Bruce Jenner

That was SO sad with Princess Diana.
I just don't understand the mentality of 'let's avoid getting our picture taken and drive like bats out of hell'.
The paparazzi don't just follow. They try to cause accidents because pictures of accidents pay more. That's why California now has a law that endangering the life of a child for commercial gain is illegal.
That was SO sad with Princess Diana.
I just don't understand the mentality of 'let's avoid getting our picture taken and drive like bats out of hell'.
The paparazzi don't just follow. They try to cause accidents because pictures of accidents pay more. That's why California now has a law that endangering the life of a child for commercial gain is illegal.

I don't know if they try to cause accidents. That's pretty terrible thing to do. They are very aggressive in trying to get pictures and stuff though. I do know that they were snapping pictures of Lady Di as she lie there bleeding to death though and NOT trying to administer any aid to her. Rotten POS.
Good for him. If this what makes him happy then by all means.

That's right, whatever makes you happy do it.......unless it means supporting free trade, or the freedom to attend a charter school of your choice, or the freedom from taxation, or the freedom to buy a light bulb that has been outlawed by government, or the freedom not to recycle, or the freedom to be open a small business minus the endless bureaucracy that inevitably will snuff it out, or the freedom to not have my every word be documented by the NSA whether it be on the phone or on the internet.

But I think that is only common sense.

Now the freedoms that you do have now is to go smoke pot, go kill your unborn baby, go wack your weiner off or stick it in anything you so desire so long as it does not scream rape. Now those are the freedoms we should all be proud to have.

You're barking up the wrong tree mate. I support for free trade, charter schools, and I am disgusted by our bloated government and their inability to use of tax dollars prudently.

So you are disgusted by the progressive greed, incompetence, and overall tendency to strip us of our freedoms.


Why not speak out against other issues that show their morality to be bankrupt and devoid of any positive outcome within society?

Instead of everyone telling Brucet how great he is and let him do anything his hearts desire, perhaps people should tell him that his mind is what is sick, not his body.

I am disgusted by incompetence, greed, and anyone that wishes strip away our freedoms. It certainly isn't limited to progressives either. Social conservatives love their big government nanny state just as much some progressives do.

He can choose to live his life any way he see fit. That won't stop the holier-than-thou busybodies from butting their noses in other people's business.
I agree that BJ and everyone else should have the right to live as they see fit (as long as they aren't hurting anyone else). However, I should have the right to beleive they are sick in doing so.
That was SO sad with Princess Diana.
I just don't understand the mentality of 'let's avoid getting our picture taken and drive like bats out of hell'.

Because it's not like that at all. they are rude, aggressive and in your face. That's why the celebrities get pissed and punch them out. NOTHING is off limits for them, they will even try to get pictures of people in the bathroom. They are like stalkers.
I know they are assholes but why endanger yourself and others? It's the downside to fame but there should be laws against stalking.
After a moment's worth of thought, I realized again that I couldn't care less if Bruce wants to transform himself into a woman.

His life is not my concern.
That was SO sad with Princess Diana.
I just don't understand the mentality of 'let's avoid getting our picture taken and drive like bats out of hell'.

Because it's not like that at all. they are rude, aggressive and in your face. That's why the celebrities get pissed and punch them out. NOTHING is off limits for them, they will even try to get pictures of people in the bathroom. They are like stalkers.
I know they are assholes but why endanger yourself and others? It's the downside to fame but there should be laws against stalking.

I agree, but I've never been in that kind of situation, so I don't know. :dunno: I don't have people following me around 24/7, stalking and harassing me every time I try to leave my home.
I also remember, quite recently, where Halle Berry (I think it was Halle) and a few other celebrity moms got together and went to court complaining about the paparazzi harassing their children at school and stuff, like waiting outside of their schools and following them too. That is effing WRONG. Leave the kids alone. For one thing, that could endanger one of the children. One of those guys could easily be some sick nutty pervert or something. Who knows? I certainly don't blame those women for being creeped out at the paparazzi following their kids around.
Anyway, what does Di 's crash have to do with BJ turning into a woman?
I have no idea why I've fallen into this thread but I remember Sally Jesse swearing on a stack of bibles that her driver never ever drank.


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