Buddhists burn down Mosque and hand out death sentences

I'm not b\Buddhist and I'm not preaching. That is what they say in their teachings.

One of my teachers (in the Tibetan tradition) once made chili for his fellow monks. Halfway through the meal he informed them that the chili was made with beef.


So. Should I care?

*bing :)

Just trying to help you out.

I don't need help :lol: for a buddhist you sure are controlling.

So for you, 'trying to help out' is controlling. That's just stupid.
Yep, let's ignore say...Japan's violent past, or China for that matter.

Carry on..

No let's not carry on and instead address your idiotic claim. There is NOTHING in Buddhist scripture that encourages, sanctions or approves of offensive violence against others. IF there were any Buddhists engaged in the attack on Pearl Harbour they did so without the approval of the teachings of the Buddha.

I never claimed there was anything violent in Buddhist writings. I'm just saying, let's not pretend that Buddhists haven't rampaged and terrorized others in the past. Same goes for any major religion.

I'll repeat: There is NOTHING in Buddhist scripture that encourages, sanctions or approves of offensive violence against others. IF there were any Buddhists engaged in the attack on Pearl Harbour they did so without the approval of the teachings of the Buddha. In other words they were NOT acting AS Buddhists so your claim is without merit. It's misleading and untrue.
The Buddhists are being attacked by Moslem thugs. Buddhists are defending themselves and good for them. I hope they kick every Moslem scum out of their country.
The picture doesn't lie......Buddhists are known to be very violent people. ...... :cool:

Another LIE from this fool. Everyone knows Buddhists are the most peaceful people on planet Earth. Moslems are the most violent.
Yep, let's ignore say...Japan's violent past, or China for that matter.

Carry on..

No let's not carry on and instead address your idiotic claim. There is NOTHING in Buddhist scripture that encourages, sanctions or approves of offensive violence against others. IF there were any Buddhists engaged in the attack on Pearl Harbour they did so without the approval of the teachings of the Buddha.

I never claimed there was anything violent in Buddhist writings. I'm just saying, let's not pretend that Buddhists haven't rampaged and terrorized others in the past. Same goes for any major religion.

I'll repeat: There is NOTHING in Buddhist scripture that encourages, sanctions or approves of offensive violence against others. IF there were any Buddhists engaged in the attack on Pearl Harbour they did so without the approval of the teachings of the Buddha. In other words they were NOT acting AS Buddhists so your claim is without merit. It's misleading and untrue.

I'm not concerned with the text of individual religions. As some of their members will distort and pervert their own text to commit violent acts. Christians, Muslims and Buddhists. Not to say all or most, but it happens.

Anyway, I wasn't referring to Pearl Harbor, that's nothing compared to the crimes Japan committed against the Chinese.

But since you mentioned WWII, the entire country, majority Buddhist were all in.

In case you can't tell, I really hate the 'my religion is better than yours' debates, they are pointless.
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Buddhism is fundamentally pacifist and non violent. Islam is fundamentally violent and intolerant. Oil and water. Islam is setting the tone here, Islam is ugly and destructive. Do we really need such a backwards 1st century ideology? This is the 21 century. I am not seeing a need for a hateful dominating mentality that Islam embodies.
Buddhist riot as usual. ..... :cool:


This is a LIE but Moslems LIE on a regular basis anyway. Their Allah sanctions LYING - approves of LYING. We expect LIES from Moslems.

It's not a lie.

It's what has been happening in Myanmar. Geez, what is it with you guys? Buddhists are no different than Muslims and Christians when they get a little political power and a dusting of nationalism.
Buddhism is fundamentally pacifist and non violent. Islam is fundamentally violent and intolerant. Oil and water. Islam is setting the tone here, Islam is ugly and destructive. Do we really need such a backwards 1st century ideology? This is the 21 century. I am not seeing a need for a hateful dominating mentality that Islam embodies.

Someone needs to tell the Buddhists then.
Warrior Monk Traditions - Buddhism - Oxford Bibliographies
The Buddha as warrior | Wildmind Buddhist Meditation
Buddhism is fundamentally pacifist and non violent. Islam is fundamentally violent and intolerant. Oil and water. Islam is setting the tone here, Islam is ugly and destructive. Do we really need such a backwards 1st century ideology? This is the 21 century. I am not seeing a need for a hateful dominating mentality that Islam embodies.

Someone needs to tell the Buddhists then.
Warrior Monk Traditions - Buddhism - Oxford Bibliographies
The Buddha as warrior | Wildmind Buddhist Meditation

I for one stated right off that Buddhism was not a pacifist religion. I also stated that self defense was encouraged and these links support my claim.

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