they should be grateful?

You just keep repeating the same tired points my friend and insist on destroying context by chopping up posts which I have told you is not pleasing or constructive to me. We aren't going to agree on this. I think leftist mentality, whether coming from black or white or any other people, to be destructive both to the human spirit and personally to whatever group they target for their so-called 'help.'

Progressivism has harmed the black community far more than Jim Crow laws did. Under Jim Crow most black children lived in a traditional home with a mom and dad and the black community benefitted from institutions that affirmed and helped them. The civil rights do-gooders tore all that down, destroyed the black family, dismantled those institutions and put black people in a perpetual victim state where they are desperately trying to keep them now to keep them voting Democrat.

To do away with Jim Crow and all discriminatory laws was a very good thing. And for 60 years now black people have not been hindered with such disadvantages. It is time to allow black people to be American citizens on equal footing with all other American citizens. Stop victimizing them by demanding they and everybody else see them as victims. Please.
Of course you are going to get all kinds of crazy numbers thrown out at the beginning. What they begin with and end with are two different things and shouldn’t obscure the central point in this: the government deprived a group of people of their Constitutional and civil rights and some of redress is needed. When reparations were decided for Japanese Americans, a relatively small amount (nothing compared to their actual losses in some cases) was agreed on along with an apology by the President and a few other monetary things.
The numbers aren't crazy. We are talking about a minimum of 100 years of lost earnings along with the associated pain and suffering.

Japanese were interred for 3 years and Japanese got 25,000 each for those 3 years. Now multiply that 25,000 by 33 and you can create a payment for individual blacks that were affected by Jim Crow.

People here are ignoring facts because blacks are presenting them and repeating the same siilly arguments. It has been shown that the federal government spent more than ONE MILLION TRILLION dollars on housingpolicies/programs that benefitted whites and excluded blacks between 1930's-1980's.

Blacks should get the same funding for similar programs over a similar 50 year period.
You just keep repeating the same tired points my friend and insist on destroying context by chopping up posts which I have told you is not pleasing or constructive to me. We aren't going to agree on this. I think leftist mentality, whether coming from black or white or any other people, to be destructive both to the human spirit and personally to whatever group they target for their so-called 'help.'

Progressivism has harmed the black community far more than Jim Crow laws did. Under Jim Crow most black children lived in a traditional home with a mom and dad and the black community benefitted from institutions that affirmed and helped them. The civil rights do-gooders tore all that down, destroyed the black family, dismantled those institutions and put black people in a perpetual victim state where they are desperately trying to keep them now to keep them voting Democrat.

To do away with Jim Crow and all discriminatory laws was a very good thing. And for 60 years now black people have not been hindered with such disadvantages. It is time to allow black people to be American citizens on equal footing with all other American citizens. Stop victimizing them by demanding they and everybody else see them as victims. Please.
We can certainly agree to disagree (which we clearly do). I don’t view this from a do-good er perspective at all (and this is what Rightists keep missing when it comes to BlackAmericans) - I view it from a justice perspective. It isn’t about the money, it is about acknowledging and apologizing for the wrong that was done and as with the Japanese Americans, cash is a token. The more I read about life under Jim Crowe, the more I’m convinced. Others may see it differently.
You just keep repeating the same tired points my friend and insist on destroying context by chopping up posts which I have told you is not pleasing or constructive to me. We aren't going to agree on this. I think leftist mentality, whether coming from black or white or any other people, to be destructive both to the human spirit and personally to whatever group they target for their so-called 'help.'

Progressivism has harmed the black community far more than Jim Crow laws did. Under Jim Crow most black children lived in a traditional home with a mom and dad and the black community benefitted from institutions that affirmed and helped them. The civil rights do-gooders tore all that down, destroyed the black family, dismantled those institutions and put black people in a perpetual victim state where they are desperately trying to keep them now to keep them voting Democrat.

To do away with Jim Crow and all discriminatory laws was a very good thing. And for 60 years now black people have not been hindered with such disadvantages. It is time to allow black people to be American citizens on equal footing with all other American citizens. Stop victimizing them by demanding they and everybody else see them as victims. Please.

Why is it that some whites ignore all the preferences they have been given.

You say that for 60 years we have not been hindered. Really?

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental“diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic nameis probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

According to you this ended in the 1960's. But this comment was made in 2020 and this person is not the only white American doing this.
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The Negro Motorist Green Book, popularly known as the Green Book, was a travel guide intended to help African American motorists avoid social obstacles prevalent during the period of racial segregation, commonly referred to as Jim Crow. The Green Book listed businesses that would accept African American customers.

View attachment 881916
Did you notice that he book also covers BERMUDA, CANADA and MEXICO? Bermuda was mostly black back then, Canada was a sanctuary for blacks during slavery and Mexico never had black slavery. Why would the green book cover those countries?
The numbers aren't crazy. We are talking about a minimum of 100 years of lost earnings along with the associated pain and suffering.

I’ve seen cases made for it but I think it ignores what Americans are going to be willing to agree to or what the government can reasonably be expected to pay. I also think you have a much harder case to make going back to slavery rather than Jim Crowe where there are peop,e still alive who were harmed. JMO.

Japanese were interred for 3 years and Japanese got 25,000 each for those 3 years. Now multiply that 25,000 by 33 and you can create a payment for individual blacks that were affected by Jim Crow.

People here are ignoring facts because blacks are presenting them and repeating the same siilly arguments. It has been shown that the federal government spent more than ONE MILLION TRILLION dollars on housingpolicies/programs that benefitted whites and excluded blacks between 1930's-1980's.

Blacks should get the same funding for similar programs over a similar 50 year period.
I think government programs in the past need to left out of the equation unless they were exclusively targeted to Blacks.

Reparation could also be done along with a mix of programs and cash too.

It took Japanese Americans 40 years … and from this article, several factors are mentioned that caused them to ultimately win including the fact it was a small population and a relatively amount, making it more acceptable to Americans. That’s something to consider.

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Did you notice that he book also covers BERMUDA, CANADA and MEXICO? Bermuda was mostly black back then, Canada was a sanctuary for blacks during slavery and Mexico never had black slavery. Why would the green book cover those countries?
Because it is all travel.

Why is it that some whites ignore alll the preferences they have been given.

You say that for 60 years we have no been hindered. Really?

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental“diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic nameis probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

According to you this ended in the 1960's. But this comment was made in 2020 and this person is not the only white American doing this.
You need to prove that allegation. You have never managed to find a single other example. Plus, this person would have been fired and likely prosecuted if his employer had found out about his conduct.
In a poll taken by the Washington Post after Charlottesville, nine percent of Americans said holding neo-Nazi or white supremacist views is acceptable. That nine percent potentially equals twenty-two million Americans. According to a 2017 IPSOS poll “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protectand preserve its White European heritage.”Those are the same views held by white supremacists.

Extrapolating this using the entire white population hopefully will allow you to see just how real nd existing white racism is right now(as if some of the commentary doesn't). According to United States Census projections there were 248,503,000 whites in America in 2017. If thirty-one percent of the whitepopulation held racist views, that means that there were potentially77,035,930 whites with racist views living in America at that time.

Contrast this to the projected 2017 Americanpopulation (323,128,000)6, and potentially 23.8 percent of the Americanpeople held racist views. That is basically one in four Americans.

According to some people in this discussion all this is supposed to be gone.
I’ve seen cases made for it but I think it ignores what Americans are going to be willing to agree to or what the government can reasonably be expected to pay. I also think you have a much harder case to make going back to slavery rather than Jim Crowe where there are peop,e still alive who were harmed. JMO.

I think government programs in the past need to left out of the equation unless they were exclusively targeted to Blacks.

Reparation could also be done along with a mix of programs and cash too.

It took Japanese Americans 40 years … and from this article, several factors are mentioned that caused them to ultimately win including the fact it was a small population and a relatively amount, making it more acceptable to Americans. That’s something to consider.

It's not that difficult and it can be for an annual amount for programs with a date certain with a 1 time payment to individuals. Whites have not minded paying that 1 million trillion over 50 years to create the white middle class and to build white wealth.. Americans paid for that. So given the fact that Americans paid for white progress, equal protection says that Americans pay for the same progress for Asians, Blacks, Hispanics and Natve Americans.

In allowing some Native American tribes gaming rights, the government has allowed those tribes that participate a way to enhance economic development and that's on top of funding the BIA and other reparative type programs. The 1965 Naturalization Act allowed specific groups of Asians with high education to come here and the H1B Visa assures them jobs. And you don't see the usual suspects complaining about the racial preferences provided by this policy. These things get ignored in discussions about reparations for blacks and people seem to think that blacks are the only ones to ever ask for reparations and that everybody else made it only because they worked hard, valued education, etc., etc. That has not been the case and some Americans need to start studying just exactly how much money has been doled out by the government to help whites prosper.
I think government programs in the past need to left out of the equation unless they were exclusively targeted to Blacks.

Reparation could also be done along with a mix of programs and cash too.

It took Japanese Americans 40 years … and from this article, several factors are mentioned that caused them to ultimately win including the fact it was a small population and a relatively amount, making it more acceptable to Americans. That’s something to consider.
I'm sorry Coyote, I forgot this part.

I agree wiith much of this, specifically your second line. But the idea of reparations is nothing new. I have seen the first modern demand in the 1950's.

But the initial idea of reparations was Special Field Order 15 in 1865.

And Circular 13

These were reparations but then President Andrew Johnson erased these orders and gave the land back to former confederates. Now since the federal government broke this promise it could be possible to determine lost wealth based on what would have happened had Johnson not killed these orders.
Really, when was the last time you were there?
The streets are littered with white tulips from suburbia.
There is a large housing project just a few blocks from where my Dad grew up, and the crime is rampant. It’s not a new project - it was there in the 1960s when I was a kid, but it was filled with law-abiding poor, elderly immigrants (mostly Jewish and Italian), but now it is all black and with lots of crime.
There is a large housing project just a few blocks from where my Dad grew up, and the crime is rampant. It’s not a new project - it was there in the 1960s when I was a kid, but it was filled with law-abiding poor, elderly immigrants (mostly Jewish and Italian), but now it is all black and with lots of crime.

I have been in it as my wife is from the neighborhood and her brother lived there.
We all ate at Burger King around the corner one Christmas when family plans got confused.
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