Brooking institute study says blacks consistently score lower on tests

But you should know and you probably do!
But therein lies your racism problem in trying to claim that you don't know.

So lets set the record straight. It's environmental and there have been plenty of studies to prove it. Now you have no excuse for pretending to not know!
that is an excuse, oh poor me, my environment was bad so I had be stupid. next
It's expected that we would see 'you' promoting racism on this forum.

It's also expected that you would be ready to present some deniability.

Us libruls can't help but hook into it but I choose which ones I hook into! Only the ones that I am confident on being able to see it through.


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You just did sort it out. Lots and lots of different majority-black environments in both hemispheres, all doing incredibly badly on every measure. So it has to be heredity.

I'm similarly reminded of the situation with Idi Amin and Uganda. As I recall, the British were occupying and running things there and Idi came in, took power, and threw the British out insisting that his own people should run their own affairs! And it wasn't long before the country fell to absolute chaos and shit and they eventually begged the British to come back!
that is an excuse, oh poor me, my environment was bad so I had be stupid. next
Are you suggesting that you were born genetically inferior to white people? That's an interesting concept to follow through. It's entirely possible that you are genetically inferior to some white people in some ways. But you can't say that it's all white people. Some are undoubtedly inferior to you, simply because you demonstrate a command of the written language.

So maybe you would like to change your mind?

I'm going to give you about an 85 because of the way you got yourself into a box.
I'm pretty much pure white as far as I know and I score somewhere between 127 and 133. Not even close to DeGrasse Tyson.
Are you suggesting that you were born genetically inferior to white people? That's an interesting concept to follow through. It's entirely possible that you are genetically inferior to some white people in some ways. But you can't say that it's all white people. Some are undoubtedly inferior to you, simply because you demonstrate a command of the written language.

So maybe you would like to change your mind?

I'm going to give you about an 85 because of the way you got yourself into a box.
I'm pretty much pure white as far as I know and I score somewhere between 127 and 133. Not even close to DeGrasse Tyson.
I also score in your range, finished 2nd in my high school class. People can come up with all sorts of excuses why they fail
This thread is an open invitation to measure the degree of racism on this board.
Can that be used to measure America's racism problem?

I'll do a survey of all the posters in a while and separate them into two camps.
Hmmm, so what causes white folks poor behavior when they curse out police, flight attendants, store clerks and people in general. You are white, aren't you?
I dunno, why don't you post a thread about it and tell us, you do know how, right?
I also score in your range, finished 2nd in my high school class. People can come up with all sorts of excuses why they fail
Which IQ test did you do? Did you know that some will score you about 10 points higher than others?
You must know! Right? You must know which one Mensa uses?

If you don't then it's going to take you a while to find out.
This thread is an open invitation to measure the degree of racism on this board.
Can that be used to measure America's racism problem?

I'll do a survey of all the posters in a while and separate them into two camps.
Is honesty racist?
I also score in your range, finished 2nd in my high school class. People can come up with all sorts of excuses why they fail
Which IQ test is used for people who haven't been exposed to a modern environment in which they become capable of writing one of the standards?
What is 'intelligence quotient' anyway?

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