Brooking institute study says blacks consistently score lower on tests

A curious side note to the charts I put up earlier is that the country of Guatemala ranks an average IQ of about 48.

This is where most of our illegals are coming from, isn't it?

That places these people in the medical category of being IMBECILES. Imbeciles are not capable of functioning independently in our society.

Joe Biden is importing millions of millions of imbeciles into this country who will never amount to anything, be a constant burden and never do more than pick a tomato for a living.
Those sawed Hispanics have no idea how to use a toilet stove vacuum cleaner etc.
Are you saying that blacks are abusive destructive parents then? And that there is therefore no hope for any future generations of blacks due to this bad parenting? I don't think you want to go there.
It's being a racist to group all people of any particular skin colour together for the purpose of demeaning, or in fact nearly any other purpose. Your entire racist screed can be answered with that.

You've carelessly indicted and convicted yourself of racism.
It's being a racist to group all people of any particular skin colour together for the purpose of demeaning, or in fact nearly any other purpose. Your entire racist screed can be answered with that.

You've carelessly indicted and convicted yourself of racism.
Everyone is a racist and there is nothing wrong with it.

Though blacks are more racist than anyone.

What is wrong is how it is usually defined.

Not even to mention most make up their own definition.

Science has proved even little babies are racist.

In a nutshell everyone should be treated fairly by the law.

Irregardless of race, color or screed.

yet what we see today in our justice system is discrimination in favor of blacks.

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Everyone is a racist and there is nothing wrong with it.
No, you can't justify racism with that. Tsoup made some valid points but he erred when he grouped all people of a race together for his purpose.

When slavery was abolished in America, the people of the south refused to move on and allow blacks to be equals. Now America is haunted with a race problem for which it has no solution.

Holding back non-whites created the problems with 'some' black people that has led to a 'racist' reaction. Most other modern countries were able to move on to accepting race diversity.

And now, Trump has capitalized on the racism for his political gain in much the same way Hitler did with the Jews.

Tsoup does nothing with his hateful racist screed but prove my point.
No, you can't justify racism with that. Tsoup made some valid points but he erred when he grouped all people of a race together for his purpose.

When slavery was abolished in America, the people of the south refused to move on and allow blacks to be equals. Now America is haunted with a race problem for which it has no solution.

Holding back non-whites created the problems with 'some' black people that has led to a 'racist' reaction. Most other modern countries were able to move on to accepting race diversity.

And now, Trump has capitalized on the racism for his political gain in much the same way Hitler did with the Jews.

Tsoup does nothing with his hateful racist screed but prove my point.
What stupid begin with no one is equal.

The 'every one is equal' b.s. is a marxist concept and we all know how that worked out.

Thus by erroneously trying to achieve the impossible....'make everyone equal' the usual arguments presented by you and your ilk are nonsensical bullshit.

What we should be striving for is equality before the law....and that is where we have failed.

As in today the richer a person is the better chance he has before the law....not to forget that in a great many cases now....the law works in favor of minorities as a result of anti-white discrimination.

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What stupid begin with no one is equal.

Thus by erroneously trying to achieve the impossible....'make everyone equal' the usual arguments presented by you and your ilk are nonsensical bullshit.

What we should be striving for is equality before the law....and that is where we have failed.

As in the richer a person is the better chance he has before the law.
It's become impossible for America to make all people equal because of it's reluctance to move on after slavery was taken away from the south. There had been progress since the 60's but Trump has taken the country back to the same racist attitudes. That's the reason why racism has become such a hot topic here.

All that is required of you is to come to understand that it's wrong to group all people of any race together for the purpose of demeaning hate.

There are good and bad in all racial groups but I've never denied that the bad has become more prevalent in some. I've always maintained that the only way Americans have tried to get out from under their situation is by brutal force, and that will always fail.
It's become impossible for America to make all people equal because of it's reluctance to move on after slavery was taken away from the south. There had been progress since the 60's but Trump has taken the country back to the same racist attitudes. That's the reason why racism has become such a hot topic here.

All that is required of you is to come to understand that it's wrong to group all people of any race together for the purpose of demeaning hate.

There are good and bad in all racial groups but I've never denied that the bad has become more prevalent in some. I've always maintained that the only way Americans have tried to get out from under their situation is by brutal force, and that will always fail.
You are tooooo friggin stupid to engage in a discussion on racism since you cannot understand that equality does not exist at any in no 2 people are equal.

The theory that all humans are equal is flawed in practice since people are unique and unavoidably unequal in terms of social, cognitive, economic and political terms.

Conversely, individuals should be treated equally before the law as much as practically possible, in areas of respect, rights, and opportunities, in order to achieve maximum social mobility and thus create a meritocratic society.

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Oregon does away with proficiency standards.
And who is this intended to benefit? "Boyle (Brown's information lackey) said in an emailed statement that suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements while the state develops new graduation standards will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

That's how you get around plummeting grades. You simply stop requiring proficiency in certain skills
for a certain segment of the schools. Graduation becomes like a participation requires no
demonstration of achievement. Only that you show up most days.
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What is being ignored by most liberals is Racial Realism as it exists today and todays reality is what is important not ancienr history as in we have to function and live in today's reality.

It's a whole lot more complicated than a simpleton like you could comprehend.
My date with the 40 year old Greek doctor went well last night. I'm going to see her again next weekend, maybe get together for coffee or dinner during the week too we will see. I'm trying to play it cool. I'm sure she is too. One flaw. Kind of chubbier than the picture her friend showed me. But we can work on that. Checks all the other boxes. Wish me luck.

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