Bruce Jenner

He's a lady...
Bruce Jenner Will Sit Down With Diane Sawyer to Discuss His Gender Transition - Yahoo Celebrity
If he can afford it he has a Constitutional right to alter his appearance with legal drugs and surgery. On the other hand the 1st Amendment gives us the right to laugh at him.
I don't care if he wants to be a freak, but I do care if it is shoved in my face at every wallmart, 7-11, TV station. These people are genius at keeping their faces and their tits and their asses in front of America. No talent and still millionaires. I don't watch it but keeping up with the kardashians was the number one show for years. Say it ain't so. This guy wins the decathlon and then loses his balls. How the hell do,you process that without coming to the conclusion that the world is upside down?
What I don't get is how any of you ridiculing him with so much pleasure can consider yourselves decent human beings or Christians. How can you consider yourselves in any way kind or generous hearted when you so obviously enjoy being mean spirited and enjoy your vicious attacks on others, especially those who may be most vulnerable. How do you live with yourselves.

What he and others like him are doing is legal. It is endorsed by psychology and psychiatry. It is his personal business and has nothing to do with you. I think you ought to look inward and worry about your own faults and shortcomings rather than ridicule others for theirs.
What I don't get is how any of you ridiculing him with so much pleasure can consider yourselves decent human beings or Christians. How can you consider yourselves in any way kind or generous hearted when you so obviously enjoy being mean spirited and enjoy your vicious attacks on others, especially those who may be most vulnerable. How do you live with yourselves.

What he and others like him are doing is legal. It is endorsed by psychology and psychiatry. It is his personal business and has nothing to do with you. I think you ought to look inward and worry about your own faults and shortcomings rather than ridicule others for theirs.
I spend most of my time making fun of liberals like you. Every once in a while a perfect example of their lunacy crops up so naturally it will be in the cross hairs. Notice, no one said he didn't have the right, yet you think that's the issue.

The APA should encourage help for these poor souls, not enable them. I like to make fun of shrinks too since so many have abandoned common sense in favor of feel good victimhood. Which, by the way, happens to line their pockets very well.
What I don't get is how any of you ridiculing him with so much pleasure can consider yourselves decent human beings or Christians. How can you consider yourselves in any way kind or generous hearted when you so obviously enjoy being mean spirited and enjoy your vicious attacks on others, especially those who may be most vulnerable. How do you live with yourselves.

What he and others like him are doing is legal. It is endorsed by psychology and psychiatry. It is his personal business and has nothing to do with you. I think you ought to look inward and worry about your own faults and shortcomings rather than ridicule others for theirs.

You know Esmeralda, the problem with everything you say is,that it only goes one way. How Christian is it for Bruce Jenner to change the way god made him? How Christian is it for him to treat his wife like,this. How prideful is it for him to publicize his selfish desires, make money off of this destructive behavior, and provide problems for christian families trying to create role models for their children?

I did not invade Bruce's space, he invaded mine. I was not judging Bruce until,I was forced to confront his insanity, which neither you nor I can claim is sincere or a stunt. A majority endorsement by psychiatrists? Please show me the proof.

Bruce Jenner is not part of the most vulnerable among us. He is making his,personal business our business. So he is stirring the pot yet you E blame the rest of us for not being sheep. Judge not lest you be judged. I am by no means a saint but I am content to let god decide my fate and not some stranger who professes so much virtue.
It's a publicity stunt for ratings. :rolleyes-41:

I think he really want to do it....
And of course they will make a cable show about it....
The whole family are media whores...
They will do anything for ratings....

Watch them do 13 episodes with a big cliff hanger showing Bruce thinking about taking the plunge....
Getting ready for the surgery....
Will he or won't he....
Ratings for the last episode blow the last Super Bowl away....

Marrying into that warped family probably didn't help his mindset. For all we know, the Old Lady Kardashian chewed his balls off long ago.

The whole clan is wacko. I kinda feel bad for Bruce. I hope whatever he does..he does it for HIMSELF and gets the hell away from the rest of those morons.
Marrying into that warped family probably didn't help his mindset. For all we know, the Old Lady Kardashian chewed his balls off long ago.

The whole clan is wacko. I kinda feel bad for Bruce. I hope whatever he does..he does it for HIMSELF and gets the hell away from the rest of those morons.

Well, he voluntarily married that woman and is still with her. There must be SOMETHING he likes about her and her wacky big-butted family.

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