Brooks: resign or impeachment or assassination of Trump

It was committed by a crazy man in love with an actress, idiot.

Of course. That's the definition of a liberal: crazy.

As to the "love with an actress part"? not credible. Unless, of course, the "actress" used to be an "actor".
It was committed by a crazy man in love with an actress, idiot.

Of course. That's the definition of a liberal: crazy.

As to the "love with an actress part"? not credible. Unless, of course, the "actress" used to be an "actor".
You must be a kid. It was well known that Hinckley shot the President to impress Jodie Foster.
Brooks is a Globalist Elite worm. He's another one of Soros' bitches. I don't give a damn what he thinks about anything. It's Trump's turn to be above the law. That's the way it is. So Brooks and all other Democrat wankers can go straight to hell. :)
You must be a kid. It was well known that Hinckley shot the President to impress Jodie Foster.

I find Informative that you are so personally familiar with Hinckley's sexuality. I am always prepared to yield to those with intimate personal knowledge. Thank you for the correction!
You must be a kid. It was well known that Hinckley shot the President to impress Jodie Foster.

I find Informative that you are so personally familiar with Hinckley's sexuality. I am always prepared to yield to those with intimate personal knowledge. Thank you for the correction!

It was in all the papers at the time, kid.

I am always amazed at the profound lack of historical knowledge on the part of you rubes. No wonder people like Clinton and Trump, and the propaganda mills which support them, have been so successful!
It was in all the papers at the time, kid.

I am always amazed at the profound lack of historical knowledge on the part of you rubes. No wonder people like Clinton and Trump, and the propaganda mills which support them, have been so successful!

Of course we read different papers. They don't have The San Francisco Bay Times in any of the local shops. But, sincerely, we do appreciate your intimate knowledge of how Mr. Hinckley swings.
It was in all the papers at the time, kid.

I am always amazed at the profound lack of historical knowledge on the part of you rubes. No wonder people like Clinton and Trump, and the propaganda mills which support them, have been so successful!

Of course we read different papers. They don't have The San Francisco Bay Times in any of the local shops. But, sincerely, we do appreciate your intimate knowledge of how Mr. Hinckley swings.

Dont get him started or he'll start talking about piss guzzling.
It was in all the papers at the time, kid.

I am always amazed at the profound lack of historical knowledge on the part of you rubes. No wonder people like Clinton and Trump, and the propaganda mills which support them, have been so successful!

Of course we read different papers. They don't have The San Francisco Bay Times in any of the local shops. But, sincerely, we do appreciate your intimate knowledge of how Mr. Hinckley swings.
So this how you cover up your embarrassment at not knowing what is common knowledge?

The ceo of Packetsled was forced to resign today due to his death threats to Trump, as well.
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: “Trump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinated”

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will “resign or be impeached within a year.” From Brooks’ column: “Finally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election result…Trump’s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We can’t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.”

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, “Oh, and by the way – I forgot to mention ‘assassinated.’” The columnist then went on to say that “the whole ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you don’t really need a pen, because he’ll bury himself soon enough.” “At the rate he’s going, I’m starting to wonder if he’ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,” Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: “Trump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinated”
This is the Democratic Party.

fidel castros "democratic" party is more like it
There is no difference.

Couldn't disagree more. Especially with the final one. He deserves a chance and if his policies need to be opposed, I hope the Democrats are as successful as the Republicans were. If his policies make sense, lets not be like Republicans and agree to compromise where ever possible.
I'm hopeful that this may be the case. Trump got there on his own. He isn't beholden to the republican establishment. He likes to make deals. He may compromise where an ideologue would not.

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