Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

We gave reparations to all Japanese Americans who were interred as if they were the same, even if they were too young to have been materially damaged. Even if they went on to college on the “government’s dime”. And no one questioned it.
Lisa et al do not realize that having had the opportunity to go to college does not negate having to live the majority of one's life under the government sanctioned oppression of legal racial discrimination that was Jim Crow.

Imagine how you would feel Lisa if instead of there being an ending to the threat you lived under while you were being stalked/targeted, that you lived under that threat your entire life. The taunting, the threats of violence, never knowing from which direction it may come or if you would escape with your life.

Jim Crow WAS NOT ABOUT INCONVENIENCE as Foxfyre seems to believe.
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Because I don't believe anyone is owed anything in this case beyond the government fixing the imbalance in it's own laws.

Once that's done it's up to the people themselves to fix their own status.
If you were in your 20s and could work for 20 years earning good pay as a commercial airline pilot but the government wouldn't allow it, would removing the law that says that the country must be racially segregated
  1. compensate you for the 20 years of salary you could have earned but was not allowed to?
  2. compensate you for having to retire 20 years early due to the mandatory retirement age because you didn't get started until 20 years later
  3. compensate you for the loss of interest on savings, equity in a home, retirement
    benefits, etc.

    Removing the law without recompense for what one was deprived of, doesn't make one "whole" yet so many of you have the attitude of "well the law has been gone for 60 years, why haven't Black people caught up" like it's not glaringly obvious as to why
The laws were overturned that created the separate but equal idiocy mandated by Plessey.
That doesn't "fix" anything though, it just makes it "no longer legal to do X, Y & Z".

The 13th amendment freed the slaves but that didn't keep people from refusing to treat them as equal citizens or hell just citizens period, until the ratification of 14th Amendment.

In other words, the mere passage of a law or an amendment of the constitution does not "fix" the harm caused by the fact that the previous laws/acts/amendments existed in the first place.
LOL "Straight" white males?!? When did they become a protected class.

What have you lost to a woman, of any race or are you just blaming women for your own shortcomings?
I dont blame all women, or all blacks, mexicans or whatever

But practically all lefties? sure

Its not easy to find any liberal with an ax to grind about something who does have straight white males near the top of their hit list
Chattel slavery as practiced in the United States of America as part of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Our government doesn't have jurisdiction to do anything about any other nation engaging in the very same behavior it has, right?
Jurisdiction? So for you, slavery was a legal matter not a moral one?
You condemn the US and suggest no whites person today is “innocent” but you disregard the larger context of slavery beyond America’s boarders.
First, EVERYTHING has kind of deteriorated since the 1970's. We can thank the Right Wing for that, as they have spent the last 50 years demolishing the middle class.

Yes, everything is the “right wing’s” fault, if you believe the liberal media.

What is destroying America transcends the left and right.
If I called you a "hackivist" do you think people would view that label in a positive or negative light?

And your constant misrepresentation of why there are people on this board who classify you as a racist is just as disingenuous as your portrayal of me as the stereotypical "angry Black woman". You sure did screech when were you were referred to as a "princess" didn't you? Why was that?

Your use of certain language has nothing to do with a disagreement or seeing the same situation from two different perspectives. We provided you with a list of things that are racist when said by white people about Black people so that you could avoid making such statements, on the off chance that you really didn't know what you were saying is racist. But no, instead of taking them to heart, you doubled down on a lot of it.

I don't care whether or not you're a racist, I am paid good money for my professional opinion on multiple topics, including if specific action(s) can be alleged to be a violation of any of the laws covered by the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (yeah, including racial discrimination). In your case, I am simply pointing out that the comments you make are being made intentionally with the complete knowledge that they are indeed racist which may be taken as prima facie evidence of your intent. Meaning you knowingly made the statements, knowing they were racists and intending for them to be received as such.

So make sure when you go crying to the moderators that you explain properly what was actually said instead of falsely claiming that you were attacked in a violation of Zone 1 rules.
And you’ve called me a racist. So you are free to call me a racist, and I can’t call you a blacktivist?

After that, I didn’t read any more.

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