Build That Wall!

Nobody expects a wall alone will stop ALL illegals.

But combine it with border enforcement and catapults to fling illegals back on their side it will help a great deal!
Truth is Democrats know that bad people come and go unchecked and unregulated across our open borders. When they victimize Americans and get caught, they get deported and sneak back in. Many do this multiple times. Obama deported so many people only because many of them were being deported over and over again.

Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats who aid and abet illegal immigrants
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America

a wall will really hurt this effort to destabilise and destroy American living standards.
Except that corporations that hire these people will simply import them through HB-1 visas. The monied elite will not be denied their profits at any cost...rather ironic eh?
You are an idiot. The difference is that people getting H1 visas are checked and regulated. I have no issue with LEGAL immigrants. I like them.

What Democrats want is an open border that allows foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will. They make any excuse to keep their human trafficking operations going.
There has not been an "open" border for many decades where have you been?
The reason they come here is refugee laws written and passed by both parties and jobs...If they had zero jobs the problem would be over, change the refugee/migration laws and they disappear without spending trillions on a wall which doesn't stop the problems. Speaking of idiots Reagan gave them amnesty and favored chain migration which GW Bush passed during his tenure. Now you fucking idiot have a damn good day, fuckwad.
Democrats like this guy are so stupid they literally believe that nobody crosses the border illegally in the desert, especially bad people. If you believe like he does, you're a total fool.

Democrats go south and offer free goodies for making the trip.

Raise your hand if you want Americans to pay for the healthcare and welfare of any foreign national that makes it to America...

This is why they foreign nationals are desperate to sneak into America. If you believe otherwise, you're an idiot...

I am curious. How many illegals voted for democrats. Please cite your source, other than the Liar in Chief, and some obscure right wing blog.
Dopers, Please sing along.

"Hey, Mr. Tangerine man, build a wall for me I'm not that bright and don't know that you're not going to Hey, Mr. Tangerine man, keep Muslims away from me With my jingoistic world view, I'll come fo..."

Truth is Democrats know that bad people come and go unchecked and unregulated across our open borders. When they victimize Americans and get caught, they get deported and sneak back in. Many do this multiple times. Obama deported so many people only because many of them were being deported over and over again.

Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats who aid and abet illegal immigrants
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America

a wall will really hurt this effort to destabilise and destroy American living standards.
Except that corporations that hire these people will simply import them through HB-1 visas. The monied elite will not be denied their profits at any cost...rather ironic eh?
You are an idiot. The difference is that people getting H1 visas are checked and regulated. I have no issue with LEGAL immigrants. I like them.

What Democrats want is an open border that allows foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will. They make any excuse to keep their human trafficking operations going.
There has not been an "open" border for many decades where have you been?
The reason they come here is refugee laws written and passed by both parties and jobs...If they had zero jobs the problem would be over, change the refugee/migration laws and they disappear without spending trillions on a wall which doesn't stop the problems. Speaking of idiots Reagan gave them amnesty and favored chain migration which GW Bush passed during his tenure. Now you fucking idiot have a damn good day, fuckwad.
Democrats like this guy are so stupid they literally believe that nobody crosses the border illegally in the desert, especially bad people. If you believe like he does, you're a total fool.

Democrats go south and offer free goodies for making the trip.

Raise your hand if you want Americans to pay for the healthcare and welfare of any foreign national that makes it to America...

This is why they foreign nationals are desperate to sneak into America. If you believe otherwise, you're an idiot...

I am curious. How many illegals voted for democrats. Please cite your source, other than the Liar in Chief, and some obscure right wing blog.
Even if ZERO did, these illegals have children who dont respect America any more than you tards do.

Now the 20 million ILLEGAL'S 4 or 5 ILLEGAL children (80-100 million) will vote for the Party of free stuff.

We know your long term plan
Someone posted a video of the BP arresting the idiots that climbed the new border wall with a rope ladder, b ut it seems to have vanished. I cant find it on UTube either.

Can someone repost it here?


Edit: FOUND IT, thanks!

Last edited:

Well, that is one bad dude out of 12,000,000. Obviously, that translates into the end of the world for us.
To Democrats these dead Americans are nothing more than acceptable collateral damage for the Open Borders they advocate.

According to a study published by the Huffington Post, 85% of the Central American woman who make the illegal trek to our border through the cartel controlled badlands of Northern Mexico are raped in transit. Are you similarly dismissive of this mass rape as acceptable collateral damage in service of your Open Border policies?

Well, that is one bad dude out of 12,000,000. Obviously, that translates into the end of the world for us.
To Democrats these dead Americans are nothing more than acceptable collateral damage for the Open Borders they advocate.

According to a study published by the Huffington Post, 85% of the Central American woman who make the illegal trek to our border through the cartel controlled badlands of Northern Mexico are raped in transit. Are you similarly dismissive of this mass rape as acceptable collateral damage in service of your Open Border policies?

Your deep concern over the welfare of illegals is very moving.....
Well, that is one bad dude out of 12,000,000. Obviously, that translates into the end of the world for us.

I hope you're still saying that when it's YOUR child laying in the casket!

Doesn't he look peaceful?

Just like he's sleeping...

Consider your post reported to the mods.

OH WOW! I actually got you to think!

It's no big deal to you when somebody else is dead...but when it's one of YOUR loved THAT'S a whole different story isn't it?

You filth!
Well, that is one bad dude out of 12,000,000. Obviously, that translates into the end of the world for us.

I hope you're still saying that when it's YOUR child laying in the casket!

Doesn't he look peaceful?

Just like he's sleeping...

Consider your post reported to the mods.

OH WOW! I actually got you to think!

It's no big deal to you when somebody else is dead...but when it's one of YOUR loved THAT'S a whole different story isn't it?

You filth!

Thunk, you really need to calm down. Take Valium.

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