Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Maybe if the issue of slavery was a simplistic as you make it.

Slavery is FANTASTICALLY simplistic. One person owning another and profiting off of his labor is wrong. Period. Full stop.

Thats rich. It sounds like you have a very white European centric view of history. Take a look how long some African nations took to abolish slavery. The western world led the rest of the world in the abolition of slaves. As much as it makes liberals cry, white people did that.

White people ended a situation they created. Slavery only became a profitable business in Africa because white people were paying top dollar for slaves. The economy of the Congo eventually became entirely based on the slave trade to the point where it had no other industries, then it was taken over by the Europeans in a way that was slavery in all but name.

Let's be blunt. White people are kind of awful. We need to be better.

By “they” I assume you mean evil white people? Peonage was not invented by white people and is still prevalent today in Asian and Africa. Again it’s just another layer to a complicated issue.

Try to focus, buddy, White America doing something fucking evil isn't excused because somewhere else in the world, someone might have been doing something similar.

Debt Peonage was a system created in the south to return black people to slavery by inventing crimes such as "walking along the railroad tracks" and then putting people into servitude for years by generating debts they could never pay back.

The practice wasn't outlawed until 1942, and only then because we didn't want Nazi Propagandists to use it against us.

Yes, everything is the “right wing’s” fault, if you believe the liberal media.

What is destroying America transcends the left and right.

That's pretty accurate. Republicans have been opposing immigration reform since the mid-aughts.

We have a problem with immigration because our system is truly messed up, and doesn't reflect reality.

It should not take 5 years to get a hearing on an asylum claim.
If you were in your 20s and could work for 20 years earning good pay as a commercial airline pilot but the government wouldn't allow it, would removing the law that says that the country must be racially segregated
  1. compensate you for the 20 years of salary you could have earned but was not allowed to?
  2. compensate you for having to retire 20 years early due to the mandatory retirement age because you didn't get started until 20 years later
  3. compensate you for the loss of interest on savings, equity in a home, retirement
    benefits, etc.

    Removing the law without recompense for what one was deprived of, doesn't make one "whole" yet so many of you have the attitude of "well the law has been gone for 60 years, why haven't Black people caught up" like it's not glaringly obvious as to why

Then each person should go to said airline and sue them and prove they were denied work based on Race.
no one is asking you to pay personally.
you didn't participate in the behavior, but you did benefit from it.

If you are asking my tax money for it, which will result in my taxes increasing directly for it, you are asking me to pay for it.

An intangible benefit as best, and one that now is reversed because If i wanted to start a subcontractor company that does municipal work in NYC I wouldn't be able to because I am not a disadvantaged business owner.
Not corporate DEI, municipal favors in subcontracting based on race.
Yes, the white race. White is a race and the problem those like you have is that you don't understand this. Understanding this means that you recognize that race is a consideration when whites are admitted, get contracts, hiring, or promotions.
Yes, the white race. White is a race and the problem those like you have is that you don't understand this. Understanding this means that you recognize that race is a consideration when whites are admitted, get contracts, hiring, or promotions.

In NYC a contractor has to sub out 30% of the CONTRACT VALUE, not the value of subs, to minority owned businesses. That means non minority subcontractors have no hope of getting subcontracts.
My family never owned slaves, I am never paying reparations
You and your family benefitted from Jim Crow and you practice racism now. The case is against a the government to pay reparations. Nobody will be walking up to your house with n offering plate asking you for money to pay reparation. This has been stated numerous times and since whites like you claim to have such high IQ's you should stop making this stupid argument.
In NYC a contractor has to sub out 30% of the CONTRACT VALUE, not the value of subs, to minority owned businesses. That means non minority subcontractors have no hope of getting subcontracts.
That means white contractors get 70 percent.
That means white contractors get 70 percent.

No, that means small white contractors are locked out of subcontract work.

What is the difference between a small black subcontractor and a small white subcontractor?

and do you mean all those firms are 100% white? most of the cost of construction is labor, and plenty of those people are minorities.
No, that means small white contractors are locked out of subcontract work.

What is the difference between a small black subcontractor and a small white subcontractor?

and do you mean all those firms are 100% white? most of the cost of construction is labor, and plenty of those people are minorities.
No, that means white contractors get 70 percent of the subcontracts.

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