Build the wall and allow DACA recipients like me to stay in America, the country I know and love

No he wasn't.
Fucking moron, yes, he was....

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the Border Security Trust Fund (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Trust Fund’’), consisting of amounts appro- priated to the Trust Fund under subsection (b) and any amounts that may be credited to the Trust Fund under subsection (c).
(b) APPROPRIATION.—There are appropriated to the Trust Fund $25,000,000,000, to remain available until expended.
Sure........sure.........they would find a way to stop it the meantime......they get their DACA and Dreamers for a low down payment.......Once they got that they would find a way.

Plenty of contractors out there to start the Wall and all contracts within a year.........Put it all out front..........not over time.........We have no reason to trust the Dems.
How would they stop it??
e-verify on the 1986 law..............jail time for violations from businesses.....

More court rooms........more facilities.........more surveillance towers .........and YES........BETTER WALLS.

Walls, fences, barriers .......whatever you want to call them.........are part of an overall defense....they built crappy ones and said .......see it doesn't work.

Doesn't matter............they have NO INTENTIONS FOR BORDER is clear as a bell.

They have been saying that for decades and haven't done shit.............Either they are INCOMPETENT at their job..........or they don't want it......which is it Mueller.
Actually ... the question was ... "how would they stop it?"

Can you answer that or are you just gonna exhibit more logorrhea?
They can't work here then they will want to leave..........punish businesses not following the laws and they would stop hiring illegals...........When they can't work they will self deport.

That was the very intention of Reagan's plan in 1986............without the verification process failed and the Dems got their stinking amnesty for it.............was a dang CON JOB..........just like they are trying now.

Lucy........then you find a way to pull the football back again.......

They made those promises in 2006......then didn't pay up.......they did it just for the election........They don't want border security......That is crystal clear......

So take the installment payments and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.
Of course they paid up. They spent billions putting up the roughly 700 miles of walls and fences we have now. why spend billions more to rebuild them?
They didn't follow up on repairs and didn't do as they promised.............Why the shit is falling down now............and the project is UNFINISHED........

They had been asking for funding in the San Diego area to fix the POE for a decade.......they never funded it ........and part of it was a pedestrian walkway to improve the POE...........

Dems don't want this fixed.........or it would have been done decades ago.........Establishment GOP........the same...........

Actions speak louder than words.............they haven't fixed shit..........
Great, show me the bills Republicans sponsored since 2006 to repair the walls and fences that Democrats blocked. Don't forget, Republicans have controlled the House for 8 of the last 12 years since 2006.
google existing legislation in the house last'd be amazed...............Plenty there..........and many with e-verify
Legislative Search Results

Only thousands of bills there..........which one do we want to discuss..........LOL
I asked you how they could stop it. Two posts from you now completely void of explanation.

What else is needed to know you're full of shit as usual?
I'll tell you what ......Mr. Mueller..........a decent wall...........manpower behind it .......most ex-military..........You climb that wall and go through about might break your neck falling from 30 feet..............LOL
Of course they paid up. They spent billions putting up the roughly 700 miles of walls and fences we have now. why spend billions more to rebuild them?
They didn't follow up on repairs and didn't do as they promised.............Why the shit is falling down now............and the project is UNFINISHED........

They had been asking for funding in the San Diego area to fix the POE for a decade.......they never funded it ........and part of it was a pedestrian walkway to improve the POE...........

Dems don't want this fixed.........or it would have been done decades ago.........Establishment GOP........the same...........

Actions speak louder than words.............they haven't fixed shit..........
Great, show me the bills Republicans sponsored since 2006 to repair the walls and fences that Democrats blocked. Don't forget, Republicans have controlled the House for 8 of the last 12 years since 2006.
google existing legislation in the house last'd be amazed...............Plenty there..........and many with e-verify
Legislative Search Results

Only thousands of bills there..........which one do we want to discuss..........LOL
I asked you how they could stop it. Two posts from you now completely void of explanation.

What else is needed to know you're full of shit as usual?
I'll tell you what ......Mr. Mueller..........a decent wall...........manpower behind it .......most ex-military..........You climb that wall and go through about might break your neck falling from 30 feet..............LOL
WTF? Can't you just answer a simple question? How would Congress stop the funds once they're appropriated and placed in a trust fund for border security?
If DACA aliens are for it, how can Dims possibly object?

I am one of the approximately 700,000 so-called Dreamers now living in the U.S. For now, I’m here legally because I am protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. But that protection may end soon, because DACA is being challenged in the courts.

And it might surprise you to know that I’m also a supporter of President Trump. I believe it is vital that we focus on America's safety first and find the necessary resources for the Border Patrol to do its job effectively, while still giving people like me a chance to stay in the only country we’ve ever called home and loved.

As a result, I support the president’s call for a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border. And I understand that he has promised to build a border wall or fence and feels duty-bound to fulfill his promise.

The DACA community is not asking to skip to the head of the line or to be granted citizenship immediately. All we want is a chance to earn citizenship while still being able to stay in this country by paying our taxes, serving our country, supporting our communities, and continuing to pledge allegiance to the only flag we have ever known and loved.

I am the first in my family to get a college degree. I hope to get an MBA in a few years, become an executive at a Fortune 500 company, and eventually become an American citizen who can contribute to the greatness of this country.

I didn’t ask to come to the U.S. when I was a baby – I was too young to talk. But I thank God I was brought here and grew up in the greatest country on Earth. I pray to God that I can stay.
Trump the sick creep has not put out the offer. Democrats will gladly pass the $5 billion Trump wants for his vanity wall in exchange for the Dreamers’ futures. Especially considering they once offered the fat dying Dotard $26 billion for it :lmao:

The Democrats are fucking dishonest asshole dipshits that nobody would ever trust.

Thank goodness that Trump is a real businessman and knows con artist when he see them.

Fuck the Democrats and god damn those stupid Moon Bats that elect the butt pirates to office..
They didn't follow up on repairs and didn't do as they promised.............Why the shit is falling down now............and the project is UNFINISHED........

They had been asking for funding in the San Diego area to fix the POE for a decade.......they never funded it ........and part of it was a pedestrian walkway to improve the POE...........

Dems don't want this fixed.........or it would have been done decades ago.........Establishment GOP........the same...........

Actions speak louder than words.............they haven't fixed shit..........
Great, show me the bills Republicans sponsored since 2006 to repair the walls and fences that Democrats blocked. Don't forget, Republicans have controlled the House for 8 of the last 12 years since 2006.
google existing legislation in the house last'd be amazed...............Plenty there..........and many with e-verify
Legislative Search Results

Only thousands of bills there..........which one do we want to discuss..........LOL
I asked you how they could stop it. Two posts from you now completely void of explanation.

What else is needed to know you're full of shit as usual?
I'll tell you what ......Mr. Mueller..........a decent wall...........manpower behind it .......most ex-military..........You climb that wall and go through about might break your neck falling from 30 feet..............LOL
WTF? Can't you just answer a simple question? How would Congress stop the funds once they're appropriated and placed in a trust fund for border security?
They find legal loop holes and kill it later..........they are very good at that.........

Real simple..........provide the money...and NOT OVER YEARS.......and they can get the contracts rolling within the first get your BS around Congress DACA and Dreamers..................or.............those might just get deported.........seems the legal side there time clock is ticking.
Great, show me the bills Republicans sponsored since 2006 to repair the walls and fences that Democrats blocked. Don't forget, Republicans have controlled the House for 8 of the last 12 years since 2006.
google existing legislation in the house last'd be amazed...............Plenty there..........and many with e-verify
Legislative Search Results

Only thousands of bills there..........which one do we want to discuss..........LOL
I asked you how they could stop it. Two posts from you now completely void of explanation.

What else is needed to know you're full of shit as usual?
I'll tell you what ......Mr. Mueller..........a decent wall...........manpower behind it .......most ex-military..........You climb that wall and go through about might break your neck falling from 30 feet..............LOL
WTF? Can't you just answer a simple question? How would Congress stop the funds once they're appropriated and placed in a trust fund for border security?
They find legal loop holes and kill it later..........they are very good at that.........

Real simple..........provide the money...and NOT OVER YEARS.......and they can get the contracts rolling within the first get your BS around Congress DACA and Dreamers..................or.............those might just get deported.........seems the legal side there time clock is ticking.
Kill what? Why can't you answer?
google existing legislation in the house last'd be amazed...............Plenty there..........and many with e-verify
Legislative Search Results

Only thousands of bills there..........which one do we want to discuss..........LOL
I asked you how they could stop it. Two posts from you now completely void of explanation.

What else is needed to know you're full of shit as usual?
I'll tell you what ......Mr. Mueller..........a decent wall...........manpower behind it .......most ex-military..........You climb that wall and go through about might break your neck falling from 30 feet..............LOL
WTF? Can't you just answer a simple question? How would Congress stop the funds once they're appropriated and placed in a trust fund for border security?
They find legal loop holes and kill it later..........they are very good at that.........

Real simple..........provide the money...and NOT OVER YEARS.......and they can get the contracts rolling within the first get your BS around Congress DACA and Dreamers..................or.............those might just get deported.........seems the legal side there time clock is ticking.
Kill what? Why can't you answer?
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
I asked you how they could stop it. Two posts from you now completely void of explanation.

What else is needed to know you're full of shit as usual?
I'll tell you what ......Mr. Mueller..........a decent wall...........manpower behind it .......most ex-military..........You climb that wall and go through about might break your neck falling from 30 feet..............LOL
WTF? Can't you just answer a simple question? How would Congress stop the funds once they're appropriated and placed in a trust fund for border security?
They find legal loop holes and kill it later..........they are very good at that.........

Real simple..........provide the money...and NOT OVER YEARS.......and they can get the contracts rolling within the first get your BS around Congress DACA and Dreamers..................or.............those might just get deported.........seems the legal side there time clock is ticking.
Kill what? Why can't you answer?
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
I'll tell you what ......Mr. Mueller..........a decent wall...........manpower behind it .......most ex-military..........You climb that wall and go through about might break your neck falling from 30 feet..............LOL
WTF? Can't you just answer a simple question? How would Congress stop the funds once they're appropriated and placed in a trust fund for border security?
They find legal loop holes and kill it later..........they are very good at that.........

Real simple..........provide the money...and NOT OVER YEARS.......and they can get the contracts rolling within the first get your BS around Congress DACA and Dreamers..................or.............those might just get deported.........seems the legal side there time clock is ticking.
Kill what? Why can't you answer?
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
He said yes to $25 billion. He said no to $5 billion per year that required a vote in Congress every year.

Pretending those two things are the same is how we know you're a douchebag.

You pretend that most high dollar appropriations don't get broken down into yearly installments.

That's because you are a moron.

Lucy........then you find a way to pull the football back again.......

They made those promises in 2006......then didn't pay up.......they did it just for the election........They don't want border security......That is crystal clear......

So take the installment payments and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.
Of course they paid up. They spent billions putting up the roughly 700 miles of walls and fences we have now. why spend billions more to rebuild them?
They didn't follow up on repairs and didn't do as they promised.............Why the shit is falling down now............and the project is UNFINISHED........

They had been asking for funding in the San Diego area to fix the POE for a decade.......they never funded it ........and part of it was a pedestrian walkway to improve the POE...........

Dems don't want this fixed.........or it would have been done decades ago.........Establishment GOP........the same...........

Actions speak louder than words.............they haven't fixed shit..........
Great, show me the bills Republicans sponsored since 2006 to repair the walls and fences that Democrats blocked. Don't forget, Republicans have controlled the House for 8 of the last 12 years since 2006.
Yet again ... no answer from eagle1462010

You pretend that most high dollar appropriations don't get broken down into yearly installments.

That's because you are a moron.

Lucy........then you find a way to pull the football back again.......

They made those promises in 2006......then didn't pay up.......they did it just for the election........They don't want border security......That is crystal clear......

So take the installment payments and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.
Of course they paid up. They spent billions putting up the roughly 700 miles of walls and fences we have now. why spend billions more to rebuild them?
They didn't follow up on repairs and didn't do as they promised.............Why the shit is falling down now............and the project is UNFINISHED........

They had been asking for funding in the San Diego area to fix the POE for a decade.......they never funded it ........and part of it was a pedestrian walkway to improve the POE...........

Dems don't want this fixed.........or it would have been done decades ago.........Establishment GOP........the same...........

Actions speak louder than words.............they haven't fixed shit..........
Great, show me the bills Republicans sponsored since 2006 to repair the walls and fences that Democrats blocked. Don't forget, Republicans have controlled the House for 8 of the last 12 years since 2006.
Yet again ... no answer from eagle1462010

I answered.........don't trust your up front.........PERIOD.......or no deal............We know the games your side plays............just like Reagan got played by the Dems back in the day...............No Mas..........
WTF? Can't you just answer a simple question? How would Congress stop the funds once they're appropriated and placed in a trust fund for border security?
They find legal loop holes and kill it later..........they are very good at that.........

Real simple..........provide the money...and NOT OVER YEARS.......and they can get the contracts rolling within the first get your BS around Congress DACA and Dreamers..................or.............those might just get deported.........seems the legal side there time clock is ticking.
Kill what? Why can't you answer?
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
Dayum, there's no limit to your ignorance, is there?

Again, the funds, all $25 billion, would have been appropriated immediately upon passage of the bill and placed into a trust fund.

What part of that do you still not understand?

They find legal loop holes and kill it later..........they are very good at that.........

Real simple..........provide the money...and NOT OVER YEARS.......and they can get the contracts rolling within the first get your BS around Congress DACA and Dreamers..................or.............those might just get deported.........seems the legal side there time clock is ticking.
Kill what? Why can't you answer?
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
Dayum, there's no limit to your ignorance, is there?

Again, the funds, all $25 billion, would have been appropriated immediately upon passage of the bill and placed into a trust fund.

What part of that do you still not understand?

I don't trust your trust fund..............Your side always finds way of pulling the money back all the promises of 2006......BS.

Like the promises in 1986..............BS..............
Kill what? Why can't you answer?
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
Dayum, there's no limit to your ignorance, is there?

Again, the funds, all $25 billion, would have been appropriated immediately upon passage of the bill and placed into a trust fund.

What part of that do you still not understand?

I don't trust your trust fund..............Your side always finds way of pulling the money back all the promises of 2006......BS.

Like the promises in 1986..............BS..............
Who cares what you trust? You've proven to be too ignorant to even know the entire $25 billion would have been appropriated. That's why you look like the schmuck you are by claiming Democrats could just stop payment -- after they would have given it all.
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
Dayum, there's no limit to your ignorance, is there?

Again, the funds, all $25 billion, would have been appropriated immediately upon passage of the bill and placed into a trust fund.

What part of that do you still not understand?

I don't trust your trust fund..............Your side always finds way of pulling the money back all the promises of 2006......BS.

Like the promises in 1986..............BS..............
Who cares what you trust? You've proven to be too ignorant to even know the entire $25 billion would have been appropriated. That's why you look like the schmuck you are by claiming Democrats could just stop payment -- after they would have given it all.
Illegal aliens not belong here, So shut the fuck up
The funding dumb ass.............Put the money up front..........for contracts now.......not the over years BS..............we don't trust you...........and we have no reason to trust you.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
Dayum, there's no limit to your ignorance, is there?

Again, the funds, all $25 billion, would have been appropriated immediately upon passage of the bill and placed into a trust fund.

What part of that do you still not understand?

I don't trust your trust fund..............Your side always finds way of pulling the money back all the promises of 2006......BS.

Like the promises in 1986..............BS..............
Who cares what you trust? You've proven to be too ignorant to even know the entire $25 billion would have been appropriated. That's why you look like the schmuck you are by claiming Democrats could just stop payment -- after they would have given it all.
Your side always have ways to fuck the deal later..............I have no reason to trust you..........none whatsoever............your side doesn't want border security............or it would already be done.

Why should I care what Career politicians say anymore anyhow.............if they were worth a fuck then we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we.

They don't want it's crystal clear now.........
I'm sorry Faun, but democrats can't take a dump on a piece of paper and expect full amnesty for Dreamers. They didn't offer ANY of Trump's demands. A fraction of the money up front is ludicrous. I'm not sure how you could find ANY good faith negotiating in that deal. They had no intention of addressing immigration, none. They wouldn't even fix immigration for full amnesty for Dreamers.
You didn't read the bill, did ya, moron? Had you, you would have known the bill would have appropriated all $25 billion.

Now do you see why everyone laughs at you for being so ignorant?
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
Dayum, there's no limit to your ignorance, is there?

Again, the funds, all $25 billion, would have been appropriated immediately upon passage of the bill and placed into a trust fund.

What part of that do you still not understand?

I don't trust your trust fund..............Your side always finds way of pulling the money back all the promises of 2006......BS.

Like the promises in 1986..............BS..............
Who cares what you trust? You've proven to be too ignorant to even know the entire $25 billion would have been appropriated. That's why you look like the schmuck you are by claiming Democrats could just stop payment -- after they would have given it all.
Illegal aliens not belong here, So shut the fuck up
I have a better idea -- why don't you finish sucking off trump and then fuck off yourself? :suck:

Meanwhile, this thread is about a deal between left and right. Money for the wall for the right and a path to citizenship for DACA for the left. Negotiations aren't where one side gets everything they want while the other side gets nothing they want. That's why trump looked like such a 4 year old cry baby today, storming out of the negotiations because he couldn't get everything he wanted while giving up nothing.
I'm sorry Faun, but democrats can't take a dump on a piece of paper and expect full amnesty for Dreamers. They didn't offer ANY of Trump's demands. A fraction of the money up front is ludicrous. I'm not sure how you could find ANY good faith negotiating in that deal. They had no intention of addressing immigration, none. They wouldn't even fix immigration for full amnesty for Dreamers.
They offered him $25 billion. That's billion, with a 'B.' Democrats voted 46-3 in favor of that in exchange for a deal over DACA.

That wasn't good enough for him.

Well fuck him now.
Over time asshole.............and to be honest...........why the hell should we honor DACA and the Dreamers when it was a dang abuse of power under Obama.............

I think we should just enforce the laws on the books like crazy and start deporting in mass.........then you'd have a real meltdown now wouldn't you.
Dayum, there's no limit to your ignorance, is there?

Again, the funds, all $25 billion, would have been appropriated immediately upon passage of the bill and placed into a trust fund.

What part of that do you still not understand?

I don't trust your trust fund..............Your side always finds way of pulling the money back all the promises of 2006......BS.

Like the promises in 1986..............BS..............
Who cares what you trust? You've proven to be too ignorant to even know the entire $25 billion would have been appropriated. That's why you look like the schmuck you are by claiming Democrats could just stop payment -- after they would have given it all.
Illegal aliens not belong here, So shut the fuck up
I have a better idea -- why don't you finish sucking off trump and then fuck off yourself? :suck:

Meanwhile, this thread is about a deal between left and right. Money for the wall for the right and a path to citizenship for DACA for the left. Negotiations aren't where one side gets everything they want while the other side gets nothing they want. That's why trump looked like such a 4 year old cry baby today, storming out of the negotiations because he couldn't get everything he wanted while giving up nothing.
I think we are saying what you are saying to us............take your deals and shove them up your ass.............Looks like this is going to be a long shutdown.

Oh well..........Instant Balanced Budget.

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