Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

The numbers aren't crazy. We are talking about a minimum of 100 years of lost earnings along with the associated pain and suffering.

Japanese were interred for 3 years and Japanese got 25,000 each for those 3 years. Now multiply that 25,000 by 33 and you can create a payment for individual blacks that were affected by Jim Crow.

People here are ignoring facts because blacks are presenting them and repeating the same siilly arguments. It has been shown that the federal government spent more than ONE MILLION TRILLION dollars on housingpolicies/programs that benefitted whites and excluded blacks between 1930's-1980's.

Blacks should get the same funding for similar programs over a similar 50 year period.
A MILLION TRILLON?! LOL. Why not just demand blacks are entitled to a GAZILLION TRILLION?

See, when blacks like IM2 throw out ridiculous sums, with the idea that each black family should get millions of dollars and white Americans will be driven to the poorhouse trying to fund it, it tells me that this isn’t about justice at all (for people like him). It’s about turning blacks into the millionaire class, when they’ve done nothing to earn it, and whites into poor schlubs making blacks rich.
Of course you are going to get all kinds of crazy numbers thrown out at the beginning. What they begin with and end with are two different things and shouldn’t obscure the central point in this: the government deprived a group of people of their Constitutional and civil rights and some of redress is needed. When reparations were decided for Japanese Americans, a relatively small amount (nothing compared to their actual losses in some cases) was agreed on along with an apology by the President and a few other monetary things.
When blacks like IM2 throw out astronomical numbers - did you see upthread he said that America owes blacks A MILLION TRILLION DOLLARS (!!!) - it just gives the message that this is all about bankrupting all non-whites and turning all blacks into multimillionaires. It breeds even more resistance to the idea of reparations at all, and IM2 and his peers should stop making it so apparent that this is all about making whitey pay.
How would it Bankrupt White people? Why only White people?
I change the term to non-whites. It will bankrupt them, or turn them into struggling poor folks, because they are the ones who primarily fund the government.
Some will, some won’t. What you are out is also the importance of an acknowledgement of wrong and an apology. The cash amount is going to be token no matter what. But can’t discuss amounts with first acknowledging that some form of reparations are owed.
YOU say the cash amount will be token, just as it was with Holocaust survivors, but you‘ve got a subgroup of blacktivists who will demand, bully, and threaten non-whites who resist the ridiculous demands.
A “million trillion”……ok? Let’s break that down.

1,000,000*1,000,000,000 is 1,000,000,000,000,000

46 million black people in the US.

1,000,000,000,000,000 Divided by 46,000,000

= 21,739,130.43

Every black person in the US would receive about 22 million dollars.

331.9 million people in the US - 46 million black people

= 285,900,000 non-black people in the US

1,000,000,000,000,000 Divided by 285,900,000

= 3,497,726.47

It going to cost every non-black person in the US 3.5 million dollars to pay for reperations.
A “million trillion”……ok? Let’s break that down.

1,000,000*1,000,000,000 is 1,000,000,000,000,000

46 million black people in the US.

1,000,000,000,000,000 Divided by 46,000,000

= 21,739,130.43

Every black person in the US would receive about 22 million dollars.

331.9 million people in the US - 46 million black people

= 285,900,000 non-black people in the US

1,000,000,000,000,000 Divided by 285,900,000

= 3,497,726.47

It going to cost every non-black person in the US 3.5 million dollars to pay for reperations.
Thanks for doing the numbers on the asinine million trillion. That just shows for some, reparations is to make blacks multimillionaires and non-blacks their impoverished slaves, hoping for a crumb.
Considering the price tag of reparations, I think we should give this trans-racial stuff some serious consideration.
So, since diversity is our strength, and like Biden said, black people are not a diverse people, any reparations paid should have to be equally shared with every illegal immigrant in the country. Black people voted for these Democrats who are bringing in a dependent class to replace them. Might as well, roll it all into one bill.

There is a large housing project just a few blocks from where my Dad grew up, and the crime is rampant. It’s not a new project - it was there in the 1960s when I was a kid, but it was filled with law-abiding poor, elderly immigrants (mostly Jewish and Italian), but now it is all black and with lots of crime.
Jews and Italians were considered "White enough" to move out of the projects after a generation or two.

Also, most of the housing projects were torn down in the 1990's, I'm not sure what you are talking about. This sounds like your imaginary posters in the mall.
If they were harmed by the government's intentional acts, then they are entitled to recompense.

Reparations has nothing to do with a person's current economic circumstances, only with the fact that they suffered at the hands of our government's racially discriminatory policies that allowed its non-Black citizens, and local/state governments to racially discriminate and harm it's Black citizens.

It's the fact that they were subjected to and suffered at the hands of white supremacists policies and acts.

I honestly do not understand why it's so difficult for you all to grasp this concept unless you just don't want to.

Because I don't believe anyone is owed anything in this case beyond the government fixing the imbalance in it's own laws.

Once that's done it's up to the people themselves to fix their own status.
You're wrong but I'll let ChatGPT explain why:

The key distinctions between reparations paid by a government for a historical wrong and damages paid in a lawsuit are rooted in the nature of the actions, the parties involved, and the legal contexts. Let's explore each concept separately:

  1. Reparations Paid by a Government for a Historical Wrong:
    • Nature of Action: Reparations in this context typically refer to compensation or amends made by a government for historical injustices, such as slavery, genocide, or other systemic and widespread abuses. These actions are often part of a broader acknowledgment of past wrongdoing.
    • Parties Involved: The government is usually the entity responsible for providing reparations. It may be the same government that perpetrated the wrongdoing or a successor government. The recipients of reparations are often individuals or communities who were directly or indirectly affected by the historical wrong.
    • Legal Context: Reparations for historical wrongs often involve legislative or executive action. Governments may pass laws or create programs to provide compensation, offer apologies, or implement other measures to address the lasting effects of past injustices. Legal frameworks for reparations may vary widely between countries.
  2. Damages Paid in a Lawsuit:
    • Nature of Action: Damages awarded in a lawsuit generally result from a specific legal dispute between parties. This could involve civil cases such as personal injury, contract disputes, or other legal claims where one party alleges harm caused by another.
    • Parties Involved: Lawsuits involve two or more private parties, such as individuals, companies, or organizations. The party seeking damages (plaintiff) must demonstrate that the other party (defendant) is legally responsible for the harm suffered.
    • Legal Context: Damages in a lawsuit are determined through the legal process, often involving a court trial. The court assesses the evidence, applies relevant laws, and awards monetary compensation to the injured party if liability is established. Damages can cover various categories, including compensatory damages for actual harm, punitive damages to deter future misconduct, and other types based on the circumstances of the case.
In summary, reparations for historical wrongs involve actions taken by governments to address widespread and systemic injustices, often on a societal level. Damages in a lawsuit, on the other hand, result from legal proceedings between private parties seeking compensation for specific, usually individualized, harms. The legal processes, parties involved, and the nature of the actions distinguish these two concepts.

Make your own arguments, please, not some chatbot.
If a company is required to meet a certain quota it's generally because they have been found to have violated one of the Civil Rights laws and the directive is meant to bring their workforce up to a closer representative of the racial makeup of the community in that area.

I'm talking about government mandated DBE requirements in government contracts.
Jews and Italians were considered "White enough" to move out of the projects after a generation or two.
No, Italians and Jews just integrated. There was no white-conspiracy that allowed them entrance to society. They made the effort to join society. The black community eventually did the same thing, which resulted in the success of the Civil Rights movement. The difference is since then the condition of the black community has deteriorate.
No, Italians and Jews just integrated. There was no white-conspiracy that allowed them entrance to society. They made the effort to join society. The black community eventually did the same thing, which resulted in the success of the Civil Rights movement. The difference is since then the condition of the black community has deteriorate.

Actually, the Italians and Jews COULD integrate because they were white enough. A generation, you lose the accent, forget the customs and suddenly you are just as white American as everyone else.

As opposed to being black in this country, where discrimination is written into the founding documents of the country.
No, Italians and Jews just integrated. There was no white-conspiracy that allowed them entrance to society. They made the effort to join society. The black community eventually did the same thing, which resulted in the success of the Civil Rights movement. The difference is since then the condition of the black community has deteriorate.
A good topic would be WHY has it deteriorated - which is definitely has - since the 1970s. Blacks were making real progress, and within the last few years, bam! - a big step back even though no anti-black laws were instituted to account for that.

So what happened since my high school and college days to account for all this?
Actually, the Italians and Jews COULD integrate because they were white enough. A generation, you lose the accent, forget the customs and suddenly you are just as white American as everyone else.

As opposed to being black in this country, where discrimination is written into the founding documents of the country.
Except black people integrated too. Which sort of ruins your white-enough-conspiracy-theory. What you call “white” was just the societal norm. Accents and customs are not racial constructs,

Discrimination was not written into the founding documents. Slavery, discrimination and racism were the global status quo. The founding documents had to take the global status quo into consideration. Unlike the political left today, the founding fathers understood the balance of the political ecosystem. Without what you refer to as “white” there would still be slavery and discrimination across the globe.
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Except black people integrated too. Which sort of ruins your white-enough-conspiracy-theory. What you call “white” was just the societal norm. Accents and customs are not racial constructs,
I’ve brought up many times that both colleges my parents attended had many black students, and we are talking 80 years ago.
one proposal...give them a cash settlement but then they or their heirs can no long enroll in any government food stamps etc hud all that crap comes off the table
Whites have got at least 8 handouts from the government and still apply for government programs.
You crazy assholes are talking like it's some kind of forgone conclusion that we're just gonna let yuns shake us down and arbitrarily divy up what we have in our pockets at the barrel of a government gun.

It's like you're merely competing for the coveted Platinum victim status designation at this point. lol...
You apparently don't get the fact that is what whites have done to everybody else.

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