Brooking institute study says blacks consistently score lower on tests

So your personal anecdote applies to the whole black race, how?
I think that comment proved that he really doesn't score very high on IQ tests. He's allowed his political ideology to trump his intelligence and so he's going to have to work hard to earn himself anything better than the 85 I originally gave him.

FWIW, I'll start you off with 110 simply because you demonstrated above average when you caught him. And then we'll work from there according to your performance. Fair enough? I just like to do that.
Of course not. It's the lack of honesty that can decide sometimes. You just asking that question makes me about 90% sure you're a racist.
So then you're saying honesty is in fact racist while denying it simultaneously, or at least 90% racist.

Who knew?
Hmmm, so what causes white folks poor behavior when they curse out police, flight attendants, store clerks and people in general. You are white, aren't you?

He was speaking percentage. Just as blacks commit ~50% of all murders, 33% of all violent crimes at 12% of the population.

Blacks are much more likely to do the things he mentioned compared to whites.
......and in a related study, the Brookings institute just revealed their conclusion that water is wet.
Are you black?
It depends on who wants to know and why they want to know.
Let's say I'm a black for your purpose.
Or let's say I'm yellow or white.
You choose which colour will work best for you.

Here's a tough question for you: Why do Chinese people score so high on IQ tests? nature or nurture?
(trick question)
Why are blacks so overrepresented in basketball.

Is it nature or nurture?

Only Donald thinks this is a trick question.
......and in a related study, the Brookings institute just revealed their conclusion that water is wet.
You're a racist if you don't take a position here. Not taking a position is denial.

I need your position on this one so I can place you in the right group. You calling everybody assholes isn't helpful.
He was speaking percentage. Just as blacks commit ~50% of all murders, 33% of all violent crimes at 12% of the population. Blacks are much more likely to do the things he mentioned compared to whites.

A curious side note to the charts I put up earlier is that the country of Guatemala ranks an average IQ of about 48.

This is where most of our illegals are coming from, isn't it?

That places these people in the medical category of being IMBECILES. Imbeciles are not capable of functioning independently in our society.

Joe Biden is importing millions of millions of imbeciles into this country who will never amount to anything, be a constant burden and never do more than pick a tomato for a living.
He was speaking percentage. Just as blacks commit ~50% of all murders, 33% of all violent crimes at 12% of the population.

Blacks are much more likely to do the things he mentioned compared to whites.
The difference is when Whites rape, rob, pillage and murder they form armies and tell themselves they're doing it for The Flag, Mom and Apple Pie

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