Bullet size the next line of attack on the 2nd Amendment..

Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.

They are also designed to ruin lives if they don't kill immediately. The shockwave of some bullets will near liquify organs. Not a myth.

There are some bullet designs that may be more prone to tumble than others in both handguns and rifles...but rifle rounds generally are NOT designed to tumble...that is a Vietnam Era urban legend...a myth. Debunked many times.

Liquify organs?!?! Do some actual research...don't believe everything you read on the anti-gun websites.

And don't feel like you're under attack for believing the tumbling bullet myth...I fell for it too once upon a time...that's how I learned it was a myth.
Are you saying that bigger bullets aren't more likely to kill a person?

Bigger bullets aren't more likely to kill a person...


Is .22lr The Best for Self Defense? - The Truth About Guns

If this were the case, then why have more powerful guns?

It's the same reason rifles are chambered in everything from 17 HMR to 500 S&W. Different people have different philosophy of use.
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Good. We need to be creative, and bullets aren’t covered in the Constitution.

Ummm, yeah, they are. All part of that "well regulated" part. Can't be in good working order with no ammo.
Your AC unit is still in good working order when the power goes out.

It is? Tell that to the wife when she's sweating up a storm. Or how about all of those old people who die when the power go's out and their oxygen generators stop working. They're in "good working order", but they ain't working.

Seems like your logic is the usual epic fail. But then you're just not very smart, so that is typical ain't it.....
A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’

Killing "better" is the whole idea. What a ridiculous angle to use against gun owners.

Regardless, and speaking to bullet weight and diameter, the prime considerations for the superiority of a larger bullet are larger wound channel and increased foot-pounds of kinetic energy, along with phantom hydrostatic shock and "stopping power". I recommend a book by Peter Hathaway Capstick: Last Horizons, for a better treatise on large bullet size and stopping power against dangerous African Big Game animals.

In the unlikely event of some kind of bullet size limit or ban, the authors and backers of such an inane policy will have won no victory. Increasing the speed of smaller bullets can approach the effectiveness of slower moving large ones, and even exceed large bullet ballistic energy in alternative ways. Extreme velocity small bullets made of traditional materials can disintegrate just after leaving the muzzle when loaded too "hot". However, FMJ's and bullets jacketed by synthetics and DU or tungsten alloys can survive excessively fast velocities, and kill more "humanely" and quickly than traditional large diameter, slower rounds by means of liquification of vital organs as the bullet passes through body cavities and then continues on to exit at high speeds as well.

What the fools who champion this kind of bullet restriction fail to realize is that if they take away large bullets, shooters will make smaller ones go faster, in order to make up the "killing power" potential, especially for use in heavily wooded areas or thickets when hunting dangerous game, and increasing danger to the hunter from bullet deflections when shooting through brush. What that means--increasing bullet speed--is the higher risk of the bullet passing through the target and hitting something, or someone unintended. Of course bullet design and material composition can effect bullet over penetration as well.

In short, they'd be solving a "threat" that didn't exist and in doing so creating one that previously had not.
Bullet size is not the problem. Firearms are not the problem. It is much more complex than that:
mental sickness and feeble thinking on the part of the U.S. 'culture'; worshiping at the alter of distorted, testosterone induced responses; fascination with violence and force; obsession with projecting power over others; lack of self understanding and resources for in depth reflection....
The "problem" is all these and more.
Firearms in the mix is just extremely dangerous.
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.

They are also designed to ruin lives if they don't kill immediately. The shockwave of some bullets will near liquify organs. Not a myth.
Dumb shit.... you didn't wait for the actual information...it wasn't a mass public shooting it was a murder suicide....all family. the shooter killed a relative and his wife at the nursing home, then himself, and two more were found at a home at another location.... you dumb ass....

And to really make you mad....... he didn't use an AR-15...do you need a kleenex for your tears?.... He used a pistol..... big let down for the gun grabbers...

Five dead isn't a mass shooting? Interesting....
Are you dancing in the streets yet?

Naw, with all the mass shootings we have, I'd get tired of dancing pretty quickly...

Just like I'm kind of tired of mass shootings.

I am getting tired of assholes trying to take away my Constitutional rights.

Why do Liberals always have to be assholes on every issue?

If you assholes were really concerned about shootings you would be deploring the Black on Black shootings that comprise most of the gun crime in the US.

Of course this gets explained to you in every one of these threads but you ignore it because your agenda is really not to stop gun killings. Your agenda is to take firearms away from White Conservative gun owners because they are the biggest threat to making America the socialist shithole that you desire so much.
I am getting tired of assholes trying to take away my Constitutional rights.

Why do Liberals always have to be assholes on every issue?

If you assholes were really concerned about shootings you would be deploring the Black on Black shootings that comprise most of the gun crime in the US.

Most gun deaths are people who are shot by guns owned by someone in the home, usually, themselves or a family member.

Of 11,000 gun homicides, only 2000 are classified as "Gang related".

Of course this gets explained to you in every one of these threads but you ignore it because your agenda is really not to stop gun killings. Your agenda is to take firearms away from White Conservative gun owners because they are the biggest threat to making America the socialist shithole that you desire so much.

Well, you keep making these claims, but they just don't hold up to any kind of scrutiny.

A Majority of Gun Victims Know Their Assailant
A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
I guess the latest track of 'common sense' legislation... While I and my bf like 'rolling our own' competition and hunting cartridges from commercially available bullets, brass & primers; the following is not an entirely lost art form... just not as efficacious in all circumstances as the modern plated, frangible and polymer tipped hunting bullets available... lol. If bigger bullets are the issue, a 200 - 300 grain .30 cal or larger is easily attainable on your reloading bench...
As the ignorance of the 'anti's' is astounding... the below are bullets (hunks of lead) these particular ones have copper plating on them over the lead... This is what you are wanting to regulate...

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