Build Back Better Bill VERY Popular

You protest to much. A sign of desperation. Wait until that money starts to get spent, and the economy opens up fully next year, and the spring construction season gets going.

Biden is steadily winning, and butt hurt trumphumpers are steadily lying that he isn't. Those lies are going to have a short shelf life.

Been saying it for decades, you commies aren't the first to ignore the Constitution and it's limits on the federal government. But you keep pushing your shit and you may be the last for a long time.

There is strong support across the board for virtually everything in this Bill
This is a progressive bit of agitprop. You have to lie to create the appearance of voter satisfaction over
all this. Thanks for stepping out from behind the curtain.
From YOUR link

And while specific provisions included in the overall proposal appear to be popular with much of the public, surveys suggest that many people feel the measure won’t improve the economy or positively impact their own lives.
1. of course people like it when politicians bribe them with things, the national debt be damned. If Democrats proposed giving every American a check for $100,000 each, how do you think most Americans would feel about that? But, at some point, we need people in government who are actually sane.

2. While Americans might feel good about one of the particular proposals, many are fearful of the entire package. Democrats are throwing in everything they can, including the kitchen sink, because they are fearful that this will be their only chance. This strategy has led Manchin and Sinema and a few others to stand up to the insanity. By asking for everything, Democrats are closer to getting nothing.
You got a poll that shows otherwise?


It's not so much that the gop is taking both the HOuse and the Senate in 22 (and they have a good senate map) but the bill was premised upon covid being gone, and an econ without inflation.

Biden is seen as old and out of touch. Both are at least partially true, but the bill is not aimed at the suburbs and not aimed at shoring up soc sec and medicare. Biden is trying to appease his left wing. And as Va, Minneapolis and Buffalo showed, that ain't enough to win. At least without Trump running.

Build Back Better Bill VERY Popular​

We collapsatarians agree, anything that furthers the economic destruction of the empire is a good thing and this nonsense is a big step forward.
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There is strong support across the board for virtually everything in this Bill

Maybe when they ask the question they should include the caveat that they will pay for it. It isn’t free. Those that don’t pay taxes are most certainly in favor. Go figure.
Don't need to. I can tell from the VA results and NJ results, before you dems cheated again that the majority of the country, that is the areas outside your liberal bubbles, doesn't support this Resident Potato n Chief
Well there shot us. Hate to break it to ya but Donald Trump was for infrastructure bills while he was president. He just did not want Biden to get credit for it.
Well there shot us. Hate to break it to ya but Donald Trump was for infrastructure bills while he was president. He just did not want Biden to get credit for it.
Not the point I was making but Trump's infrastructure plan would have been infinitely better than Resident Poopypants
Not the point I was making but Trump's infrastructure plan would have been infinitely better than Resident Poopypants
Lol, ok shortbus. Either roads, bridges, and sewers get fix or they don't. Trump's bill was not much different. Does not matter much who initiated it. Still the same thing. It is good it has passed our shit is aging. Now that it has passed bstill has to be implemented. We will see if the money goes where it should or just straight into crony pockets. The reality is the pres won't have a great deal to do with that. Now Congress will fight about where it goes state by state then the dot director, county engineer, and city engineer decides from there.

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