Brooks: resign or impeachment or assassination of Trump

This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€
This is the Democratic Party.

fidel castros "democratic" party is more like it
There is no difference.
what an anti american asshole

when are you fucking cry babies going to get over it

Probably take about as long as it took you guys to get over Obama...8 years....

However I'm optimistic - I'm placing my bets on 2-4 years.

go fuck yourself

when has the right gone rioting over an election

What a mature response from someone extorting others to act mature :lmao:

i never asked anyone to act Mature turd breath

i expect them to remain lawful

i will readily admit that i am fed up with you piss ants
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

Impeachment could happen in the House but republicans would need the Democrats in the Senate to convict, and from I am seeing it will never happen...

The choice is live four years with Donald Trump or four years with Mike Pence?

Trump is staying...

The possibility of someone attempting to kill him?

It is the same possibility as it was for Bush Jr. and Obama and some ignorant fool will try or talk about it but will never happen...
what an anti american asshole

when are you fucking cry babies going to get over it

Probably take about as long as it took you guys to get over Obama...8 years....

However I'm optimistic - I'm placing my bets on 2-4 years.

I will bet Trump finishes his first term and will be reelected if everything stay smooth...

I do not believe the House will go after him for impeachment and even if they do then the Senate will not convict because they lack the votes...

I do believe that someone will be stupid enough to try to kill President Trump but it will be like the many times some idiot jumped the white house fence or fired on it...

People need to relax and wait...
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€
8 years of Obama and Hillary and we can't go morally numb?

We're so numb after 8 years of that crap, I might as well go grab some woman's whoha!!
It absolutely blows my mind how not one of these idiots
acknowledges Hillary avoiding criminal charges for obvious crimes.

Can't go morally numb?...thought we already did

Obama promised transparency in Washington
and changing the way government does business...
Ummm, just one of his promises he failed to deliver on,
yet, the one most people had hoped would happen!

I think that article is irresponsible journalism,
because they are using the paper they work for,
as a platform to spew their nonsense
I have heard the opinion of 1 Sean Hannity, who I do not listen to; however, I did read this piece because it caught my attention...and I somewhat agree with him --

He suggests that the new Trump administration de-certify as legit media the major (and not so-major) media outlets who were identified (by Wikileaks and their own over-the-top uber-biased reporting / attacks) as being 'all-in', propaganda-pushing Hillary Clinton Campaign attack dogs / defenders during the election and refuse to let them come to the WH, if only for the 1st 6 months or so of his Presidency ... make them prove themselves and 'earn' their way back in.

There is a great montage of some of these talking heads and media on Drudge. CNN, for example, went as far as on the air declaring they had done everything they could to help Hillary win, including 'giving her a pass on all of her scandals', while they savaged Trump in their coverage.

As I said, I only somewhat like this idea only because it would be funny as hell and would be 'payback'. Seriously, however, I believe President Trump should prove he is gracious not vindictive, professional not petty - start anew and be the bigger man....however, if any of the media starts that shite up by all means revoke their press credentials.

Sean Hannity wants Trump to deny certain media outlets White House press credentials
what an anti american asshole

when are you fucking cry babies going to get over it

Probably take about as long as it took you guys to get over Obama...8 years....

However I'm optimistic - I'm placing my bets on 2-4 years.

I will bet Trump finishes his first term and will be reelected if everything stay smooth...

I do not believe the House will go after him for impeachment and even if they do then the Senate will not convict because they lack the votes...

I do believe that someone will be stupid enough to try to kill President Trump but it will be like the many times some idiot jumped the white house fence or fired on it...

People need to relax and wait...

When you come right down to it - impeach him for what? Being an asshole? That's not illegal.
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

Impeachment could happen in the House but republicans would need the Democrats in the Senate to convict, and from I am seeing it will never happen...

The choice is live four years with Donald Trump or four years with Mike Pence?

Trump is staying...

The possibility of someone attempting to kill him?

It is the same possibility as it was for Bush Jr. and Obama and some ignorant fool will try or talk about it but will never happen...

Strange to say it - I would take Trump over Pence.
Couldn't disagree more. Especially with the final one. He deserves a chance and if his policies need to be opposed, I hope the Democrats are as successful as the Republicans were. If his policies make sense, lets not be like Republicans and agree to compromise where ever possible.
If Donald Trump decided to enact single payer healthcare, his Chumps would find a way to be perfectly okay with it.

If Donald Trump decided to give amnesty to illegals, his Chumps would find a way to be perfectly okay with it.

If Donald Trump decided to raise the minimum wage, his Chumps would find a way to be perfectly okay with it.

These are the most malleable rubes in the history of America.
they aint no different than the malleable rubes on the left...
The rubes on the Left don't vote.
sure they dont g....
See latest election.
and so you can say out of all those people that NO lefty rubes voted for hillary?.....if you say so g....
what an anti american asshole

when are you fucking cry babies going to get over it

Probably take about as long as it took you guys to get over Obama...8 years....

However I'm optimistic - I'm placing my bets on 2-4 years.

I will bet Trump finishes his first term and will be reelected if everything stay smooth...

I do not believe the House will go after him for impeachment and even if they do then the Senate will not convict because they lack the votes...

I do believe that someone will be stupid enough to try to kill President Trump but it will be like the many times some idiot jumped the white house fence or fired on it...

People need to relax and wait...

When you come right down to it - impeach him for what? Being an asshole? That's not illegal.

Yeah, but get some Eastern European Intern in a blue dress and have Trump lie to Congress and all bets are off!

If being an asshole was impeachable then since the days of Adams every President would have been impeached!
what an anti american asshole

when are you fucking cry babies going to get over it

Probably take about as long as it took you guys to get over Obama...8 years....

However I'm optimistic - I'm placing my bets on 2-4 years.

I will bet Trump finishes his first term and will be reelected if everything stay smooth...

I do not believe the House will go after him for impeachment and even if they do then the Senate will not convict because they lack the votes...

I do believe that someone will be stupid enough to try to kill President Trump but it will be like the many times some idiot jumped the white house fence or fired on it...

People need to relax and wait...

When you come right down to it - impeach him for what? Being an asshole? That's not illegal.

Yeah, but get some Eastern European Intern in a blue dress and have Trump lie to Congress and all bets are off!

If being an asshole was impeachable then since the days of Adams every President would have been impeached!

I hear they're issuing crotch-guards to all new female interns.
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

Impeachment could happen in the House but republicans would need the Democrats in the Senate to convict, and from I am seeing it will never happen...

The choice is live four years with Donald Trump or four years with Mike Pence?

Trump is staying...

The possibility of someone attempting to kill him?

It is the same possibility as it was for Bush Jr. and Obama and some ignorant fool will try or talk about it but will never happen...

Strange to say it - I would take Trump over Pence.

I believe everyone with any sanity would prefer Trump over Pence... It is like asking if you would prefer Bush or Cheney, and now you know why the Democrats worked with Bush in the last two years of his term...
what an anti american asshole

when are you fucking cry babies going to get over it

Probably take about as long as it took you guys to get over Obama...8 years....

However I'm optimistic - I'm placing my bets on 2-4 years.

I will bet Trump finishes his first term and will be reelected if everything stay smooth...

I do not believe the House will go after him for impeachment and even if they do then the Senate will not convict because they lack the votes...

I do believe that someone will be stupid enough to try to kill President Trump but it will be like the many times some idiot jumped the white house fence or fired on it...

People need to relax and wait...

When you come right down to it - impeach him for what? Being an asshole? That's not illegal.

Yeah, but get some Eastern European Intern in a blue dress and have Trump lie to Congress and all bets are off!

If being an asshole was impeachable then since the days of Adams every President would have been impeached!

I hear they're issuing crotch-guards to all new female interns.

With Mike Pence there they might be require to wear a chastity belt... Oh, I am stopping before I upset certain groups with my blasphemy!
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

Impeachment could happen in the House but republicans would need the Democrats in the Senate to convict, and from I am seeing it will never happen...

The choice is live four years with Donald Trump or four years with Mike Pence?

Trump is staying...

The possibility of someone attempting to kill him?

It is the same possibility as it was for Bush Jr. and Obama and some ignorant fool will try or talk about it but will never happen...

Strange to say it - I would take Trump over Pence.

I believe everyone with any sanity would prefer Trump over Pence... It is like asking if you would prefer Bush or Cheney, and now you know why the Democrats worked with Bush in the last two years of his term...

You know...I've had a good few years forgetting allllll about Cheney....

This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

Impeachment could happen in the House but republicans would need the Democrats in the Senate to convict, and from I am seeing it will never happen...

The choice is live four years with Donald Trump or four years with Mike Pence?

Trump is staying...

The possibility of someone attempting to kill him?

It is the same possibility as it was for Bush Jr. and Obama and some ignorant fool will try or talk about it but will never happen...

Strange to say it - I would take Trump over Pence.

I believe everyone with any sanity would prefer Trump over Pence... It is like asking if you would prefer Bush or Cheney, and now you know why the Democrats worked with Bush in the last two years of his term...

You know...I've had a good few years forgetting allllll about Cheney....


Dick Cheney is like a bad case of herpes and you wish you could forget that eventful day when it happen, but it stick around to remind you of the stupidity!
Couldn't disagree more. Especially with the final one. He deserves a chance and if his policies need to be opposed, I hope the Democrats are as successful as the Republicans were. If his policies make sense, lets not be like Republicans and agree to compromise where ever possible.

We would have been more than happy to work with you if your policies helped the country. Not our fault you didn't go that direction
Couldn't disagree more. Especially with the final one. He deserves a chance and if his policies need to be opposed, I hope the Democrats are as successful as the Republicans were. If his policies make sense, lets not be like Republicans and agree to compromise where ever possible.

We would have been more than happy to work with you if your policies helped the country. Not our fault you didn't go that direction

I don't think so. No matter what the new President offered......"

" strategy of all-out resistance to a popular President-elect during an economic emergency. ā€œIf he was for it,ā€ former Ohio Senator George Voinovich explained, ā€œwe had to be against it.ā€

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

"Vice President Biden told me that during the transition, he was warned not to expect any bipartisan cooperation on major votes. ā€œI spoke to seven different Republican Senators who said, ā€˜Joe, Iā€™m not going to be able to help you on anything,ā€™ ā€ he recalled. His informants said McConnell had demanded unified resistance. ā€œThe way it was characterized to me was, ā€˜For the next two years, we canā€™t let you succeed in anything. Thatā€™s our ticket to coming back,ā€™ ā€ Biden said. The Vice President said he hasnā€™t even told Obama who his sources were, but Bob Bennett of Utah and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania both confirmed they had conversations with Biden along those lines."
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€
This is the Democratic Party.
Brooks is more Republican than you.
This is absolutely wrong.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€

In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will ā€œresign or be impeached within a year.ā€ From Brooksā€™ column: ā€œFinally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election resultā€¦Trumpā€™s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We canā€™t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his assent. After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.ā€

However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, ā€œOh, and by the way ā€“ I forgot to mention ā€˜assassinated.ā€™ā€ The columnist then went on to say that ā€œthe whole ā€˜pen is mightier than the swordā€™ philosophy might have worked if we were talking about Hillary Clinton, but when it comes to Donald Trump, you donā€™t really need a pen, because heā€™ll bury himself soon enough.ā€ ā€œAt the rate heā€™s going, Iā€™m starting to wonder if heā€™ll make it through the first six months, let alone an entire year,ā€ Brooks said.

NYT David Brooks: ā€œTrump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinatedā€
8 years of Obama and Hillary and we can't go morally numb?

We're so numb after 8 years of that crap, I might as well go grab some woman's whoha!!
Votto, what the hell are you talking about? How do you bring this to Hillary and Obama? Does that mean that I can blame Palin for targets because of the Tucson killings or Trump for the threat I heard of today in Michigan against a legal Mexican family that actually referred to Trump for justification of the 'not wanted here' message, or the vet at Chili's that got his advertised 'free mean for vets on 11/11 day' ripped from his hands by the manager because of a complaint by a Trump-shirt wearing old guy who claimed the vet was not a vet and his service dog was not a service dog? At this point I do not think Trump would approve of any of these acts of dirtbaggery. My anger is directed at people who use these classless incidents as excuses to blame the over half of the electorate that didn't vote for YOU!!

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