Buddhists burn down Mosque and hand out death sentences

If you don't like having your idiotic pro Islamist crap funnied, you should probably have thought twice before endlessly doing that to my posts and to those of many other posters ( even in the CDZ ) who see right through the utterly desperate pro Islamist garbage you spew 24/7.
Your pro Islamist crap does not warrant a response, nor does it even warrant reading any more, as it's the same old pro Islamist propaganda repeated over and over ad nauseum, all over the boards - it's laughable :) So, here's how it is, your desperate efforts on behalf of Islamism no longer even deserve the little time it takes to read them, but they most certainly do warrant funnies and dumb ratings, so that's what you get. Thanks for admitting it bugs you though, that's good to know. Lol :eusa_dance:

I don't think I've ever done it in CDZ, so that's a lie right there...but it certainly seems to irritate you. You have mocked in CDZ- even though you whined big time in the thread devoted to it until someone exposed you as a hypocrite with a screen shot :oops-28: Thanks for the reminder :popcorn:

In the meantime, I have no desire to waste time anymore on you either - a person who agrees with killing innocent people because they happen to be Muslim or seems to think that Myanmar is doing the "right thing" is simply not very "funny" any more. Not at all.

Yes, you have done it in the cdz. So that's a lie right there.


No thank you. Last time I pointed it out, you zapped me. You're cute.

The reason you got zapped was for discussing moderation on the open boards, not for providing a link to your claim. You're no newby KG, you know the rules. Even Tilly, and we quite clearly dislike each other, can tell you I've never "zapped" her.

I didn't say anything about links, moron. I was responding to this: "Your pro Islamist crap does not warrant a response, nor does it even warrant reading any more, as it's the same old pro Islamist propaganda repeated over and over ad nauseum, all over the boards..." to which you responded you'd never done that in the CDZ. Which of course you HAVE. Your directive to me to point it out again is an open invitation to me to "criticize" your moderation on the open board again, and we all know where that lands us.

It lands us in a place where you can shut down the people who expose you, when they expose you, for exposing you.

Lefties can't do anything with any degree of honor, integrity or intelligence.
That is pretty much what leftists are trying to do as well - concentrate on extremism.

Nonsense. They're shills for Islam - excusing this terrible "religion" at every turn.

But when people broadbrush Muslims as a whole with canards, then it's not putting the onus on radicals, it's smearing the entire group.

I for one claim the Islamic doctrine is an evil doctrine. Don't assume I cannot defend this position. I assure you I can and have on many occasions. I also claim that EVERY Moslem supports this doctrine therefore every Moslem supports evil whether they know it or not - whether they want to or not. This is just common sense. This is not a canard.

People are continuously falling over themselves saying that not all Moslems are terrorists. The only canard here is the one coming from you.

Perfect example of the Far Right :)

Perfect example of truth.
If you don't like having your idiotic pro Islamist crap funnied, you should probably have thought twice before endlessly doing that to my posts and to those of many other posters ( even in the CDZ ) who see right through the utterly desperate pro Islamist garbage you spew 24/7.
Your pro Islamist crap does not warrant a response, nor does it even warrant reading any more, as it's the same old pro Islamist propaganda repeated over and over ad nauseum, all over the boards - it's laughable :) So, here's how it is, your desperate efforts on behalf of Islamism no longer even deserve the little time it takes to read them, but they most certainly do warrant funnies and dumb ratings, so that's what you get. Thanks for admitting it bugs you though, that's good to know. Lol :eusa_dance:

I don't think I've ever done it in CDZ, so that's a lie right there...but it certainly seems to irritate you. You have mocked in CDZ- even though you whined big time in the thread devoted to it until someone exposed you as a hypocrite with a screen shot :oops-28: Thanks for the reminder :popcorn:

In the meantime, I have no desire to waste time anymore on you either - a person who agrees with killing innocent people because they happen to be Muslim or seems to think that Myanmar is doing the "right thing" is simply not very "funny" any more. Not at all.

Yes, you have done it in the cdz. So that's a lie right there.


No thank you. Last time I pointed it out, you zapped me. You're cute.

The reason you got zapped was for discussing moderation on the open boards, not for providing a link to your claim. You're no newby KG, you know the rules. Even Tilly, and we quite clearly dislike each other, can tell you I've never "zapped" her.
Don't flatter yourself. You're not in any way relevant enough to dislike. Lol. The dance you do here for Islam is amusing though., hence the funnies :)
I don't think I've ever done it in CDZ, so that's a lie right there...but it certainly seems to irritate you. You have mocked in CDZ- even though you whined big time in the thread devoted to it until someone exposed you as a hypocrite with a screen shot :oops-28: Thanks for the reminder :popcorn:

In the meantime, I have no desire to waste time anymore on you either - a person who agrees with killing innocent people because they happen to be Muslim or seems to think that Myanmar is doing the "right thing" is simply not very "funny" any more. Not at all.

Yes, you have done it in the cdz. So that's a lie right there.


No thank you. Last time I pointed it out, you zapped me. You're cute.

The reason you got zapped was for discussing moderation on the open boards, not for providing a link to your claim. You're no newby KG, you know the rules. Even Tilly, and we quite clearly dislike each other, can tell you I've never "zapped" her.

I didn't say anything about links, moron. I was responding to this: "Your pro Islamist crap does not warrant a response, nor does it even warrant reading any more, as it's the same old pro Islamist propaganda repeated over and over ad nauseum, all over the boards..." to which you responded you'd never done that in the CDZ. Which of course you HAVE. Your directive to me to point it out again is an open invitation to me to "criticize" your moderation on the open board again, and we all know where that lands us.

It lands us in a place where you can shut down the people who expose you, when they expose you, for exposing you.

Lefties can't do anything with any degree of honor, integrity or intelligence.

You weren't following the discussion then - it was about posting "funny" on posts mocking it. And that was what was claimed was done in the CDZ and generated an entire thread whining about it. Do you need stuff spelled out?
I don't think I've ever done it in CDZ, so that's a lie right there...but it certainly seems to irritate you. You have mocked in CDZ- even though you whined big time in the thread devoted to it until someone exposed you as a hypocrite with a screen shot :oops-28: Thanks for the reminder :popcorn:

In the meantime, I have no desire to waste time anymore on you either - a person who agrees with killing innocent people because they happen to be Muslim or seems to think that Myanmar is doing the "right thing" is simply not very "funny" any more. Not at all.

Yes, you have done it in the cdz. So that's a lie right there.


No thank you. Last time I pointed it out, you zapped me. You're cute.

The reason you got zapped was for discussing moderation on the open boards, not for providing a link to your claim. You're no newby KG, you know the rules. Even Tilly, and we quite clearly dislike each other, can tell you I've never "zapped" her.
Don't flatter yourself. You're not in any way relevant enough to dislike? Lol. The dance you do here for Islam is amusing though., hence the funnies :)

Apparently I'm relevant enough for you to waste your time following around and posting funnies :lol:
Yes, you have done it in the cdz. So that's a lie right there.


No thank you. Last time I pointed it out, you zapped me. You're cute.

The reason you got zapped was for discussing moderation on the open boards, not for providing a link to your claim. You're no newby KG, you know the rules. Even Tilly, and we quite clearly dislike each other, can tell you I've never "zapped" her.

I didn't say anything about links, moron. I was responding to this: "Your pro Islamist crap does not warrant a response, nor does it even warrant reading any more, as it's the same old pro Islamist propaganda repeated over and over ad nauseum, all over the boards..." to which you responded you'd never done that in the CDZ. Which of course you HAVE. Your directive to me to point it out again is an open invitation to me to "criticize" your moderation on the open board again, and we all know where that lands us.

It lands us in a place where you can shut down the people who expose you, when they expose you, for exposing you.

Lefties can't do anything with any degree of honor, integrity or intelligence.

You weren't following the discussion then - it was about posting "funny" on posts mocking it. And that was what was claimed was done in the CDZ and generated an entire thread whining about it. Do you need stuff spelled out?

As if you could spell anything out, dummy.
Yes, you have done it in the cdz. So that's a lie right there.


No thank you. Last time I pointed it out, you zapped me. You're cute.

The reason you got zapped was for discussing moderation on the open boards, not for providing a link to your claim. You're no newby KG, you know the rules. Even Tilly, and we quite clearly dislike each other, can tell you I've never "zapped" her.
Don't flatter yourself. You're not in any way relevant enough to dislike? Lol. The dance you do here for Islam is amusing though., hence the funnies :)

Apparently I'm relevant enough for you to waste your time following around and posting funnies :lol:
Flattering yourself again? Well, I guess someone has to. Lol
However, No one who is interested in any way in Islam needs to follow your crappy stench around. You turn up on every Islam thread like a bad smell with your apologetics, excuses and down right lies for Islam at the ready. It's all very Pavlovian - you being the salivating dog - of course.
Makes no sense. In Buddhist practice letting go of attachments. Attachments to material things and attachments to ego, attachments to outcomes.

You're preaching attachment to letting go of attachment. Just another attachment.
I'm not b\Buddhist and I'm not preaching. That is what they say in their teachings.

One of my teachers (in the Tibetan tradition) once made chili for his fellow monks. Halfway through the meal he informed them that the chili was made with beef.

Yep, let's ignore say...Japan's violent past, or China for that matter.

Carry on..

No let's not carry on and instead address your idiotic claim. There is NOTHING in Buddhist scripture that encourages, sanctions or approves of offensive violence against others. IF there were any Buddhists engaged in the attack on Pearl Harbour they did so without the approval of the teachings of the Buddha.

I never claimed there was anything violent in Buddhist writings. I'm just saying, let's not pretend that Buddhists haven't rampaged and terrorized others in the past. Same goes for any major religion.
Are you people aware this conflict is about racism and not religion? ...... :cool:

They aren't capable of seeing past "Mooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssss"

What race is Islam?

Racism no longer means just "race".

Myanmar is as much an ethnic conflict as a religious one. Look it up.
quoted so that you can't edit out the dumbest thing ever said

Look it up for yourself: Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Racism is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a race-based worldview with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g., apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. The ideology underlying racist practices often includes the idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior.[1] Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social life. Associated social actions may include xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.

While race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race": the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior).

Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice.[2]

Today, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.[3] It is usually found in, but usage is not limited to, law, the social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and popular culture.
Who are the Rohinga?
The Rohingya are a Muslim ethnic minority population of roughly 1 million people in Myanmar who speak Rohingya, an Indo-European language related to Bengali. Rohingya origin is disputed; some say they migrated from Bengal, while others say they are from the Rakhine State in Myanmar.

Why is there conflict between the Rohingya and the Buddhist majority?
There are deep religious and racial tensions between the two ethnic groups, according to Lex Rieffel, a senior fellow at Brookings Institute and an expert on Southeast Asia. The Buddhist majority says the Rohingya are not indigenous to Rakhine State and thus should be denied citizenship. This tension has escalated into widespread violence in recent years, killing and displacing thousands. The United Nations has reported routine and deliberate human-rights violations in the country. An estimated 810,000 people in northern Rakhine State are currently without citizenship and nearly 100,000 persecuted Rohingya have fled the country all together, according to recent data. As of 2013, Myanmar -- a country formerly known as Burma -- had a low level of human development, ranking 150 out of 187 countries total, according to the Human Development Index.
It's as much, if not more an ethnic conflict than a religious one, but people can't see beyond "muslim".
the definition of racism


[rey-siz-uh m]
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various humanracial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usuallyinvolving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right todominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to theothers.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such adoctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

get a dictionary
yea, once yo have pissed off buddist to the point of riots, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

the sentencing was done by the state though, not some buddist mock trial.

and really, if islam was the religion of peace, the ME would be the most peaceful place on earth and a region that would be copied throughout the world

You realize that Myanmar is one of the biggest violators human rights in the world, and has one of the most corrupt judicial systems? Pretty much makes any trial a mock trial. In fact, despite the hype and hysteria - the biggest groups of refugees we've taken in over the past few years has been from Burma.

So, because they are Muslims, you can't be bothered to research a bit further into Myanmar and because they are Buddhists, they can't possibly be intolerant or violent or, as some are doing in this thread - they are justified in attacking Muslims.

There is no religion of peace and that includes Buddhism. Add a sprinkling of nationalism, and political power and they are just as intolerant as the rest. Did you bother to look at some of the laws they are trying to inact regarding interreligious marriage and limiting (non-buddhist) families to 2 children? These laws also affect the tiny Christian minorities who are also persecuted by your beloved Buddhists.
wherever muslims go, they make themselves hated

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