Bruce Jenner

It is just disgusting what some doctors will do in the name of medicine.

I don't really think that's in the name of "medicine" though. It's cosmetic surgery. It's not like he's suffering from any kind of medical problem. This is completely elective surgery. It's insane, IMO.

It's a sickness.

I just can't believe that sometimes this is the recommended "therapy" for those who are confused about their gender. Surgery to mutilate your genitals into something they were never meant to be. I'm sure there must be some pretty significant risks to these kinds of surgeries.
What I don't get is how any of you ridiculing him with so much pleasure can consider yourselves decent human beings or Christians. How can you consider yourselves in any way kind or generous hearted when you so obviously enjoy being mean spirited and enjoy your vicious attacks on others, especially those who may be most vulnerable. How do you live with yourselves.

What he and others like him are doing is legal. It is endorsed by psychology and psychiatry. It is his personal business and has nothing to do with you. I think you ought to look inward and worry about your own faults and shortcomings rather than ridicule others for theirs.

You know Esmeralda, the problem with everything you say is,that it only goes one way. How Christian is it for Bruce Jenner to change the way god made him? How Christian is it for him to treat his wife like,this. How prideful is it for him to publicize his selfish desires, make money off of this destructive behavior, and provide problems for christian families trying to create role models for their children?

I did not invade Bruce's space, he invaded mine. I was not judging Bruce until,I was forced to confront his insanity, which neither you nor I can claim is sincere or a stunt. A majority endorsement by psychiatrists? Please show me the proof.

Bruce Jenner is not part of the most vulnerable among us. He is making his,personal business our business. So he is stirring the pot yet you E blame the rest of us for not being sheep. Judge not lest you be judged. I am by no means a saint but I am content to let god decide my fate and not some stranger who professes so much virtue.

Oh, please. Your Christian self righteousness and sanctimonious attitude are ludicrous. Christians all over the world treat their wives (and children and parents) badly all the time; you people don't vilify them. Chistians all over the world are changing the body God gave them: what about plastic surgery and tattoos? Do you condemn women who have breast implants or men who get body tattoos all over? Do you condemn people who get piercings? I have pierced ears: does that make me condemnable in your pure Christian world that never makes any changes to the body? You people are hypocrites in the extreme.

It is only you, and your ilk, who think his desires are selfish and destructive. As well, there are so called Christians all over the world who publish their selfish and destructive behavior to make money, and yet there is no condemnation of them. What about TV Evangelists who take money from poor people to fund a lavish life style: why don't you turn your nosey nose toward them and condemn them?

Bruce Jenner has not invaded your space at all. If you don't like seeing anything about it, don't look. The only place I have seen anything about it is on here and maybe one picture on Yahoo homepage, which I didn't bother with. You can turn off your TV or go to another channel. You can turn the page of your magazine. This isn't just your world: it is everyone's world: you've got no business trying to enforce your rules of behavior on everyone else.

I can't believe you are telling me not to judge when your entire way of being is to judge others. You need to look inside and be honest, and have good long chat with your savior who would be aghast at your mean spirited judgmental attitude toward one of his children. We are all his children: he doesn't turn any of them away because they are lost or sinning, not even the likes of you who give him a bad name and shame him.
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What I don't get is how any of you ridiculing him with so much pleasure can consider yourselves decent human beings or Christians. How can you consider yourselves in any way kind or generous hearted when you so obviously enjoy being mean spirited and enjoy your vicious attacks on others, especially those who may be most vulnerable. How do you live with yourselves.

What he and others like him are doing is legal. It is endorsed by psychology and psychiatry. It is his personal business and has nothing to do with you. I think you ought to look inward and worry about your own faults and shortcomings rather than ridicule others for theirs.

You know Esmeralda, the problem with everything you say is,that it only goes one way. How Christian is it for Bruce Jenner to change the way god made him? How Christian is it for him to treat his wife like,this. How prideful is it for him to publicize his selfish desires, make money off of this destructive behavior, and provide problems for christian families trying to create role models for their children?

I did not invade Bruce's space, he invaded mine. I was not judging Bruce until,I was forced to confront his insanity, which neither you nor I can claim is sincere or a stunt. A majority endorsement by psychiatrists? Please show me the proof.

Bruce Jenner is not part of the most vulnerable among us. He is making his,personal business our business. So he is stirring the pot yet you E blame the rest of us for not being sheep. Judge not lest you be judged. I am by no means a saint but I am content to let god decide my fate and not some stranger who professes so much virtue.
One does not have to give proof for common knowledge. It is common knowledge that the leaders in psychology and psychiatry accept the mental and emotional reality of transsexuals.

Gender identity disorder (GID) or gender dysphoria is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria (discontent) with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth. Evidence suggests that people who identify with a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth may do so not just due to psychological or behavioral causes, but also biological ones related to their genetics, the makeup of their brains, or prenatal exposure to hormones.[1].....The current medical approach to treatment for persons diagnosed with gender identity disorder is to support the individual in physically modifying the body to better match the psychological gender identity.[10] This approach is based on the concept that their experience is based in a medical problem correctable by various forms of medical intervention.[10][11]
Gender identity disorder - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The treatment for this disorder is to change them physically into the sex they are mentally and emotionally. After they are transformed, they no longer have the disorder.

You're a self righteous, narrow minded, uniformed hypocrite.
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Er...her, him, shim?

He might be a pretty boy, but he will always be a boy. Good for him
What he will be is a eunuch..

Its his life.
Yes it is .

His D&B getting clipped too.

I look at it from a happiness angle. If this what he believes will make him happy then whom am I to try and take that away?

Who is taking it away? They will wack off his weiner, pump him full of estrogen, and let him parade around as a success story everyone should be proud of.
He'll be a poster child for self-mutilation or the mutilation of children. But if it makes him happy...go for it.
Marrying into that warped family probably didn't help his mindset. For all we know, the Old Lady Kardashian chewed his balls off long ago.

The whole clan is wacko. I kinda feel bad for Bruce. I hope whatever he does..he does it for HIMSELF and gets the hell away from the rest of those morons.

Well, he voluntarily married that woman and is still with her. There must be SOMETHING he likes about her and her wacky big-butted family.
Wow. I don't even follow that shit and I know he lives in a completely different place.
The man's a freak.

Now, now, just because he wishes to mutilate his normally functioning male body does not mean the man is a freak.

All aspects of humanity has dysfunction whether it be physical problems like diabetes or emotional problems like depression, but when it comes to sexuality there is no dysfunctions, only bigotry.

Please follow along in your Progressive handbooks page 364.
It is a disorder. The treatment, endorsed by psychiatry and psychology, is the operation Jenner is planning to have. He is not mutilating his body.
Good for him. If this what makes him happy then by all means.
Er...her, him, shim?

He might be a pretty boy, but he will always be a boy. Good for him
What he will be is a eunuch..

Its his life.
Yes it is .

His D&B getting clipped too.

I look at it from a happiness angle. If this what he believes will make him happy then whom am I to try and take that away?
It's not left there, TG laws are popping up. TGs are demanding people not use pronouns he and she. They are trying to change normal people to accept this mental illness. Women are expected to share bathrooms with these freaks.
So what is next? Hillary Clinton gets a wiener and Obama gets a trans species job and becomes rhino with a horn protruding out of his forehead? Yeah right, Liberals don't commit to anything. They pretend too.

This has nothing to do with being politically conservative or liberal.:rolleyes:
The guy has to be in his 50's...
Now all of a sudden he feels trapped in a man's body....
Something is up here.
I think this is a scam concocted to get a new cable show.
I don't care if he wants to be a freak, but I do care if it is shoved in my face at every wallmart, 7-11, TV station. These people are genius at keeping their faces and their tits and their asses in front of America. No talent and still millionaires. I don't watch it but keeping up with the kardashians was the number one show for years. Say it ain't so. This guy wins the decathlon and then loses his balls. How the hell do,you process that without coming to the conclusion that the world is upside down?
The "I want to jack off in public" crowd is taking over. Time to fight back and shame these freaks.
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Esmeralda is one of those disgusting liberals who tolerates everything, except the dominate culture of her own country.
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital(external - login to view) and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recentcommentary(external - login to view) in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.
He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70%-80% “spontaneously lost those feelings.”

Transgender is a Mental Disorder
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital(external - login to view) and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recentcommentary(external - login to view) in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.
He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70%-80% “spontaneously lost those feelings.”

Transgender is a Mental Disorder
One guy's opinion, one guy who is not in line with the vast majority of the current medical and psychiatric profession. One narrow minded, blind as a bat man who wants to crucify people for not being something narrow minded people understand.
You people are so funny. You belong in the ME. You more closely resemble conservative Middle Eastern culture than you do the vast majority of Western cultures: you don't accept gays, you don't accept women having control over their own bodies, you don't accept progressive ideology, you want everyone to walk around with weapons, you don't like any lifestyle except your own, etc. Yep, you are more like Middle Easterners than any other culture on the planet. Too funny.
Psychiatry expert 8216 scientifically there is no such thing as transgender 8217 News LifeSite

You have to love the way people like E start out saying you are not Christian and showing love for,your fellow man, then when she is rebutted and shown to be standing on shaky ground she becomes extremely unchristian like and lashes out by comparing her debaters to Isis and mounting personal attacks on people,that disagree with her. She is seriously out of touch as shown by the statement that she has not seen much info in the public realm on this topic. She will not stick to the op specifically about Bruce but has to load up all her liberal biases with blanket generalizations and blanket condemnations that have little bearing on the subject at hand, redirecting discussion to worn out liberal talking points. People like E are not here for rational debate, they are here to demand acceptance of everything they say.

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