Build Back Better Bill VERY Popular

All people “know” about this bill is that the usual suspects will get free stuff. Of course they love that. Maybe try telling the truth about what’s actually in the bill, then see what people think when they see how much their tax bill will go up to pay for somebody else’s free stuff.
We have the "usual suspects" whining about any legislation that will help the country move forward
Constitutionally, none of that is the job of the feds.


You protest to much. A sign of desperation. Wait until that money starts to get spent, and the economy opens up fully next year, and the spring construction season gets going.

Biden is steadily winning, and butt hurt trumphumpers are steadily lying that he isn't. Those lies are going to have a short shelf life.
Joe Biden is going to do big things in 2022 so that we can win the midterms for the Democrats! Kick some ass, Joe!

Yeah, Maybe he'll think up another Afghanistan debacle..... He's already done enough damage to the economy and transportation of goods into the U.S. with an $89 Billion deficit.
Oh I know he'll pay illegal aliens $450,000 per child.


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You protest to much. A sign of desperation. Wait until that money starts to get spent, and the economy opens up fully next year, and the spring construction season gets going.

Biden is steadily winning, and butt hurt trumphumpers are steadily lying that he isn't. Those lies are going to have a short shelf life.
after ALL the MAJOR fk ups and idiocy from Bidumb, you STILL support him!!!!!!!!!!! you are like the hitlerjugend April 1945
You protest to much. A sign of desperation. Wait until that money starts to get spent, and the economy opens up fully next year, and the spring construction season gets going.

Biden is steadily winning, and butt hurt trumphumpers are steadily lying that he isn't. Those lies are going to have a short shelf life.
And if it does not go as plan I will remind you daily how foolish you are!
Exactly build WHAT back better?????

The DEMS are the ones that have (and still are) DESTROYING EVERYTHING!!!!

Are you telling me they are going to build it up again to destroy it all......AGAIN??!!!

HOW many times are they going to do this???
If the bill was given an accurate name, like the "Sleepy Joe Massive Give Away and Vote Buying Scam Act" , it wouldn't be so popular.

The real problem here is with the media
What you mean is that it helps the average Americans and you HATE that
Show where I said I was!

Better yet I wrote in another thread stating the infrastructure bill was too small and should have been five trillion dollars, so let get something straight you do not know shit about me!
So tell us HERE...that you favor the bill

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