Broward Submits Machine Recount Results 2 Minutes Late, Won’t Count Towards Election Total

Ban paper ballots because it's just too easy to cheat with them
russian conspiracy knuuts2017-06-01-6ef71ec7_large.jpg

I'm sure the Crybaby Party will run to a tame Obama-appointed judge, and the black-robed tyrant will rule in accordance with his feelings instead of the law. This may go all the way to the Supreme Court before the thugs finally agree to follow the law. I'm okay with that as long as they don't steal a second US Senate seat this year. Their quota is one, and they already stole one in Arizona.

The embattled Broward County Elections Department completed the machine recount that could help determine the next senator and Governor in Florida, one of America’s top political battlegrounds.

However, those results were submitted two minutes past the 3 p.m. deadline and will not count.

Instead, the initial results submitted last Saturday will be considered the official numbers now.

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The reason is they discovered that Scott widened his lead by roughly 1000 votes. They intentionally missed the deadline.
Ban paper ballots because it's just too easy to cheat with them
I understand, but I've seen the elderly and the stupid poor stymied by the machines.
Well, if they're too stupid to figure it out then maybe they shouldn't be voting. A person that helpless doesn't have the mental capacity to make a valued judgment.
No argument from me, but until they are removed from the process they back up the lines at polling places.
Ban paper ballots because it's just too easy to cheat with them
I understand, but I've seen the elderly and the stupid poor stymied by the machines.
Well, if they're too stupid to figure it out then maybe they shouldn't be voting. A person that helpless doesn't have the mental capacity to make a valued judgment.
Well, when the democrats house, feed and clothe you, they may have a difficult time with a voting machine. I'm sure the democrat party would find it easier to just vote for them. Don't laugh, I'm sure that's crossed their mind.
If Snipes EVER is allowed to be in this position again, which has enabled her to cheat - and be caught doing so - in 2002, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2016, & now in 2018 - whoever allows her to do so should share a jail cell with her.

I'm sure the Crybaby Party will run to a tame Obama-appointed judge, and the black-robed tyrant will rule in accordance with his feelings instead of the law. This may go all the way to the Supreme Court before the thugs finally agree to follow the law. I'm okay with that as long as they don't steal a second US Senate seat this year. Their quota is one, and they already stole one in Arizona.

The embattled Broward County Elections Department completed the machine recount that could help determine the next senator and Governor in Florida, one of America’s top political battlegrounds.

However, those results were submitted two minutes past the 3 p.m. deadline and will not count.

Instead, the initial results submitted last Saturday will be considered the official numbers now.

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The reason is they discovered that Scott widened his lead by roughly 1000 votes. They intentionally missed the deadline.
Snipes knew the result so she sat on them. By submitting the results just 2 minutes late that was her way of flipping the bird to America. It reminded me of Hillary Clinton making her "You mean wiping my server with a cloth? tee hee" comment. Democratic untouchables know nothing will happen to them.
For everyone whose vote was not counted due to the incompetence and criminal behavior of this woman, YOU VOTED FOR HER TO BE IN THAT POSITION. EMBRACE THE SUCK!

I'm sure the Crybaby Party will run to a tame Obama-appointed judge, and the black-robed tyrant will rule in accordance with his feelings instead of the law. This may go all the way to the Supreme Court before the thugs finally agree to follow the law. I'm okay with that as long as they don't steal a second US Senate seat this year. Their quota is one, and they already stole one in Arizona.

The embattled Broward County Elections Department completed the machine recount that could help determine the next senator and Governor in Florida, one of America’s top political battlegrounds.

However, those results were submitted two minutes past the 3 p.m. deadline and will not count.

Instead, the initial results submitted last Saturday will be considered the official numbers now.

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What's so wrong about counting all the votes? GOPers fear that so.
I understand the meaning, but I really hate the way the term "liberalism" or "liberal" is being used. What you really mean is leftists, communists, statists, authoritarians, progressives, socialists, etc.

I am a liberal. Other liberals were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Locke, Aristotle.

I wish we could have our word back. I blame Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage...:laughing0301:
Fortunately, I just heard Ronna Romney is there and she said they have over 100 lawyers there with them, helping oversee the recount.
Really glad that bitch's corruption didn't help that asshole Gillum. Desantis will get to fill four FL Supreme Court vacancies, which is absolutely huge. It also means those of us in this state won’t be getting a FL Income tax or making Florida a Sanctuary State or an assault weapon's ban or any of the other despicable things that commie shithead Gillum wanted.

I couldn't agree more and like you, I live in Florida and no way did I want that Socialist PRICK running our State.

Hear anything on the Senators race?? Hope Nelson gets slonnggeed.

I am concerned about a manual recount. That gives the filthy corrupt dishonest Democrats the chance to introduce bogus ballots. They have stolen other elections that way.
Florida Democrats urged voters to submit absentee ballots after Election Day, using an official form that had been altered to make it look like they were doing so within the legal deadline, hoping a judge would later allow the votes.

That attempt to add Democratic votes, which critics say is possible election fraud, was reported Thursday morning by Ana Ceballos of the Naples Daily News, who notes the scheme has already been reported to federal prosecutors.

Report: Florida Democrats Urged Voters to Submit Absentee Ballots After Election Day Using Altered Forms | Breitbart

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Ban paper ballots because it's just too easy to cheat with them
I understand, but I've seen the elderly and the stupid poor stymied by the machines.
Well, if they're too stupid to figure it out then maybe they shouldn't be voting. A person that helpless doesn't have the mental capacity to make a valued judgment.
Well, when the democrats house, feed and clothe you, they may have a difficult time with a voting machine. I'm sure the democrat party would find it easier to just vote for them. Don't laugh, I'm sure that's crossed their mind.
Democrats hate elections because they feel they are a nuisance.

I'm sure the Crybaby Party will run to a tame Obama-appointed judge, and the black-robed tyrant will rule in accordance with his feelings instead of the law. This may go all the way to the Supreme Court before the thugs finally agree to follow the law. I'm okay with that as long as they don't steal a second US Senate seat this year. Their quota is one, and they already stole one in Arizona.

The embattled Broward County Elections Department completed the machine recount that could help determine the next senator and Governor in Florida, one of America’s top political battlegrounds.

However, those results were submitted two minutes past the 3 p.m. deadline and will not count.

Instead, the initial results submitted last Saturday will be considered the official numbers now.

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What's so wrong about counting all the votes? GOPers fear that so.

Huh? Broward finished 15 minutes early.

It was sent in 2 minutes late.

The recount gave Scott 779 more votes. Those voters were disenfranchised
by a Democrat Supervisor of Elections intentionally submitting them late.

Dems don't want all, the votes counted. Just Democratic votes counted.

I'm sure the Crybaby Party will run to a tame Obama-appointed judge, and the black-robed tyrant will rule in accordance with his feelings instead of the law. This may go all the way to the Supreme Court before the thugs finally agree to follow the law. I'm okay with that as long as they don't steal a second US Senate seat this year. Their quota is one, and they already stole one in Arizona.

The embattled Broward County Elections Department completed the machine recount that could help determine the next senator and Governor in Florida, one of America’s top political battlegrounds.

However, those results were submitted two minutes past the 3 p.m. deadline and will not count.

Instead, the initial results submitted last Saturday will be considered the official numbers now.

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You should really read before you post.

These counties are now legally required to recount these ballots by hand now. That's not because of law suits or other factors, it's because these elections are so close they are triggered recounts under Florida law.

The initial results submitted last Saturday actually show the race being closer than it would be if you use the original figures. If they used the new numbers, no recounts would have been triggered. Because the recounts didn't get submitted on time, they have to recount the ballots by hand.

You're celebrating the triggering of a manual recount, which will actually HELP the Democratic candidates. You couldn't look like a bigger idiot here.
Broward loses track of 2040 ballots during recount!
Jim Hoft ^ | 11/15/18 | Jim Hoft

Democrats were hoping to steal the US Senate and Governor Races in Florida despite losing both races by over 80,000 votes on Election Day.

On Tuesday Broward County Elections supervisor Brenda Snipes reported 634,000 votes were cast in the midterm election in her county.

On Friday morning Broward County Elections officials said 717,000 votes were cast in the midterm election.

Broward County Democrats mysteriously found 83,000 votes in two days!

They still have not explained how this happened.

After the recount on Thursday Broward County announced their results.

Here are Thursday’s numbers from Broward County, via Ian Margol:

Scott – 210,513 Nelson – 469,949 Total 680,462

DeSantis – 221,252 Gillum – 480,304 Total: 701,556

Caldwell – 213,322 Fried – 477,448 Total 690,770

So the number was significantly lower than the 717,000 total reported on Friday.

According to Ian Margol every candidate lost votes since the vote totals deadline on Saturday.

Broward officials also said they had 2,040 votes fewer this time. How can they be SO FAR OFF with their vote totals?

These officials should be fired and prosecuted immediately.

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