BTW, does anybody think that Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is actually a woman?

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"BTW, does anybody think that Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is actually a woman?"

Telling that you posted this in 'politics,' as clearly you and most on the right perceive it as 'political,' which it is not.

And clearly you and others on the right are attempting to contrive this into a political issue, a wedge issue, a hot button issue, and a red meat issue for the conservative base.

Last, this serves as further confirmation of the fact that most on the right fear diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, your unwarranted hostility to Jenner and other transgender Americans consistent with the conservative policy of division politics.
why does it matter to you? You thinking on asking he/she out for dinner or something?
I don't really care if Jenner is a man or a woman. It's not the choice would have made, but it's none of my business. What I find funny is that Jenner came out as a republican. I'll bet heads are exploding at the RNC right now.
Most on the right are incapable of minding their own business, they've got to exhibit their disapproval.

At least we don't go running to government to punish people we disapprove of.

No, that's why there was no conservative support for the Hobby Lobby run to the government?

The chemistry of the human body mostly determines whether one is male or female, both physically and mentally.
I don't know, but Jenner's actions aren't hurting me. He was born a human being, and is lucky enough to live in a country that allows the pursuit of happiness...hopefully that goal has been achieved. While sharing the story probably needed to happen, I do feel like taking it to a reality show has elements of attention whoring.

Nice avoidance. I always enjoy it when leftists come around to try to derail an honest conversation off into their preferred buzzwords and LeftThink.
Bruce is mentally ill he needs a psychiatrist not sex change surgery. A famous psychiatrist at a famous hospital, the first to perform these sex change surgeries, said they stopped performing them when they discovered they didn't make these people happier and they had a high rate of suicide.
There's a strange lack of curiosity about his question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it, much less pointing out the obvious:

You can surgically remove a man's penis, put a hole there, and pump him full of hormones. He's still a man. He still has the X and Y chromosome, still has all his life conditioning as a man, all his experiences, all his physical development as a man. Similar situation for a woman.

A so-called "transgender" has not switched sexes, but only undergone genital mutilation and acquired a drug habit.
Here's the deal; clone him, you get another Bruce, not a "Cait".
I'm gonna declare myself a gorilla so they will have to put me in the zoo and feed me free bananas.

I want to declare myself a cat, so that I can laze around and sleep all day while someone brings me food and cleans up after me. Really, the only downside is that damned red dot.
I don't really care if Jenner is a man or a woman. It's not the choice would have made, but it's none of my business. What I find funny is that Jenner came out as a republican. I'll bet heads are exploding at the RNC right now.
Most on the right are incapable of minding their own business, they've got to exhibit their disapproval.

Riiight. Because he did a scantily-clad photo shoot on the cover of Vanity Fair, and the Left fell all over itself writing defiant articles and handing him "courage" awards, because they wanted to keep a low profile and have everyone ignore it and not make a fuss.

We're just being nosy and searching him out to talk about. :rolleyes-41:
There's a strange lack of curiosity about his question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it
The reason, of course, is that the media is just as terrified of the self-appointed judges of Political Correctness, as normal people are.

The threat of being bashed, ostracized, and condemned in public keeps ANYONE from challenging the ridiculous idea that genital mutilation makes any difference to your gender. They are bound and determined that all of us will accept their lunacy without question or protest, so they hold the thread of condemnation over us like a club. So much so that even the media kowtows in silence.

Remind me who elected these "judges", and gave them the power to do this?
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Most on the right are incapable of minding their own business, they've got to exhibit their disapproval.
(he said disapprovingly, after changing the subject and bashing "right-wingers" who did him no harm)
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I don't really care if Jenner is a man or a woman. It's not the choice would have made, but it's none of my business. What I find funny is that Jenner came out as a republican. I'll bet heads are exploding at the RNC right now.
Most on the right are incapable of minding their own business, they've got to exhibit their disapproval.

At least we don't go running to government to punish people we disapprove of.

No, that's why there was no conservative support for the Hobby Lobby run to the government?


Hobby lobby wasn't looking for the government to punish anyone. When hobby lobby won, who got fined, punished, ostracized, etc?
There's a strange lack of curiosity about his question, amidst all the screaming headlines saying he's a woman. The media really, really want you to believe he is one, when he's not. None of them are letting out the slightest peep questioning it, much less pointing out the obvious:

You can surgically remove a man's penis, put a hole there, and pump him full of hormones. He's still a man. He still has the X and Y chromosome, still has all his life conditioning as a man, all his experiences, all his physical development as a man. Similar situation for a woman.

A so-called "transgender" has not switched sexes, but only undergone genital mutilation and acquired a drug habit.

I don't. But I'm willing to treat her like she is.
Thread closed. This does not belong in Politics. Please try to post threads in the appropriate forum.
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