Broaddrick's Back


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Over the last several days I have 'enjoyed' reading the opinions of others forced upon others as if fact, specifically, claiming Juanita Broaddick recanted her story of how Clinton raped her and now says it never happened. What, according to Broaddrick never happened is THAT Liberal B$!

"Broaddrick tweeted Wednesday: “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73. . . .it never goes away.”

From "Bill's Women Unleashed'
For Hillary Clinton, old news or new troubles?

Slick Willey is and always has been a pig, a sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and now a potential pedophile who has abused his power to victimize women.

Hillary has been an 'enabler', bully, and 'protector' of her husband's power/position' - because it directly impacted her own ambitions. The woman who now claims that every woman who claims to be a victim of sexual abuse, harassment, and rape needs to be heard and should be believed is the woman who bullied, threatened, had investigated, and silenced every woman her husband ever victimized. As the governor's wife and 1st Lady she had her own army to attack and attempt to discredit these women. James Carville, for example, was paid to protect the Clintons even if it meant saying things he knew wasn't true, he admitted in an interview after he left the Clinton Administration. He attacked Paula Jones by making the infamous statement, "If you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park there is no telling what you will get."

(In the end Paula Jones cost Slick Willey more than $100. He became the 1st sitting President in US History to be sued and was forced to testify while in office. He was found guilty of Contempt of Court for deceivingly attempting to deny a US citizen of her right to a fair trial. He ended up being disbarred from practicing law for a time in Ark, and he later paid Jones $850,000 to drop her appeal, as it was NOT 'convenient' in the midst of his Impeachment.)

While Hillary has been criticized more recently for taking millions of 'donations' from nations that oppress women and engage in the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation, she attempts to disregard any mention of Bill's victims as 'old news' and continues to proclaim she is a 'champion for women'.
Heard most of this before, but "potential pedophile" is new. Is the case so weak, you have to throw out something that inflammatory? What's it supposed to mean or are you just slinging mud to see what sticks?
Heard most of this before, but "potential pedophile" is new. Is the case so weak, you have to throw out something that inflammatory? What's it supposed to mean or are you just slinging mud to see what sticks?
What case? You mean Bill's documented career of sexual harassment, rape, and adultery. LOL! Yeah, that's all 'so weak'.

As for the pedophile, my momma always used to tell me that you are known for the company you keep. Having the rep and background of being a sexual harasser, rapist, and adulterer Clinton's close relationship with a convicted pedophile, his flying multiple times on the man's private '747'- he calls 'Air F* One' because it is used to have sex in during flight, with hookers his buddy provided (according to the hookers that told their story), especially flying out to the man's private island nicknamed 'pedophile island' for obviously reported reasons is enough 'circumstantial' evidence to reasonably conclude that Slick Willey 'partook of the forbidden fruit'.

Let's face it, the man is a pig, a sexual deviant, and a sexual predator.

...this is where you normally respond back by saying:

Konrad, why are you arguing against HILLARY CLINTON?

SHE is the one who coined the phrase 'Bimbo Eruption' when talking about her husband's 'ex'es, and SHE is the one who declared 'ALL' women who claim to have been sexually abused, harassed, or raped MUST be heard and MUST be believed!

Are you saying she REALLY DOESN'T believe that, that she is just pandering to the women whose votes she wants? I'm shocked that you would accuse her of such a thing!
Affidavit of Juanita Broaddrick denying non-consensual sex with President Clinton
Released on Monday, March 30, 1998

Following is the full text of a Jan. 2 affidavit from the woman named in documents filed by the Jones legal team on March 28, 1998. Those documents reported an unsubstantiated hearsay claim that the woman, here called "Jane Doe #5," was raped by Bill Clinton 20 years ago.

Paula Jones' lead lawyer Donovan Campbell Jr.
Jail Time for Donovan Campbell? Will he be held in contempt for revealing the identity of Juanita Broaddrick a/k/a Jane Doe #5?

1. My name is Jane Doe #5. I am 55

1. My name is Jane Doe #5. I am 55 years old and have been married since 1981. I have one child, age 28. I currently reside in Arkansas.

2. In November of 1997, two private investigators retained by Paula Corbin Jones approached me at my residence. I declined to speak with them, but provided the name of my family attorney. I subsequently was served with a subpoena seeking the production of documents and purporting to require my testimony at a deposition in the civil action between Paula Corbin Jones and President William Jefferson Clinton (Civil Action No. LR-C-94-290). I have never met Ms. Jones, nor do I have any information regarding the allegations that she has advanced against President Clinton. In this regard, I have no knowledge or information regarding the events she has alleged occurred on May 8, 1991 at the Excelsior Hotel or, for that matter, any knowledge or information regarding any interaction between herself and Mr. Clinton.

3. I met President Clinton more than twenty years ago through family friends. Our introduction was not arranged or facilitated, in any way, by the Arkansas State Police. I have never been an Arkansas state employee or a federal employee. I have never discussed with Mr. Clinton the possibility of state or federal employment nor has he offered me any such position. I have had no further relations with him for the past (15) years.

4. During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.

5. I do not possess any information that could possibly be relevant to the allegations advanced by Paula Corbin Jones or which could lead to admissible evidence in her case. Specifically, I do not have any information to offer regarding a nonconsensual or unwelcome sexual advance by Mr. Clinton, any discussion offer or provision of state or federal employment or advancement in exchange for sexual conduct, or any use of state troopers to procure women for sex. Requiring my testimony at a deposition in this matter would cause unwarranted attorney's fees and costs, disruption to my life and constitute an invasion of my right to privacy. For these reasons, I have asked my attorney to advise Ms. Jones's counsel that there is no truth to the rumors they are pursuing and to provide her counsel with this sworn affidavit.

Further affiant sayeth not.
Jane Doe #5
Affidavit of Juanita Broaddrick denying non-consensual sex with President Clinton
Broaddrick still claiming to have been raped and the production of such an affidavit only lends credence to the stories / ideas of how Hillary hired detectives to investigate Bill's victims then bullied, threatened them into silence....of course he paid $850,000 for Paula Jone's silence. :p

(Your use of such big bold letters smells of desperation, fear, and panic....exactly what Hillary is feeling right now as she questions whether it was a good idea or not to put Slick Willey back out in front of the nation. lol)
Broaddrick still claiming to have been raped and the production of such an affidavit only lends credence to the stories / ideas of how Hillary hired detectives to investigate Bill's victims then bullied, threatened them into silence....of course he paid $850,000 for Paula Jone's silence. :p
sure it adds to her credibility to have sworn to the opposite of what she is saying now .....of course why doesn't everyone see that eh
Broderick is going for one final paycheck on the coat tails of Hillary Clinton's candidacy...
.....of course why doesn't everyone see that eh
Because Slick Willey's career/decades-long record of being a sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and now potential pedophile...and Hillary's reputation for being a brutal enabler, bully, and silencer of Bill's Bimbos are well documented and discussed.
.....of course why doesn't everyone see that eh
Because Slick Willey's career/decades-long record of being a sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and now potential pedophile...and Hillary's reputation for being a brutal enabler, bully, and silencer of Bill's Bimbos are well documented and discussed.
Dude you have a person to wit Juanita Broderick who swore an oath that she was not raped she is saying the opposite is cash
.....of course why doesn't everyone see that eh
Because Slick Willey's career/decades-long record of being a sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and now potential pedophile...and Hillary's reputation for being a brutal enabler, bully, and silencer of Bill's Bimbos are well documented and discussed.
Dude you have a person to wit Juanita Broderick who swore an oath that she was not raped she is saying the opposite is cash
And you can undeniably prove Brodderick has or is going to receive any money, right?

If you have a problem with Hillary's profession that ALL women who claim to have been sexually abused, harassed, or raped MUST be listened to and believed then you should take it up with HILLARY. :p
And you can undeniably prove Brodderick has or is going to receive any money, right?

She swears in a legal affidavit that she was not raped or molested by Bill when the market value of anti Clinton allegations is higher she comes out all teary eyed go ahead and prove she is telling the truth now vs when she swore a legal oath that the opposite was true ...OK
And you can undeniably prove Brodderick has or is going to receive any money, right?

She swears in a legal affidavit that she was not raped or molested by Bill when the market value of anti Clinton allegations is higher she comes out all teary eyed go ahead and prove she is telling the truth now vs when she swore a legal oath that the opposite was true ...OK
So what - Hillary swore under oath that she did not have a personal e-mail account, that she was not using more than 1 device she was using, that she never sent / received classified, that she had no idea if the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack or just a group of people who went out walking one night...Slick Willey SWORE while looking into the camera / faces of the American people while saying, I did not have sex with that woman'.... If the Clintons have taught you anything it should be that people lie for their own reasons....

And I take it by that response that you can NOT provide any evidence to support your claim that Broaddrick has or will receive any cash....
And I take it by that response that you can NOT provide any evidence to support your claim that Broaddrick has or will receive any cash....
I take it you are unable to come up with a cogent argument that makes it reasonable to believe Broderick this time over the time she swore to the opposite....:2up:

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