Bruce Jenner

So what is next? Hillary Clinton gets a wiener and Obama gets a trans species job and becomes rhino with a horn protruding out of his forehead? Yeah right, Liberals don't commit to anything. They pretend too.
LOL This is not a liberal vs conservative political issue: it is a personal issue for one human individual. Not your business. Not mine. And certainly not an issue about being liberal or conservative.
So what is next? Hillary Clinton gets a wiener and Obama gets a trans species job and becomes rhino with a horn protruding out of his forehead? Yeah right, Liberals don't commit to anything. They pretend too.
LOL This is not a liberal vs conservative political issue: it is a personal issue for one human individual. Not your business. Not mine. And certainly not an issue about being liberal or conservative.

Then get the far left press to stop reporting on it...
It sort of makes sense...
If anyone spent but a few minutes watching their dopey show Keeping up with the Kardashians
it was obvious they cut Bruce's balls off a long time ago....
It's a train wreck, I have a relative that is transsexual. He/she betrayed us all, and he/she has a kid and damn this issue. But Brucie is an old man, if heshe if wants to put on sparkly wings and pretend he's a pretty pony, who cares. Fly on gentle dreamer. Fly on.

It is YOU who betrayed your relative, by not standing with him/her.
I swear you're a bot that generates posts that must contain the words "far left" in every post. You're a tiresome bore.

Don't be a far boring far left drone and you will not have to worry about it.

And that is the problem when you call out these far left drones...



Yes it funny when the far left drones make such comments and then get called out on it,,,
What he will be is a eunuch..

Its his life.
Yes it is .

His D&B getting clipped too.

I look at it from a happiness angle. If this what he believes will make him happy then whom am I to try and take that away?
Exactly. He's not hurting anyone. Why should anyone be so hateful, bigoted and vicious about it? It isn't any of their business.

Did you miss the part about him doing a show about it all? He's making it everyone's business.

In a way it is tragic to see someone become so twisted that he would choose to mutilate himself and turn his life into a freak show.

While it is his life and he can do what he wants with it, I have more disgust than sympathy for him due to the fact he with the media jackals have chosen to put this trash on TV knowing impressionable kids are going to see it.

I know, it you don't like it don't watch it.
In a way it is tragic to see someone become so twisted that he would choose to mutilate himself and turn his life into a freak show.

While it is his life and he can do what he wants with it, I have more disgust than sympathy for him due to the fact he with the media jackals have chosen to put this trash on TV knowing impressionable kids are going to see it.

I know, it you don't like it don't watch it.

The cult is hoping kids do see it and "get the idea" that it's OK to do. Consult GLAAD for details..

Here's their mission statement:

Leading the conversation. Shaping the media narrative. Changing the culture. That's GLAAD at work. About GLAAD GLAAD
It's a train wreck, I have a relative that is transsexual. He/she betrayed us all, and he/she has a kid and damn this issue. But Brucie is an old man, if heshe if wants to put sparkly wings and pretend he's a pretty pony, who cares. Fly on gentle dreamer. Fly on.

Brucet will be the poster child for transsexuals.

Now that gays are the norm transsexuals will be the next issue to push as the norm.
Maybe poster boy for too much coke and too much money.

I find it all so, uh, fuckin' disgusting.
Is he now the mother of his kids? How far do we take liberals insanity?

The High European Court put a stop to this mental illness runaway freight train: European Court Rules Gay Marriage not a Human Right ... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Some man and wife where the man had the amputation job and was pretending to be a woman/lesbian with his wife. They wanted to get married. The High Court that binds some 50 countries +/- said that alternative lifestyle marriages are not a human right.

That's because in Europe, the people believe that children involved are part of the equation.

They have rights, and worse, they cannot vote to protect them.

True story. I knew a kid, a really good looking bloke in high school. He got great grades, easy going. Everybody liked him well enough. Then his dad was one of those early "transgenders". He went and had his junk chopped. Devastated all the kids. The boys especially in the family were reeling with identity issues.."who am I if not my father's son"... Long story short this well adjusted kid went off the deep end into drugs etc. etc. The usual tale. So sad.

This culture of insanity is a bad joke that has run its course.
Whole family are pretty much attention whores....
I can almost guarantee that Bruce will get a cable show following him around as he/she
goes through the process....

Kris Jenner to Exectutive produce.
The whole family listed as producers.
Whole family are pretty much attention whores....
I can almost guarantee that Bruce will get a cable show following him around as he/she
goes through the process....

Kris Jenner to Exectutive produce.
The whole family listed as producers.

The only thing that can top this is a year or two after the surgery Brucie boy comes to realize he made a mistake and was pressured
by Kris and Kim to do it....

The last show of the series will show Bruce looking into a mirror as he weeps and
Kim and Kris walk out the room,close the door and decide where to call for take out...
Its his life.
Yes it is .

His D&B getting clipped too.

I look at it from a happiness angle. If this what he believes will make him happy then whom am I to try and take that away?
Exactly. He's not hurting anyone. Why should anyone be so hateful, bigoted and vicious about it? It isn't any of their business.

Did you miss the part about him doing a show about it all? He's making it everyone's business.
No one is forcing you or anyone else to watch it. You don't believe in free speech apparently.

How do I not believe in free speech (apparently)?

And in the second place, it's hard to believe that you are college educated. You said it was nobody's business; and I noted that he was making it people's business by making a TV show. And you come back with something about free speech? You're an idiot.
Good for him. If this what makes him happy then by all means.

That's right, whatever makes you happy do it.......unless it means supporting free trade, or the freedom to attend a charter school of your choice, or the freedom from taxation, or the freedom to buy a light bulb that has been outlawed by government, or the freedom not to recycle, or the freedom to be open a small business minus the endless bureaucracy that inevitably will snuff it out, or the freedom to not have my every word be documented by the NSA whether it be on the phone or on the internet.

But I think that is only common sense.

Now the freedoms that you do have now is to go smoke pot, go kill your unborn baby, go wack your weiner off or stick it in anything you so desire so long as it does not scream rape. Now those are the freedoms we should all be proud to have.

You're barking up the wrong tree mate. I support for free trade, charter schools, and I am disgusted by our bloated government and their inability to use of tax dollars prudently.

So you are disgusted by the progressive greed, incompetence, and overall tendency to strip us of our freedoms.


Why not speak out against other issues that show their morality to be bankrupt and devoid of any positive outcome within society?

Instead of everyone telling Brucet how great he is and let him do anything his hearts desire, perhaps people should tell him that his mind is what is sick, not his body.
Morality is to respect other people, to be kind and generous hearted, to treat others as you would be treated. Morality is not making mean spirited judgments on others.

Of course, there will be those who are mean spirited and hateful. Then there will be those who simply would like to tell Bruce that he has a sick mind, not a sick body that needs to be mutilated.

Additionally, it would be nice to have society be told this as well instead of encouraging depravity and embracing dysfunction.
Its his life.
Yes it is .

His D&B getting clipped too.

I look at it from a happiness angle. If this what he believes will make him happy then whom am I to try and take that away?
Exactly. He's not hurting anyone. Why should anyone be so hateful, bigoted and vicious about it? It isn't any of their business.

Did you miss the part about him doing a show about it all? He's making it everyone's business.
No one is forcing you or anyone else to watch it. You don't believe in free speech apparently.

Free speech? You mean like Paula Deen who made a racist comment decades ago and apologized for it and then lost her job anyway?

You mean like the NBA owner who made a racist comment and then lost his NBA team?

Is this the freedom you are speaking of?

How should people be punished in similar fashion who are averse to what Bruce is about to do?

Freedom my arse. Go vote for Hillary and continue to bury your head in the sand.
He wants his own reality show to make money
Is he now the mother of his kids? How far do we take liberals insanity?

The High European Court put a stop to this mental illness runaway freight train: European Court Rules Gay Marriage not a Human Right ... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Some man and wife where the man had the amputation job and was pretending to be a woman/lesbian with his wife. They wanted to get married. The High Court that binds some 50 countries +/- said that alternative lifestyle marriages are not a human right.

That's because in Europe, the people believe that children involved are part of the equation.

They have rights, and worse, they cannot vote to protect them.

True story. I knew a kid, a really good looking bloke in high school. He got great grades, easy going. Everybody liked him well enough. Then his dad was one of those early "transgenders". He went and had his junk chopped. Devastated all the kids. The boys especially in the family were reeling with identity issues.."who am I if not my father's son"... Long story short this well adjusted kid went off the deep end into drugs etc. etc. The usual tale. So sad.

This culture of insanity is a bad joke that has run its course.
True story.

A young man from a very liberal household in Northern California didn't have much direction in his life. He was really into alternative lifestyles and different religions. He was a very nice well mannered boy. Just a questioning boy.

Then his father came home wearing a dress and announced that he was leaving his family for the happiness he found in a man's arms.

That was the point that John Walker Lindh went to the middle east to fight against his country. He was arrested as part of the mob that killed Michael Spann. Spann was torn apart by the human teeth of his assailants including Johnny Lindh.

Lindh was sentenced to 20 years. He will be released in 2019. He does not see or speak to his father.

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